
Saturday, 23rd February (12:00 noon) George and Paul interview, 954 2UE
Monday, 25th February: (7:10am) Alan Jones interview, 873 2GB
Click more for booking details of the other dates this week in Sydney & Newcastle, next week in Perth, and the week after that in Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
Tuesday 26th February: Evening (7.30 pm) South Newcastle Leagues club, 46 Llewellyn St Merewether NSW
Thursday 28th February: Evening (7:30 pm) North Sydney Leagues Club, Abbott St Cammeray NSW 2062
Friday 1st March: Afternoon (1:00 pm) Sydney Mechanics School – Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 280 Pitt St, Sydney
Friday 1st March: Evening (7:00 pm) Sydney Mechanics School – Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 280 Pitt St, Sydney
Wednesday 6th March: Evening (7:30 pm) Dalkieth Hall,Perth. 97 Waratah Avenue Dalkeith
Friday 8th March: Evening social event in Subiaco Perth, with Monckton, organized by Perth skeptics. Email Elisha Ladhams (ladhamsej AT gmail.com) for details.
Saturday 9th March: Evening Presentation at UWA. Details to be advised. Email Elisha Ladhams (ladhamsej AT gmail.com).
Tuesday 12th March: Evening (7:00 pm) THE IRISH CLUB, Brisbane.175 Elizabeth Street Brisbane, opposite The HILTON
Wednesday 13th March: Coolangatta and Tweed Heads Golf Club, Gold coast
New Zealand Tour
1st April – 26th April: For Tour Details Links and Dates in New Zealand see: The Climate Realist’s Network
To book a Ticket:
Phone Mike at The Lord Monckton Foundation on 03 9852 2320
Visit Ticketek online (though some venues are not available on Ticketek yet, it will be updated in the next few days).