Bombshell: Former CDC Director endorses Trump and says Kennedy was right

Fauci, Redfield, and Trump. Coronavirus Taskforce.

Robert Redfield stands to the right of Donald Trump on Feb 29th 2020 for The Coronavirus Taskforce.

By Jo Nova

The rift in the political heliosphere continues to tear

The phase change is upon us. The most unlikely people are suddenly fans of Donald Trump and talking about cleaning up corruption. From the core command center of the  US Pandemic Bureaucracy, the Former CDC director, Robert Redfield, whom Robert F Kennedy Jnr mercilessly criticized, has come out endorsing President Trump, and admitting Kennedy was right all along.

Redfield was director of the CDC from 2018 – 2021, and now says that the three behemoth government health agencies — the FDA, the NIH and the CDC, have been captured by industry and the federal government must fix this problem. Furthermore, he says Trump “has chosen exactly the only person who can do this, Robert F Kennedy, Jnr.”

Redfield writes in Newsweek “Donald Trump Has a Plan to Make America’s Children Healthy Again. It’s a Good One.”

Across a century-plus of cozy courtship, the federal regulators have nearly married the regulated, especially in health care. Today, private industry uses its political influence to control decision-making at regulatory agencies, law enforcement entities, and legislatures.

Kennedy is right: All three of the principal health agencies suffer from agency capture. A large portion of the FDA‘s budget is provided by pharmaceutical companies. NIH is cozy with biomedical and pharmaceutical companies and its scientists are allowed to collect royalties on drugs NIH licenses to pharma. And as the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), I know the agency can be influenced by special interest groups.

But it doesn’t stop in the health agencies: the U.S. Department of Agriculture is a captive of industry, too. Created to help the family farmer and to ensure a wholesome food supply, today the agency often favors large corporations over the interests of small farmers and the public’s health. To cure our children, we must reevaluate our food choices and the underlying practices of the agricultural sector. We must prioritize wholesome and nutritious food.

If we do not discover the depth of our corporate capture problem and fix it, we cannot truly address chronic disease in this country.

Redfield says nothing about vaccines specifically, but if the agencies are captured, and Kennedy is right about so many things, the stinking mess is sitting there on the table, unmentioned.

And the question of course is, where was Robert Redfield when the nation needed him?

Has he seen the light, or is he jumping from a sinking ship, and throwing himself a life-raft?

Kennedy was shocked:

It’s hard to believe Redfield would be doing this if he thought Trump would lose.

Redfield had years to speak up about the problems at the CDC and other agencies. He had years to improve childhood nutrition or to explain the risks with a rushed roll out of vaccines and he did nothing. But his endorsement surely adds a major dose of credibility to Kennedy’s claims, and thus to Trump. It’s hard to call Kennedy a conspiracy theorist when the head of the CDC says he was right.

There are a lot of left-leaning women who are very concerned about problems with food additives and children’s health. Some of these same women were worried about vaccines even before Covid arrived. Kennedy is speaking their language, and the Democrat party establishment has nothing at all for them.

The mood is shifting.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and former President of the United States Donald Trump

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America



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32 comments to Bombshell: Former CDC Director endorses Trump and says Kennedy was right

  • #

    Trying to avoid a criminal conviction most likely. He knew what he was doing.


    • #

      What he was doing was running with the crowd. I can’t remember why he wasn’t there for long.

      It was the application of the greatest lurk in business, i.e. to persuade a government to mandate the use of your product, that first drew my attention to this issue, boosted by application of the second and third degrees of that lurk, i.e. ban the use of your competitor’s product then ban the use of your own less profitable product to make way for your more profitable product.

      I wondered at the time if I was being too cynical when I saw all three grades in play. But the evidence kept piling up.

      This is the best headline story I have yet seen. Now the job must be to keep it on top of the page.


    • #

      It always begins with the free money. The grants. People will hurt other people to get money. The excuse being they did not know. The reality is they did not care.

      Trump is the creation of inflation. He made his fortune from government mandated money printing. He intends turning this upon the government. The federal government knows the jig is up and will change with new leadership.

      Victoria is bankrupt. There is no way out. Every infrastructure deal is unravelling. There will be A$300B of debt spinning up. Its big enough to hurt Australia yet no-one does anything. Supporting all this debt are land prices. Change a policy setting and create an economic catastrophe.


  • #

    Wow. In so many ways. It would seem that Redfield smells change in the air. One can only hope so. The Covid years still resonate with many of us who had to face derision and hate for opposition to the vaccination program. To see the head of the CDC revoke his position is astonishing. I doubt, however, if we will see it publicised in Australia.

    The entire medical profession needs redirection. If Kennedy can persuade the US to reduce the power of Big Pharma & promote the importance of healthy eating and exercise – what an effect that could have.


  • #
    another ian

    Around that area –

    “It’s Something in the Water: NIH Confirms Fluoride Exposure Linked to Lower IQ in Children”

    TGA swallowing hard again?


    • #
      another ian


      “Lawmakers Must Pass ‘Risky Research’ Bill To Prevent Next Pandemic”

      “Who should decide whether scientists are allowed to modify viruses to make them more infectious and deadly to humans? The surprising answer, until now, is that scientists and institutions like the National Institutes of Health, which have a vested interest in funding and conducting such “gain of function” research, have been the ones deciding whether to undertake such experiments. A bill called the Risky Research Review Act is currently under consideration in the U.S. Senate, which could finally require independent oversight in determining whether such risks are worth taking.”

      More at


    • #

      How do you draw any conclusions from that report?

      Double the rate used in the water supply is the level at which safe limits are determined.

      And that lower IQ is found at levels (undisclosed) at higher than the safe limit with only moderate confidence.

      What does that study mean in terms of the actual level in the water?

      That level of drawing a long bow is warmista level! Mikey would be so proud of you!


  • #

    There is change coming and I fear the sharks who have been profiting will be circling those who threaten their goldmine. With the Security Service seemingly leaving Trump exposed I fear for him as well. OTOH if Trump were to be executed the MAGA Republicans would romp in on a surge of disgust for the Democrats because they would be blamed and rightly so.

    The world is waking up to the threat from the socialists/communists to take away individual rights. Lenin got away with it because those who benefited were uneducated workers doing the unskilled jobs but even they eventually realised they were losers. Today even the unskilled are not all that unskilled and most have aspiration so see that they stand to lose under socialism.


  • #
    David Maddison

    This is related to the urgency with which the Australian Government is trying to impose its censorship legislation.

    It’s to support The Official Narrative e.g. thst covid “vaccines” are “fully safe and effective”, “lots of carbs are good and animal fat and meat are bad for you” etc..

    And on top of that, we already have the fake conservative Liberal appointed e Safety Kommissar, essentially a WEF appointment (look up her speeches at WEF meetings).

    As Jo pointed out yesterday, this legislation will be global in scope.

    Woke Leftist corporations like Farcebook will gladly take down posts that don’t conform to the Official Narrative, globally, rather than trying to do it just for Australia. Don’t believe that Zuck’s earlier apology for censorship was real, he is terrified thst Trump will win and remove his Section 230 protection.

    This will affect US Election discussions in the United States. That is, on top of the already extensive censorship and shadow banning and account cancellation they already impose on conservatives.

    Free speech corporations like X will either fight it, as Elon Musk has already done, censor just for Australia, or shut down operations in Australia as he has already done for Brazil.

    This is what globalism is all about folks!

    Only TRUMP 2024 can stop it.

    It’s Nineteen Eighty Four otherwise…


    • #
      David Maddison

      And don’t be surprised if the next move is for the Australian Government to link your social media posts (including on this blog) to your digital person number so you can be more comprehensively traced, tracked, monitored and controlled than you already are. Recall that digital identity legislation was already passed.


  • #

    Put your submissions in re the latest version of the ACMA legislation that proposes to censor social media in Oz. There is little time left.


  • #

    Assassinating Trump just got a whole lot more urgent for a lot of people. What is the sounds of rats squeaking……?


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    Serge Wright

    “There are a lot of left-leaning women who are very concerned about problems with food additives and children’s health”

    These are also the same women who don’t seem to have a problem exposing young children to drag-queen story time, telling kids that gender is a choice and then pumping them full of hormone blockers. Let’s face it, left wing politics has effectively become a terminal cancer on western society and it’s a disease that’s spread to all facets of government and society, infiltrating education, health, energy, transport, defense, business, law and order, media, literature, history, culture and religion. All of our cultural norms have been trashed and the very fabric of western society has been shredded. Our educated youth have been brainwashed into violent left wing protesters and now cheer the side of the terrorists and damn the side of freedom and democracy.

    Trump and the MAGA supporters represent the last stand against this disease, and like all cancers it fights back against any treatment. The CDC represent just one small tumour in a body riddled with a large metastasised cancer. Trump’s only solution is the equivalent of full body radiation with stem cell transplant to reset and start again and the more he looks like winning, the more bullets get fired in his direction. If he does survive and retakes office, it will be a torrid period in western history. If he loses it will be far worse, with certain death from the progressive cancer.


  • #

    RFK Jr is driving a different message to Trump: Make America Healthy Again:

    Most people from the US do not travel far enough to realise that their food “industry” produces stuff that is illegal and banned from sale around the world! That, and the fact that what the US teaches about the “food pyramid” has no basis in science, but was developed by the Dept of Agriculture:

    Its links to the diet farmers use to fatten animals for slaughter is entirely coincidental!


    • #

      “Most people from the US do not travel far enough to realise that their food “industry” produces stuff that is illegal and banned from sale around the world!”

      It is a low percentage of Americans that own a passport, why travel to see the world when America IS the world, or so they’ve been told.


  • #
    YallaYPoora Kid

    Disgusting as it was in the USA our TGA was doing the same thing. Reports were available to the TGA from the Pharma companies about their (lack of complete) testing and dubious outcomes. The TGA chose to approve the vaccines.

    Senators Rennick and Roberts have been active in highlighting this in parliament. Dr John Campbell has world experts on his YouTube channel stating the same opinions including about our TGA.
    The tide is definitely turning against the Pharma companies influence in government authorities. Hopefully also about mRNA vaccine technology.


    • #

      I do hope you’re right about a possible change on the trajectory of mRNA manufacture here in Australia, but with so much government backing and actual “investment” of taxpayer money in establishing the industry here I doubt we’ll see any backing away, certainly not in the short term.


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    John Connor II

    Did you know that Joe Biden’s most amazing achievement was becoming a former president while still in office?


  • #

    It will be interesting to see the reaction in the US, Australia and the world to this new Trump endorsement, although I’m sure he’s just covering his backside.
    Let’s hope Kennedy is genuine and is ready to pursue the liars and con merchants if Trump wins in November.
    We’ll just have to wait and see.


    • #

      Whatever his motives then and now, this endorsement of Donald Trump is significant, not only for the election but for the future. He has certainly written himself out of any future work in Washington, the COVID swamp. It’s a long way to fall voluntarily. And given that he has just endorsed RFK Junior, his greatest critic, it is a validation of the concerns of the American public over the handling of the killer pandemic by politicians and the US Government bodies beholden to Big Pharma.


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    Unfortunately in the current situation, Trump winning the election and becoming POTUS are two different things.
    The true anti-democratic nature of US ‘Democrats’ is about to become painfully obvious.

    Already is to those paying attention.
    The pretense is about to get too embarrassing to maintain, even for them.


    • #
      Honk R Smith

      Just to add …
      the Democratic Party is barely a political entity anymore, it just the cutout for the Administrative State.
      When Harris is installed, whatever is in charge now will be in charge then.

      Oops, there I go again, ‘harming’ imaginary confidence in imaginary government.
      Bad Honk .. bad.


  • #

    Endorsements are like protest rallies. They are not catalysts, but they are indicators.


  • #

    Go read “ The Real Anthony Fauci” by Kennedy. He doesn’t hold back on Redfield or Deborah Birx ( the scarf lady). They’re both ex military, which then leads a lot of people to believe the whole COVID bollocks was a military operation. Certainly Operation Warp Speed was managed by US DOD. It’s why no one will ever be prosecuted, because they have protection.


    • #

      I’m still “out-to-lunch” on that theory, Ross. Even so, a friend who was in the pharmaceutical research industry for over 40 years absolutely believes Covid was a bio weapon and that the US DoD was involved in the transfer of gain-of-function research to Wuhan. In this crazy post modern world, anything is possible.


      • #

        Vicki, when you accept that COVID was just a dry run exercise for the possibility of a much greater bio warfare threat, most things makes sense. It’s why we have a shiny new Moderna plant in Melbourne.


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