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James Delingpole on Tour in Australia — Book Now!

The brilliant James Delingpole is coming to Australia thanks to the IPA to promote freedom for the world, to rescue modern science and to sell a hundred thousand copies of his new book: Killing the Earth to Save It (How Environmentalists are ruining the planet, destroying the economy and stealing your jobs). He is visiting Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne,  Sydney, and  Brisbane.

If you don’t know who James Delingpole is, all I can say is Where Have You Been?

Delingpole is devastating. His disarming honesty, outrageous anecdotes and wide ranging research makes for an ripping read that combines politics, science, money in ways only Delingpole can. His quips paralyze the most excessively pious and drown pomposity with cold common sense.

He has a knack for getting to the heart of the matter, and usually with a poleaxe. I’d heard a lot about Agenda 21, but I didn’t know why it mattered or where it came from until I read Killing the Earth…”

James Delingpole  one of the worlds most popular, most irreverent libertarian commentators. His twitter bio says: I’m right about everything.  He pulls no punches, and tells it like it is.

Guaranteed to be eye-opening, though provoking, and entertaining.

Date: Tuesday 17 April
Venue: Royal Perth Yacht Club
Australia II Drive, Crawley
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Cost: Free
RSVP Essential: [email protected]

In Perth, numbers are limited, so please RSVP with names to make sure you don’t miss out. Thanks to Council for the National Interest (CNI WA) for helping with the Perth event. We’ll be asking for donations to cover the costs on the night.

Date: Monday 23 April
Venue: The Bert Kelly Research Centre
Time: 12.30pm – 2pm
Cost: Free for IPA Members
$15 for Non-members
RSVP: 03 9600 4744

Date: Thursday 26 April
Venue: CQ Functions, 113 Queen Street
Time: 5 for 5.30pm – 7pm
Cost: Free for IPA Members
$15 for Non-members
RSVP: 03 9600 4744

Date: 30 April 2012
Venue: Level 4, 38 Oxley St, St Leonards
Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Cost: Free for CIS Members
$11 for Non-members
02 9438 4377 or

Date: Wednesday 2 May
Venue: Novotel, 200 Creek Street
Time: 5.30 for 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Cost: Free for IPA Members
$15 for Non-members
RSVP: 03 9600 4744



Rachel Leigh
Telephone 03 9600 4744
Email [email protected]

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