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Radio interview and 100,000th comment!

We are just 40 odd comments today from the 100,000th lucky commenter!!! Wait for it, we’ll be sending you on a world tour, a dinner for two, I might just post the Grand Winner both Skeptics Handbook I and II 🙂

Kerry Lutz

And for those who would like some weekend listening I did an interview with Kerry Lutz at the Financial Survival Network. (It’s 15 or 20 minutes). The overlap between skeptics of government science and skeptics of government money grows more obvious. We ranged through climategate to ad hominen arguements, the art of rhetoric, the regulating class, blaming “free markets” for the failures of unfree ones and spanish solar panels among other things. It was 11pm for me, somehow I could (mostly) string the words together.


PS: The comments counter is on the right hand column under “statistics”. (99,982…)


UPDATE: A Winner!

OK. Doing the numbers behind the scenes, it appears (!!!) Bob Malloy hit the big 100k, with Redc being mere seconds behind. So I’ll send books to both of you. Unless I’m wrong, I think Bob pipped redc for the title. :-) (Gee Aye deserves an honorable mention for comment 99,999 and 100,002).

Note that as I write this, the stats are


100,023 Approved

0 Pending

15,567 Spam

That spam number are just the ones in the spam queue right now (approx 14 days worth).
But (Egad) we missed the really Big clock-over where the total spam hit *1 million*.

“Akismet has protected your site from 1,103,728 spam comments already.”

So there’s the real victor of blog comments – the bots. 90% of comments are spam. Thank goodness for the Askimet filter. You can see why, when your comments disappear into the filter, they will never be seen again unless you ask our starring wonderful dedicated and wise moderators to fish them out (support AT joannenova.com.au). I stopped checking the spam filter in August 2009.

Thank you to commenters and moderators!

The site would not be the same without you :-)

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