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Banned by ANU! So join Geologist Howard Brady’s on Zoom Tuesday 2pm

Sorry that this is very short notice! This is today at 2pm EST, Australia. All Welcome. 

Howard Brady

Howard Brady in Antarctica c 1970s

Dr Howard Brady is a geologist who has done four expeditions to Antarctica. He won the Distinguished Scientist Alumnus of the Year Award for his contributions to Antarctic research. He has been published in journals like Nature and Science.  He was to do a seminar at ANU today, but it has been cancelled. This upset people in the department at ANU, who may have thought they could write freely. So now its going ahead as a Zoom ANU meeting:

2 pm Tuesday 6 October 2020

Venue: Online via Zoom (link)

All welcome; no registration necessary.

Dr Brady writes:


Professor Ross McCleod was ordered at the Australian National University (ANU) by higher authority – Professor Paul Burke – to withdraw my ACDE (Arnt-Corden) seminar for the Crawford School of Public Policy next Tuesday at 2pm as an official event.

This upset many in that Department as an attack on academic freedom..it seems that some in the faculty are receiving funds with regard to carbon emissions and climate change etc. (including Professor Burke)!! The excuse was that the paper was not on economics!!  Farcical considering the billions of dollars being spent on climate change.

Despite this it was decided to go ahead with my lecture anyway as a private ANU zoom meeting under Professor Ross McCleod.

The actual paper is attached and I invite you to read it beforehand. I reduced the size of the file to under I megabyte, so it should be easy to upload. The paper is a detailed academic paper that was reviewed before submission.  The physics section was aided by world famous Professor Will Happer of Princeton who was on the Security Council of the USA last year and climate advisor to POTUS.

Any of you are welcome to join on the day with any other interested parties AND to log into the zoom event by simply clicking on the INVITE (it was always on Zoom due to ANU Covid protocols at the moment). You can log in at 2pm next Tuesday as below.

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Professor McCleod and others at the ANU who backed me and even sent emails of encouragement should be thanked for their courage and academic independence in the face of the pressures that are everywhere in the University environment  at the moment.

The more people that join in — the better. Censorship doesn’t seem so appealing if more people see a message after the axe falls.

 Informal Seminar by Howard Brady: Problems in climate science from the viewpoint of an historical geologist

The climate system is vast, with the interaction of forces we do not fully understand. Linking recent and future global warming to increasing carbon dioxide levels is problematic. Historical data exposes serious flaws in the IPCC reports with respect to: the predictions of future sea levels; the relationship between carbon dioxide levels and temperature; the frequency and severity of storms.  Applying the word “unprecedented”™ to certain events shows an ignorance of the Earth’s geological and environmental history.

Climate change cannot be assumed to be geocentric, without influence from cosmic and solar weather.  Climate models are on steroids with respect to their estimate of what is called the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Index: that is, the estimate of future temperatures if carbon dioxide levels double. We cannot forget this statement: ‘we are dealing with a coupled chaotic nonlinear system and therefore the prediction of future climate states is not possible…’ (IPCC Report 2001,

About the speaker:

Dr Howard Brady, a former Catholic priest, was involved in Antarctic research 1974-1982. He was a US Navy chaplain to McMurdo and South Pole Stations and also a drill-site micro-palaeontologist for drill holes in Victoria Land and on the Ross Ice Shelf over four expeditions. He has been a guest at the Lamont Doherty Institute New York; Scripps Oceanographic Institute San Diego; the German Marine Institute Kiel; Oregon State for a drilling expedition in the north-east Pacific Ocean. Howard worked in the oil industry 1988-2005 and re-joined academia as an Honorary Associate in the School of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University 2005-2011. He has researched climate problems since 2005. His position at Macquarie University was not renewed in 2012 due to his criticism of CSIRO sea level projections.

In 2011 Howard was awarded the Alumnus Scientist of the Year Award by Northern Illinois University for his contributions to Antarctic Research. Howard is respected at an international level and is currently an accredited reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for its forthcoming report due in 2021.

Howard’s book, Mirrors and Mazes: a guide through the climate debate, was published in 2016 with a second edition in 2018. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences and an Emeritus Member of the Explorers Club of New York. He has Diplomas in Philosophy and Theology, and postgraduate degrees in Antarctic science: M.Sc. Northern Illinois University,Ph.D. Macquarie University,

His website is: https://www.mirrorsandmazes.com.au

2 pm Tuesday 6 October 2020

Problems in climate science from the viewpoint of an historical geologist’

Venue: Online via Zoom (link)

All welcome; no registration necessary.

Ross McLeod

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Brady’s one of the contributors to the new IPA Climate Change 2020 book (as am I). Jen Marohasy speaks very highly of him.

h/t Speedy and Jim Simpson

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