It’s important for the big-government-dependent parties to deny the power of the Convoy.
Less than a week ago, there was a rally at Parliament House with around 3,000-5,000 people. And today there was another one, this one with around 600 vehicles according to Matt and Janet Thompson, and this one by people who have gone to extraordinary lengths, driving up to 5,000 kilometers from all corners of the country.
The convoy is a rolling protest that involved thousands of people across the nation. In Sydney, people switched their headlights on in sympathy, and Andrew Bolt records at least one witness suggesting half the cars on the road had their lights on.
Feelings and support for the convoy are widespread and running high. One of the convoy supporters from near Clermont reports: ‘In only 24 hours, we gathered 300 signatures for the petition, local beef producers had organised fuel donations of over $13,000 and the CWA had organised food and drinks for everyone on the convoy. This support from a town of only 2000 was amazing and a testament to a united effort.’
Dale Stiller’s comment is typical on Just Grounds: The convoy has experienced nothing but support. There have been flags, balloons & ribbons on gates, signs & fences all the way from Rockhampton to Goondiwindi. Other trucks as they pass on the highway are on the 2way, wishing the convoy well and of course often accompanied by a blast of the air horns.
The bottom line is that the nation supports the Convoy: There are over 100,000 votes on the NineMSN poll and 80% are with the trucks.

Photo: A convoy of trucks protesting against the Federal Government's proposed carbon tax make their way through the Canberra CBD (User submitted: Michael Sherwood)
So what do you do when hundreds of cars, trucks and vans descend on the Parliament in a historic move, from all over the country, demanding an election? If you are the ABC, you call it “200 trucks”, don’t mention the cars, feature those who have an interest in putting down the protest (Bob Brown), and make sure you mention how it was “smaller than expected” when actually, it started as one driver, and thousands of people joined in. The ABC coverage is so shamefully biased, a government PR agency could hardly have done a better job. They carefully avoided selecting any of the key messages in the speeches or petition (but they put in any odd unconnected grievance they could find); they didn’t interview the organizers, instead just showing a snippet of a song and a truckie tooting. They didn’t mention how far the trucks had come, how much expense they had gone too, or that the Convoy had gone to great lengths to make sure they didn’t inconvenience the people of Canberra.
That ABC report didn’t ask a single driver why they had felt it was necessary to take such extraordinary action.
Unless I missed it, the 6pm ABC radio news in Perth found time to mention there was backburning around Broome (it is a big wildfire up there), but not enough time to mention that thousands of people are so angry with the government they drove all the way from Broome to protest.
The Convoy organizers staged their entry so carefully, coordinating it with the Federal Police. They meticulously planned everything so as not to put out the average Canberran, even starting at 5.30am so as to avoid the peak hour traffic. They were scrupulously considerate. (Perhaps too much so.)
In the end, the fact that they were so well organized and polite was used against them. The pro-government forces hyped up the anger against the out-of-towners with threats that “it would cause major traffic delays” and “bring Canberra to a standstill”. But when the protest didn’t cause any of the promised disruption, instead of admitting they were wrong, and apologizing, they pretended that the lack of traffic problems shows the Convoy was a fizzer. Spin spin spin. It’s too easy, isn’t it? If the Convoy had slowed up the traffic, it would be called a nuisance.
How do you portray the grassroots movement of cattlemen, miners, truck-drivers, business-people and farmers as being unrepresentative? Just call them all “truckies”. Oh, and ignore the devastating polls that show that this government is one of the most unpopular groups in all Australian history — that indeed 6 out of 10 Australians share similar opinions to the protestors that are being called “extremists”.
It’s time we protested about the ABC. What’s the point in protesting about the government, if it won’t be reported accurately by the main Australian taxpayer funded broadcaster? Solve the ABC problem first, then the other problem — inept, self serving governments — will tend to solve itself. It’s time to demand better reporting, or get our tax money back.
Some of the news round up:
Govt, Greens claim truck rally a ‘flop’
Canberra braces for truckie convoy protesting against Gillard Government
The number of drivers joining the ‘convoy of no-confidence’ has failed to meet organisers’ expectations
Photo Gallery
Police baffled by Alan Jones’ claim Convoy of No Confidence trucks stopped at ACT border
The Labor Party is mocking the people who would normally be its support base
Anthony Albanese, Labor MP, stood in the House of Reps and labelled the concerns of ordinary Australia, represented by the Convoy, as a “Convoy of No Consequence”. Then he and his colleagues laughed….
Rashida Khan replied: The government thinks the plight of the average Aussie of all walks of life who politely ask for better treatment and respect is a stupid joke.
Denise on Just Grounds: Paul, we’ll get the last laugh when they lose their seats at the next election. We will laugh loud an long.
The Just Grounds team are asking people to email the Government:
Please send out emails tonight and tomorrow morning to Labor and Greens MP’s – ask them whether they will meet with Convoy organisers and listen to the concerns of ordinary Australians.
You can either:
1. Click on this link and follow the instructions to send the pre-written letter to all politicians; or
2. Write your own letter and put this address in the “To” box of the email mailto:[email protected]; or
3. Write your own letter and manually put in email addresses. (Psst, says Jo, I have an email list here…for Australian Parliamentary Representatives)
The SMH Journalist Jaqcueline Maley reports Alan Jones’s response:
”There are farmers there who say to their wives and family – I hope you’re listening and report this, Jacqueline Maley from The Sydney Morning Herald [SMH] – who say to their wives and family, ‘I’m just going [up] the back to fix up the fences, and they don’t come back,”’ he told the crowd, who duly jeered at me.
”I spend a lot of my time doing those sorts of things. I’ve just been asked by a journalist from The Sydney Morning Herald, am I getting a fee from being here today?”
But goes on to say how intimidated she felt by the vitriolic booing: “All because I asked a question.”
Ms Maley completely underestimated the depth of the anger that it takes to get productive people to drive across the continent to protest. These people are losing businesses, sometimes their life’s work, and are protesting at great personal expense. Alan Jones is referring to suicides among farmers. Our politicians are using bare-faced outrageous lies, and treating the people they are supposed to serve with contempt. No wonder people are mad.
Ms Maley was presumably paid to be there. They just don’t get it.
UPDATE: Those in the Convoy had a blast.
Matt and Janet were euphoric when I spoke to them yesterday. See
Quadrant for the Thompsons reports and photos.
“Matt and I both cried. After 4½ days of driving across Australia, hearing from every-day hard-working Australians about how difficult it is to just get on with producing, we had one hell of a welcome to Canberra yesterday morning!”
Sunday, 21 August 2011:Would you switch banks if it were easier?Yes: 29607 (64%) No: 16324 (36%)
Wednesday, 17 August 2011:Do the proposed Qantas changes put you off flying with them?Yes: 34349 (54%) No: 29265 (46%)
Tuesday, 16 August 2011:Should city speed limits be reduced to 30km/h?Yes: 14390 (17%) No: 72081 (83%)
Monday, 15 August 2011:Should a national ‘Ministry of Food’ be established to fight obesity?Yes: 33947 (50%) No: 33703 (50%)
Wednesday, 10 August 2011:Should there be a remake of cult film Dirty Dancing?Yes: 17465 (24%) No: 55202 (76%)
Saturday, 06 August 2011:Will Australia avoid entering recession?Yes: 25421 (47%) No: 29021 (53%)
Thursday, 04 August 2011:Would you travel interstate by high-speed train?Yes: 58825 (83%) No: 12005 (17%)
Tuesday, 02 August 2011:Can you afford a rate rise?Yes: 39606 (37%) No: 66508 (63%)
Monday, 01 August 2011:Should Bailey have been sacked over Melbourne’s 186-point loss?Yes: 19933 (33%) No: 41332 (67%)
Sunday, 31 July 2011:Do you agree with the British PM’s praise of Gillard’s carbon plan?Yes: 9907 (20%) No: 40151 (80%)
Saturday, 30 July 2011:Should ethics classes be taught in schools?Yes: 60150 (73%) No: 21868 (27%)
Thursday, 28 July 2011:Should bats be culled to stop the Hendra virus?Yes: 98956 (81%) No: 23443 (19%)
Tuesday, 26 July 2011:Should public funding go to private schools?Yes: 44691 (31%) No: 98785 (69%)
Sunday, 24 July 2011:Is Cadel Evans’ Tour win the greatest ever sporting success by an Aussie?Yes: 49666 (50%) No: 50455 (50%)
Sunday, 24 July 2011:Is Evans’ win Australia’s greatest individual sporting achievement?Yes: 64822 (53%) No: 57934 (47%)
Thursday, 21 July 2011:Should parents be able to access their kids’ Facebook page?Yes: 123302 (86%) No: 19311 (14%)
Saturday, 16 July 2011:Have you been spending less this year?Yes: 56817 (70%) No: 24507 (30%)
Friday, 15 July 2011:Should restaurants be allowed to ban children?Yes: 77403 (55%) No: 63832 (45%)
Sunday, 10 July 2011:Are you worried the carbon tax will drive up living costs?Yes: 107241 (88%) No: 14741 (12%)
Saturday, 09 July 2011:Should governments oversee future space programs?Yes: 32026 (57%) No: 24148 (43%)
Monday, 04 July 2011:Has the Tiger debacle put you off flying budget airlines?Yes: 71169 (66%) No: 36923 (34%)
Friday, 01 July 2011:Do you think Schapelle Corby is innocent?Yes: 51907 (34%) No: 98856 (66%)
Monday, 27 June 2011:Should low-income households have to pay the carbon tax?Yes: 50713 (35%) No: 93950 (65%)
Monday, 27 June 2011:Do you think white settlers “invaded” Australia in 1788?Yes: 62510 (38%) No: 103103 (62%)
Monday, 27 June 2011:Should shoppers be banned from wearing hooded tops?Yes: 97225 (67%) No: 48019 (33%)
Sunday, 26 June 2011:Should Australia ditch the 5 cent coin?Yes: 52541 (42%) No: 73539 (58%)
Friday, 24 June 2011:Should there be a price on carbon?Yes: 27872 (23%) No: 92927 (77%)
Thursday, 23 June 2011:Should Aussie troops ‘stay the course’ in Afghanistan?Yes: 42432 (34%) No: 81525 (66%)
Monday, 13 June 2011:Should the government return to the Nauru solution?Yes: 63679 (79%) No: 16988 (21%)
Sunday, 12 June 2011:Will emissions restrictions on new cars help cut smog levels?Yes: 30240 (41%) No: 43423 (59%)
Saturday, 11 June 2011:Do you feel the impact of rising power prices?Yes: 85453 (92%) No: 7096 (8%)
Friday, 10 June 2011:Should Ricky Nixon get his player agent licence reinstated?Yes: 40157 (34%) No: 77034 (66%)
Wednesday, 08 June 2011:Do health concerns put you off eating fast food?Yes: 72570 (61%) No: 46681 (39%)
Wednesday, 08 June 2011:Should the live export ban be overturned for Aussie farmers?Yes: 57113 (51%) No: 55651 (49%)
Tuesday, 07 June 2011:Is it time for Australian troops to leave Afghanistan?Yes: 103737 (74%) No: 36935 (26%)
Monday, 06 June 2011:Should an election be called before a carbon tax is introduced?Yes: 117148 (81%) No: 27493 (19%)
Friday, 03 June 2011:Should child refugees be part of the swap with Malaysia?Yes: 72667 (56%) No: 56478 (44%)
Thursday, 02 June 2011:Do you prefer to shop online?Yes: 47319 (40%) No: 72076 (60%)
Wednesday, 01 June 2011:Do the new cancer findings put you off using your mobile?Yes: 43477 (42%) No: 60920 (58%)
Sunday, 29 May 2011:Does celebrity endorsement sway your opinion on issues?Yes: 6649 (7%) No: 86482 (93%)
Thursday, 26 May 2011:Will you miss Oprah?Yes: 36870 (26%) No: 107406 (74%)
Wednesday, 18 May 2011:Do privacy concerns stop you uploading photos on Facebook?Yes: 73114 (69%) No: 32465 (31%)
Monday, 16 May 2011:Are police warnings about ‘planking’ justified?Yes: 95180 (83%) No: 19025 (17%)
Monday, 16 May 2011:Should the Botoxed girl have been removed from her mum?Yes: 108909 (84%) No: 21203 (16%)
Saturday, 14 May 2011:Were producers right to make Diana inquest film?Yes: 23632 (34%) No: 45037 (66%)
Thursday, 12 May 2011:Does Gould’s return give NRL an edge over AFL in Sydney’s west?Yes: 21247 (35%) No: 39684 (65%)
Wednesday, 11 May 2011:Will you be better off under the new federal budget?Yes: 12728 (11%) No: 105642 (89%)
Tuesday, 10 May 2011:Should pensioners be given free set-top boxes in the budget?Yes: 76065 (50%) No: 76875 (50%)
Monday, 09 May 2011:Do you agree with the ‘Malaysia solution’ for asylum seekers?Yes: 37063 (31%) No: 82818 (69%)
Friday, 06 May 2011:Should jumps racing be banned?Yes: 70462 (65%) No: 37645 (35%)
Thursday, 05 May 2011:Should teen parents be forced to work or study for welfare?Yes: 120473 (86%) No: 19183 (14%)
Tuesday, 03 May 2011:Do you fear revenge attacks in the wake of bin Laden’s death?Yes: 94985 (68%) No: 43962 (32%)
Sunday, 01 May 2011:Should high-speed pursuits be banned?Yes: 35019 (37%) No: 58787 (63%)
Friday, 29 April 2011:Have Will and Kate changed your opinion of the royals?Yes: 63038 (36%) No: 109707 (64%)
Wednesday, 27 April 2011:Is Gai Waterhouse right to criticise the PM’s wardrobe?Yes: 73956 (53%) No: 66481 (47%)
Thursday, 21 April 2011:Should the Villawood rioters be deported?Yes: 123849 (95%) No: 7185 (5%)
Thursday, 21 April 2011:Is the refugee rights rally planned for Anzac Day inappropriate?Yes: 83903 (83%) No: 16823 (17%)
Wednesday, 20 April 2011:Would you pay more for chocolate to help stop child labour?Yes: 77063 (67%) No: 38755 (33%)
Monday, 18 April 2011:Should Kevin Rudd replace Julia Gillard as leader of the ALP?Yes: 114716 (66%) No: 58996 (34%)
Sunday, 17 April 2011:Should the government be liable for ADF sex assaults?Yes: 49376 (55%) No: 41180 (45%)
Saturday, 16 April 2011:Should NAB customers be compensated after computer glitch?Yes: 64079 (83%) No: 12878 (17%)
Friday, 08 April 2011:Does the ADF need to change its culture?Yes: 103877 (83%) No: 21409 (17%)
Wednesday, 06 April 2011:Should betting on pokies be capped?Yes: 91801 (77%) No: 27102 (23%)
Monday, 04 April 2011:Should daycare staff be fined if children are put into time-out?Yes: 14995 (10%) No: 135051 (90%)
Sunday, 03 April 2011:Should workers be drug tested at building sites?Yes: 88349 (85%) No: 15843 (15%)
Saturday, 02 April 2011:Should smoking be banned from residential blocks?Yes: 66250 (56%) No: 51320 (44%)
Wednesday, 30 March 2011:Should Michael Clarke replace Ricky Ponting as captain?Yes: 11713 (47%) No: 13337 (53%)
Wednesday, 30 March 2011:Is Michael Clarke the right choice for captain?Yes: 54355 (48%) No: 60074 (52%)
Monday, 28 March 2011:Will Queensland be the next state to fall to the coalition?Yes: 89918 (73%) No: 32822 (27%)
Sunday, 27 March 2011:Does Earth Hour help the environment?Yes: 46096 (37%) No: 78394 (63%)
Saturday, 19 March 2011:Do you forgive ex-judge Marcus Einfeld?Yes: 13815 (24%) No: 44248 (76%)
Friday, 18 March 2011:Should bullying victims be encouraged to fight back?Yes: 109524 (83%) No: 22273 (17%)
Thursday, 17 March 2011:Should all Australians leave Japan?Yes: 93322 (70%) No: 39787 (30%)
Wednesday, 16 March 2011:Are laws the way to tackle school yard bullies?Yes: 67400 (63%) No: 39472 (37%)
Sunday, 13 March 2011:Should Australia still consider using nuclear power?Yes: 79752 (44%) No: 101878 (56%)
Friday, 11 March 2011:Does Brendan Fevola deserve another chance?Yes: 40926 (26%) No: 114297 (74%)
Sunday, 06 March 2011:Should the law change to allow same sex-marriages?Yes: 63344 (45%) No: 78458 (55%)
Saturday, 05 March 2011:Is high school violence becoming more of a concern?Yes: 77768 (92%) No: 6612 (8%)
Tuesday, 01 March 2011:Did you think this year’s Oscars were boring?Yes: 80309 (82%) No: 17502 (18%)
Monday, 28 February 2011:Should The King’s Speech win the best picture Oscar?Yes: 33902 (70%) No: 14334 (30%)
Monday, 28 February 2011:Should The King’s Speech have won the Best Picture Oscar?Yes: 39842 (72%) No: 15830 (28%)
Thursday, 24 February 2011:Do you have money left to give after all the natural disasters?Yes: 5238 (21%) No: 19813 (79%)
Wednesday, 23 February 2011:Do you think charges against Julian Assange are politically motivated?Yes: 87209 (83%) No: 17895 (17%)
Monday, 21 February 2011:Did Brendan Fevola deserve to be sacked?Yes: 116813 (83%) No: 23939 (17%)
Saturday, 19 February 2011:Do you think Sweden would give Julian Assange a fair hearing?Yes: 35447 (38%) No: 57595 (62%)
Monday, 07 February 2011:Should mobile phones be banned in cars?Yes: 72994 (49%) No: 75726 (51%)
Sunday, 06 February 2011:Does Julian Assange deserve an apology from the PM?Yes: 44169 (50%) No: 43757 (50%)
Saturday, 05 February 2011:Do you think the situation in Egypt can be resolved peacefully?Yes: 29102 (32%) No: 63276 (68%)
Wednesday, 02 February 2011:Will Thorpe’s comeback be good for men’s swimming?Yes: 73399 (67%) No: 35501 (33%)
Friday, 28 January 2011:Will the government flood levy stop you from donating?Yes: 124296 (77%) No: 36539 (23%)
Thursday, 27 January 2011:Should Australians be forced to pay a flood levy?Yes: 26695 (15%) No: 145741 (85%)
Tuesday, 25 January 2011:Should you be allowed to film the birth of your baby in hospital?Yes: 107341 (78%) No: 30757 (22%)
Sunday, 23 January 2011:Do you believe Australia makes migrants feel welcome?Yes: 58655 (60%) No: 39870 (40%)
Friday, 21 January 2011:Would you be happy to pay a ‘flood tax’ to help Queensland?Yes: 38044 (25%) No: 111589 (75%)
Thursday, 20 January 2011:Should Germaine Greer be on an Aussie legend stamp?Yes: 16301 (14%) No: 99668 (86%)
Monday, 17 January 2011:Should levees be built along the Brisbane River?Yes: 79999 (70%) No: 33639 (30%)
Saturday, 15 January 2011:Have you donated any money to the flood relief fund?Yes: 56928 (42%) No: 77753 (58%)
Wednesday, 12 January 2011:Is the AFL nude photo girl being exploited by the media?Yes: 10684 (55%) No: 8818 (45%)
Wednesday, 12 January 2011:Are the Queensland floods Australia’s worst natural disaster?Yes: 87215 (64%) No: 49122 (36%)
Tuesday, 11 January 2011:Does the sound of a dentist’s drill terrify you?Yes: 51024 (55%) No: 41031 (45%)
Sunday, 09 January 2011:Should Ian Thorpe compete in the London 2012 Olympics?Yes: 54935 (60%) No: 35953 (40%)
Friday, 07 January 2011:Is the current Aussie cricket team the worst ever?Yes: 81286 (72%) No: 31155 (28%)
Thursday, 06 January 2011:Do you think cricketer Phil Hughes cheated?Yes: 23242 (31%) No: 51909 (69%)
Wednesday, 05 January 2011:Should online shoppers pay GST on purchases under $1000?Yes: 23551 (18%) No: 106275 (82%)
Sunday, 02 January 2011:Are you willing to donate your organs after death?Yes: 74242 (76%) No: 23642 (24%)
Friday, 31 December 2010:Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?Yes: 36777 (26%) No: 105075 (74%)
Thursday, 30 December 2010:Is Michael Clarke the right man to captain Australia?Yes: 23522 (38%) No: 38578 (62%)
Wednesday, 29 December 2010:Should Ricky Ponting resign as Australian cricket captain?Yes: 91925 (57%) No: 68701 (43%)
Tuesday, 28 December 2010:Do you prefer an e-reader over printed books?Yes: 8509 (11%) No: 69064 (89%)
Monday, 27 December 2010:Should gay couples be banned from fostering children?Yes: 53533 (49%) No: 54688 (51%)
Sunday, 26 December 2010:Will you take advantage of Boxing Day sales?Yes: 19815 (20%) No: 81362 (80%)
Friday, 24 December 2010:Did you finish your Christmas shopping before today?Yes: 41270 (25%) No: 123645 (75%)
Wednesday, 22 December 2010:Should telcos charge police for data that help solve crimes?Yes: 22695 (23%) No: 77999 (77%)
Tuesday, 21 December 2010:Does more need to be done to protect the privacy of sports stars?Yes: 71191 (48%) No: 78330 (52%)
Thursday, 16 December 2010:Does the government need to change its boat people policy?Yes: 96710 (76%) No: 31249 (24%)
Wednesday, 15 December 2010:Should the government do more to help Julian Assange?Yes: 61059 (54%) No: 52458 (46%)
Monday, 13 December 2010:Has being on Facebook helped your career?Yes: 7402 (6%) No: 114645 (94%)
Sunday, 12 December 2010:Should mortgage exit fees be outlawed?Yes: 92504 (93%) No: 7258 (7%)
Saturday, 11 December 2010:Should Disney cut ties with Miley Cyrus? Yes: 49973 (70%) No: 21189 (30%)
Friday, 10 December 2010:Are you struggling to pay your power bill ? Yes: 101739 (78%) No: 29196 (22%)
Thursday, 09 December 2010:Were Visa and Mastercard right to cut off WikiLeaks?Yes: 52117 (37%) No: 87440 (63%)
Wednesday, 08 December 2010:Are you excited that Oprah is in Australia?Yes: 34990 (19%) No: 146655 (81%)
Tuesday, 07 December 2010:Are you buying more Christmas presents online this year?Yes: 31947 (29%) No: 79572 (71%)
Monday, 06 December 2010:Should smoking be banned at outdoor public areas?Yes: 92038 (63%) No: 53083 (37%)
Saturday, 04 December 2010:Should the drink-driving limit be lowered to 0.02?Yes: 46511 (44%) No: 59763 (56%)
Friday, 03 December 2010:Did Australia deserve to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup?Yes: 67337 (51%) No: 65373 (49%)
Wednesday, 01 December 2010:Should smoking in all public spaces be banned?Yes: 105940 (66%) No: 55779 (34%)
Tuesday, 30 November 2010:Does WikiLeaks put lives at risk?Yes: 71651 (70%) No: 31348 (30%)
Monday, 29 November 2010:Has Schoolies become too dangerous?Yes: 105847 (79%) No: 28292 (21%)
Friday, 26 November 2010:Should under 30s be banned from solariums?Yes: 79896 (70%) No: 34677 (30%)
Thursday, 25 November 2010:Do you think universities should ban smoking on campus?Yes: 86175 (70%) No: 36870 (30%)
Tuesday, 23 November 2010:Should there be minimum jail sentences for serious crimes?Yes: 103998 (81%) No: 24296 (19%)
Sunday, 21 November 2010:Do you wear sunscreen when you go outside?Yes: 38482 (36%) No: 67151 (64%)
Friday, 19 November 2010:Will Australia win the Ashes?Yes: 33459 (37%) No: 56185 (63%)
Thursday, 18 November 2010:Is too much fuss made about royal weddings?Yes: 108324 (71%) No: 43846 (29%)
Monday, 15 November 2010:Should foreigners be stopped from buying prime farmland?Yes: 148201 (90%) No: 16454 (10%)
Sunday, 14 November 2010:Do you want Pauline Hanson to return to politics?Yes: 50924 (45%) No: 62196 (55%)
Saturday, 13 November 2010:Do you trust the big four banks after their recent rate rises?Yes: 8118 (8%) No: 90472 (92%)
Friday, 12 November 2010:Does dropping exit fees make up for interest rate rises?Yes: 7503 (8%) No: 83321 (92%)
Thursday, 11 November 2010:Has the public forgiven Tiger Woods?Yes: 69222 (58%) No: 50447 (42%)
Wednesday, 10 November 2010:Was the school right to ban the lesbian couple from the dance?Yes: 13579 (9%) No: 143628 (91%)
Sunday, 07 November 2010:Should fast food giants list kilojoule counts on menus?Yes: 73368 (84%) No: 14048 (16%)
Friday, 05 November 2010:Do you feel safe flying?Yes: 82712 (70%) No: 35394 (30%)
Thursday, 04 November 2010:Would you change banks if exit fees were abolished?Yes: 98025 (81%) No: 23242 (19%)
Tuesday, 02 November 2010:Should Melbourne Cup day be a national holiday?Yes: 116276 (62%) No: 69839 (38%)
Monday, 01 November 2010:Should sharks that attack people be killed?Yes: 111257 (54%) No: 94828 (46%)
Saturday, 30 October 2010:Are you going to bet on the Melbourne Cup?Yes: 33200 (35%) No: 61305 (65%)
Wednesday, 27 October 2010:Should families be limited to two children?Yes: 37216 (25%) No: 112184 (75%)
Tuesday, 26 October 2010:Should same-sex marriage be legal?Yes: 79857 (41%) No: 114564 (59%)
Sunday, 24 October 2010:Should the Aussie athletes who tested positive be named?Yes: 87137 (87%) No: 13486 (13%)
Saturday, 23 October 2010:Do you think judges give lighter sentences to celebrities?Yes: 87939 (91%) No: 8228 (9%)
Friday, 22 October 2010:Should sexualised imagery be more tightly controlled?Yes: 67873 (71%) No: 27667 (29%)
Thursday, 21 October 2010:Should abusive parents be sterilised?Yes: 86205 (48%) No: 93815 (52%)
Monday, 18 October 2010:Do you take harassment more seriously after the DJs case?Yes: 28447 (25%) No: 84954 (75%)
Sunday, 17 October 2010:Do you think Australia is over-committed in Afghanistan?Yes: 48838 (63%) No: 29036 (37%)
Thursday, 14 October 2010:Was Shane Warne right to criticise Ricky Ponting?Yes: 43730 (44%) No: 56266 (56%)
Tuesday, 12 October 2010:Are Australian diggers in Afghanistan ‘dying in vain’?Yes: 81247 (67%) No: 40876 (33%)
Monday, 11 October 2010:Did the PM mislead the public about Tony Abbott’s troop visit?Yes: 100409 (70%) No: 42972 (30%)
Thursday, 07 October 2010:Should the players quizzed over assault have been named?Yes: 57661 (46%) No: 67231 (54%)
Tuesday, 05 October 2010:Should Tasers be banned in the police force?Yes: 37681 (27%) No: 101380 (73%)
Tuesday, 05 October 2010:Should Tony Abbott have stopped off in Afghanistan?Yes: 31337 (54%) No: 26412 (46%)
Friday, 01 October 2010:Should the ‘bikini race’ be allowed to go ahead?Yes: 94984 (68%) No: 43931 (32%)
Thursday, 30 September 2010:Should pokie users be fingerprinted?Yes: 36910 (32%) No: 76799 (68%)
Tuesday, 28 September 2010:Will the minority government last the full three-year term?Yes: 27426 (19%) No: 116274 (81%)
Monday, 27 September 2010:Are you working less?Yes: 37462 (31%) No: 85290 (69%)
Saturday, 25 September 2010:Do you think the Delhi Games will be a success?Yes: 16167 (16%) No: 82785 (84%)
Friday, 24 September 2010:Will Collingwood win the grand final?Yes: 53795 (46%) No: 62631 (54%)
Thursday, 23 September 2010:Should baby formula only be available on prescription?Yes: 20416 (15%) No: 117864 (85%)
Tuesday, 21 September 2010:Is Kevin Rudd behaving like a PM overseas?Yes: 82125 (70%) No: 35768 (30%)
Monday, 20 September 2010:Is it too dangerous for athletes to go to the Games?Yes: 103275 (77%) No: 31609 (23%)
Thursday, 16 September 2010:Should pubs shut at 3am?Yes: 107733 (74%) No: 37864 (26%)
Tuesday, 14 September 2010:Should smoking be banned at outdoor cafes?Yes: 115575 (67%) No: 57326 (33%)
Monday, 13 September 2010:Is burning religious texts an abuse of freedom of speech?Yes: 69275 (57%) No: 53319 (43%)
Sunday, 12 September 2010:Is Gillard’s new ministry a reward to Rudd plotters?Yes: 67236 (75%) No: 22550 (25%)
Thursday, 09 September 2010:Should the Brisbane Lions sack Brendan Fevola?Yes: 99506 (71%) No: 40021 (29%)
Tuesday, 07 September 2010:Have the independent MPs taken too long to decide?Yes: 99558 (86%) No: 15868 (14%)
Monday, 06 September 2010:Do you want a new election?Yes: 120205 (70%) No: 52321 (30%)
Saturday, 04 September 2010:Should the three independents back Labor?Yes: 119060 (61%) No: 76018 (39%)
Monday, 30 August 2010:Should the independent MPs be forced to choose sides this week?Yes: 91626 (71%) No: 37644 (29%)
Sunday, 29 August 2010:Are Australian surgeons over-worked?Yes: 71125 (80%) No: 18153 (20%)
Monday, 23 August 2010:Should there be another election?Yes: 110279 (53%) No: 96322 (47%)
Saturday, 21 August 2010:Will the country’s government change today?Yes: 82610 (56%) No: 64298 (44%)
7 out of 10 based on 6 ratings