Hello Earthians! It’s time to say thank you to Edison, to Faraday and Maxwell, it’s time to celebrate the Gift of Light.
Saturday night at 8.30 – 9.30pm this week is the Hour of Power
(Don’t confuse this with the splinter group celebrations called Earth Hour, where people sit in the dark — so they can appreciate the glory of luminosity come 9.31).
The Glory! We are the lucky generation with light at the flick of a switch

The CEI gets the thumbs up too. They are running Human Achievement Hour. (Click the image for more info).
In the hundred thousand years since homo sapiens came to be, people have fled bondage, wars, small-pox, dysentery, died from minor scratches, starved to death, been ravaged by lions, stricken by cholera, and survived the odd ninety thousand year stretches of hypothermic, abysmal ice age. We lived in the darkness for 99,900 years, cowering in corners, listening to drips, waiting for the sun.
There is only one type of Freedom – and all else is servitude, slavery or tyranny.
It’s your chance to show your commitment to fighting the forces of darkness. Be brave, stand up to the people who want to tell you what kind of globe you are allowed to buy. Feed the world by helping to boost global CO2 to lift crop yields and fertilize farms all over the planet. Children are hungry in Haiti and, since CO2 is a well mixed gas, sooner or later, you will be helping them.
Things you can do at 8.30 on Saturday:
- Write down the tally on the electricity meter.
- Turn on all the lights you can find (bonus points for incandescents from the stash.)
- Put on the party lights, the patio light, the pool light, the mozzie zappers, unpack those Christmas decorations. Get out your torches. Switch the movement detector spotlights to continuous operation. (Involve the kids — they love to help).
- Light your backyard with the landcruiser headlights! (Don’t flatten the battery, make sure you keep that engine running.)
- Don’t forget those bar radiators — revel in that infra red! (Light the kitchen with the ones in the oven and grill.)
- Eat Argentinian Lamb steak, Danish butter, Argentinian Cheese, Belgian Chocolate, and Californian Oranges.
- Drink German Beer and or French Champagne. Drink toasts to coal miners, oil rig workers, and power station staff.
- Take a photo, take lots of photos, and send them to myself, and Tim Blair and Andrew Bolt.
- At 9.30pm read that meter and tell us how many KWhr you’ve liberated. Who will win The Hour of Power?
Some of those fossil fuels have been waiting for 100 million years to return to the sky.
The cheapest most cost-effective way to liberate those fuels is to buy Hard Coking Coal which is as cheap as $1/ton on Alibaba (enough for every power hour for the rest of your life, and there’ll be some left for the kids too: the minimum order is 30,000 t. Send your bulk carrier.)
Failing that, just fill up a jerry can.
“I promise to turn every light in the house on as well as fill a small metal container with gasoline, light it on fire and watch it burn in my front yard,” read one message in a Syracuse online paper in 2009. That, my friends, is the true Hour of Power spirit”. [From Tim Blair]
Why is your participation important?
Our future depends on electricity. Governments need to know that they mess with it at their peril. They will raise the price of electricity until the public rebel– so rebel now, while you can afford to.
The Hour of Power raises awareness of how precious the Gift of 24-7 light, heat, cooling, hot water, and emergency hospital departments are. It’s hard to get an x-ray without electrons.
There is but one civilization on Earth which has, albeit imperfectly, managed to give more people the right to pursue happiness than any other.
You can help to save it.
This post was inspired by Tim Blair. Thanks Tim.