More evidence of the backlash against the dominant Green-memes. (There’s a rich field of possibilities there for the taking.) Funny or Die do a pretty good job. UPDATE: hilariously I hear, these are “warmer” personalities, thanks Bananabender and Curt, but if they thought they were poking fun at skeptics, it only shows how badly this has backfired. (The warmer-team are the ones who not only suggest we can control the climate, and they’re already asking us to pay up now for the service.)

"Stop the Environment", Funny or Die video snapshot.
Warning: Coarse language. (They’re saying, “F U,” to Mother Nature) This is a Funny Or Die creation by Thomas Lennon, Ben Garant, Ed Asner and Mindy Sterling.
Copy 1. 🙂
As a back-up copy (with a small Ad at the start.)
I’ve done two lots of “embedding” code that may or may not work for you, but if you can’t see it here, you can always visit their site. 🙂
“Mother Earth has been hitting us pretty hard lately.”
“I don’t know if you’ve checked the scoreboard lately, but the environment has been kicking the s–t out of us. Haven’t we had enough?”
“Climate change is real, and we’re causing it, and you know what?
“Our cars have climate control, our homes, our casino’s, but our world doesn’t.
That’s not right…”
It’s time, to stop the environment, before it stops us…
Don’t take anything about this seriously. It would have been even funnier if it was chopped slightly, and with less repetition of the f– word. But it’s got gusto, creativity, slick timing and is very very pointed.
UPDATE: OK. Maybe it wasn’t “pointed” but rather a spray in the dark by people who don’t realize why some of it is so funny. (If so, that explains a few of the flat spots which I would have edited out.)
Hat tip: owed to a sharp soul. Please email me again! Sorry…