For months now, behind the scenes, David and I have discussed just how powerful questions can be. Sometimes it’s not what you know, but what you ask that makes the most powerful point.
For his Heartland presentation last Friday, David delivered a themed compilation of example after example of the Western Climate Establishment allowing mistakes, errors or biases to accumulate — each factor on it’s own might be hard to pin down, but the sum total of actions (and inactions) forms a wholly consistent pattern.
This is Part I. These photos speak for themselves, but as far as I know, they haven’t been assembled in one web page before and David stopped waiting for me to get the time to annotate them and has helpfully used red arrows so even the less technically minded will “get” the implications.
You don’t need to have a PhD to know that the thermometers used to measure global warming are not placed well. There are at least Two Great Burning Questions here:
Burning Question 1:
NOAA is a $4 billion dollar agency. If they were determined to get the most accurate, reliable measurements possible would they leave so many sensors placed near asphalt, concrete, tarmacs, exhaust vents and fermenting vats of sludge?
Burning Question 2:
If the mainstream media will print Brittney’s tattoo, why don’t they have space to print full color photos showing just how we measure the temperatures that billions of dollars of legislation depends on?
— JN
Is the Western Climate Establishment Corrupt?
Part 1: Thermometer Placement Tricks
The public might not understand the science, but they do understand cheating
Dr. David Evans
4 October 2010
[The first in a series of articles reviewing the western climate establishment and the media.
Many thanks to Anthony Watts and for material in this first part.]
Click to download a pdf file containing the whole series
Why Do They Measure Temperature Like This?


Global warming is measured in tenths of a degree per century, so any slight artificial nudge to the thermometer is important.
To avoid such nudges, the official siting requirements say that the thermometer must be at least 100 feet (30 meters) from any paved or concrete surface, in a level open clearing, with ground cover typical of the region. That is, in a natural and typical clearing.
Anthony Watts , a 25-year broadcast meteorology veteran, recruited 650 volunteers to inspect and document the 1,221 land-based thermometers overseen by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the USA. Of the 860 thermometers inspected by early 2009, 89% fail to meet the official siting requirements because they are too close to an artificial source of heat (including artificial sources of reflected or radiated heat).
Why does the climate establishment persist in measuring the official temperature record from thermometers that are nearly all too close to artificial sources of heat?
Why have we only found out about it because volunteers went out and photographed the official thermometers?
Money can hardly have been the problem: NOAA’s budget is now over $4 billion per year.
Over 2001 – 2008 NOAA finally took some steps to fix the problem, setting up a new network of 114 properly-sited thermometers that “50 years from now can with the highest degree of confidence answer the question: How has the climate of the nation changed over the past 50 years?”. However the old network still provides the official temperatures.
NOAA have stopped using a handful of the poorly-sited thermometers whose photos have been circulating around the Internet. But the temperature data from those thermometers is still in the official temperature records.






Why hasn’t the mainstream media published any of these photographs? All it takes is to send a reporter or television crew. The thermometers are generally in public places, and their locations are available from the NOAA website. Everyone understands that it’s cheating to put a thermometer near an artificial heat source and pretend that it shows the temperature of the local area.
Is the mainstream media failing to do their job and covering up for the climate establishment?
Is real debate even allowed in the media? The issue of thermometer location is substantive and highly relevant to the existence and rate of global warming, but has never been discussed in the mainstream media.

Land-based thermometers are frequently compromised by the urban heat island effect. The microclimate around a land-based thermometer can change due to urban encroachment, such as nearby asphalt, concrete, buildings, air conditioners, cars, electrical appliances, or changes in vegetation. The annual mean air temperature of a city with 1 million people can be 1–3°C warmer than its surroundings. In the evening, the difference can be as high as 12°C.
These thermometers measure urban growth and increased use of air conditioners, cars, waste-water plants, etc… Why do the climate establishment represent their temperatures to the public as “global warming”?


The global network of land-based thermometers has 1,079 official thermometers , at least 54% of which are at airports. Airports have lots of tarmac, which radiates heat at night and thereby raises the temperature recorded at the airport. At many airports, thermometers also get occasional warming blasts from jet aircraft.


More than 80% of thermometers in the official global network are in urban areas or at airports, which are both unnaturally warm localities. Take a look out the window when you fly—the vast bulk of the land is not at an airport or in an urban area.
Isn’t the climate establishment measuring urban warming and airport warming rather than global warming? They have placed their thermometers to measure the growth and use of cities, air conditioners, planes, water treatment plants, cars, buses, trucks, asphalt, concrete, and tarmac. They measure temperature in many of the globe’s warmest localities, but not global temperature. Yet they report those temperatures as “global warming”.
How have they been able to get away with this?
Where are the auditors or the regulators to check on the climate establishment? If a financial organization or drug company tried to pull this kind of deception they would get busted.
Next article in the series: Air Temperatures (Part 2)
Summary | PART I | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8 | PART 9 | PART 10 | PART 11
Full PDF versions for printing and emailing are available from the summary page.
A previous related post by Jo: Global Warming is “caused” by Airconditioners