Turnbull’s “pet fetish” – thinks people will sing hallalujah to climate change. He’s ruined. (Blame Abbott)

Abbott is an incredibly powerful man. From the backbench he’s creating disunity, stopping legislation, ruining careers, and bringing down Prime Ministers, all just for the fun of it.

This has nothing to do with the 54% of Australians who are skeptics.

Turnbull has lost control of government. He cannot get legislation through the lower house. But hey, if only Abbott wasn’t there, Australians would be happy to buy expensive electricity.

It would take a ‘miracle’ to save Malcolm Turnbull

Peter Hartcher, The Sydney Morning Herald

“Turnbull thinks people will fall on their knees and say hallelujah!

Turnbull’s supporters are angry and frustrated at Abbott. But among many in the conservative faction of the Liberal Party, there is glee. Turnbull has been humiliated. And, to the conservatives’ great satisfaction, he has been humiliated over what they consider his pet fetish – climate change and carbon emissions.

“Turnbull is obsessed with this issue,” says a leading conservative MP. He thinks it’s a “‘greatest moral challenge of our time’ type of initiative”, a reference to the Kevin Rudd description of climate change. It was a challenge that Rudd failed because of an internal insurrection and now Turnbull has been forced to abandon too.

Contemptuously, he adds: “Turnbull thinks people will fall on their knees and say hallelujah! We’re back to the innovation message”, Turnbull’s campaign theme that fell flat at the 2016 election and which he has since abandoned. “He’s blind to the politics because he’s obsessed with the issue.”

But the defeat is about much more than climate change. It’s an ideological and identity marker. And it has exposed Turnbull’s jugular. “You can’t have a government,” says a Dutton advocate, “that can’t rely on the House on a key piece of legislation.”

The Coalition’s primary vote fell to 33% in the latest IPSOS–Fairfax poll. This is Abbott’s fault.

This may be”Turnbull thinks people will fall on their knees and say hallelujah!unfair. It’s Abbott and other conservatives who have revolted against Turnbull, yet Turnbull is being judged responsible. Disunity is death – Abbott delivers the disunity, Turnbull gets the death. But that’s politics.

Yeah. Only a “handful” of conservative MP’s have thwarted Turnbull yet again.

Lucky Julie Bishop is not a wrecker like Tony Abbott:

Simon Benson, The Australian

In a counter-move by moderates, The Australian understands that, if Mr Dutton won a second ballot, leading moderates including Julie Bishop, have threatened to resign from parliament, stripping the government of its slim majority and triggering a general election.

If Turnbull had just won 90 seats at the last election, a handful of MP’s couldn’t play these games.

Just bad luck.

h/t Dave B

9.5 out of 10 based on 69 ratings

74 comments to Turnbull’s “pet fetish” – thinks people will sing hallalujah to climate change. He’s ruined. (Blame Abbott)

  • #

    Turnbull’s lunacy is matched by Moonbeam Brown here in California. Both are equally uninformed about the scientific truth, both use their power and influence to propagate lies and both take full advantage of a feckless, left leaning press whose feedback reinforces their insanity.


    • #

      Trust me, I’m not being smug. We, down under, are different politically but not much better although we don’t use the adjective “GREAT” near as often. 🙂

      But why do the citizens of states like Cal and cities like ‘Frisco and Chicago vote back the same failed administrations time after time? I hope for your sake this may be changing: Trump is getting record approval numbers among black males. If he could get collage educated white females to rally behind him he would win in a landslide. He could also remind illegals that voting is a criminal offence which could lead to deportation. That would be a few million less dem votes too.


      • #
        Richard Ilfeld

        Follow the money.
        A population of government employees and government dependents can be counted upon to keep the rice bowl full;
        within these jurisdictions taxpayers are the minority.


    • #
      Komrade Kuma

      A cousin of mine who is well connected in well to do circles told me that Turnbull was basically an arrogant s.o.b. that no one who had to deal with him had a good word for. Never having met the guy he seemed reasonable enough and hopefully pragmatic enough to adapt his preferences to the reality of the broad church he was leading. Uh Uh.

      Notwisthstanding his affable, suave manner and obvious financial success, his behaviour regarding the NEG policy by insisting on including ‘Paris Targets’, it seeems just for the political nut twist of Tony Abbott and anyone else who was a CAGW skeptic, has now reaped its empty headed reward.

      His threat to leave parliament if rolled says all you need to know. What a petulant little princeling. It was always about Malcolm and his life CV and with hindsight that applies to everything he has ever jumped on board. It seems clear that it was never about philisophocal belief but about being accepted in a group. Labor saw him for the shallow lonely dribbledick he is so he had nowhere else to go but the Libs.

      I have very little time for Tony Abbott and it is clear the party doesn’t either but I can concede he may have had a much better real sense of just what a piece of work Turnbull really is.

      What a disgusting episode.


      • #
        Kinky Keith

        You always, Always, knock Tony Abbott.

        That is your whole story.

        Why bother with all the padding.

        444 T


    • #
      Mickey Reno

      How can you say that about Governor Moonbeam when giant waves are crashing on LAX runways and buildings, and planes have to begin their take-off rolls from under water due to the rampant sea level rise?

      And if you need a /sarc tag for this one, you must be dumber than an average Californian /Jerry Brown voter.

      [This gets my personal sarcasm award.] AZ


  • #
    Richard Ilfeld

    Whether by a Parliment of Whores, or a Senate of Seniles, or a Congress of Corruption, when legislation offends both the will of the majority and the rule of common sense, the strength, or weakness, of the System is revealed.

    Either the wrangling wolverines will somehow find a way to reach agreement, and the country will heal itself, or an autocrat will emerge, force majure will obtain, and Venezuela will ensue.

    Time for an election down under, one thinks.


    • #

      A Parliament of whores is apt and we have a nasty infection from them down under.


    • #

      I think whores will have morals, versus some in the Liberal Party. Where was this call for unity when Abbott was shown more disunity and disloyalty than any PM and then knifed by Turnbull?

      What goes around comes around. Reap what you’ve sown Turnbull.


  • #
    Richard Ilfeld

    Memo to voters: one is sometimes tempted to accept a lot of compromise, because, “It can’t happen here”.

    The list of Developed world countries to have recently sunk into the abyss is depressingly long.
    Venezuela, of course.
    South Africa.

    There are more where economic development is negative, there is out migration and a brain drain, standards of living are deteriorating…

    All one need do is squander enough resources to lose resiliency in case of serious reversal. The reversal happens, and thing that were OK, are no longer OK, and events outstrip the ability to cope. Happens in families, happens in countries.


    • #

      Uh, Spain? Seriously. I know there are problems there but to lump Spain in with that list of countries is ludicrous. I’m reasonably sure of this through my in-laws and friends there and having lived there for 10 years and numerous trips back since returning to Australia.


      • #
        Graeme No.3


        Agreed, although the economic recovery isn’t spread through the whole country but will I hope. The Basque region is doing well, and adjacent regions benefitting.
        The Spanish Government made many tough decisions and there is now some gains showing. The other countries have always fudged the issue. You might add Argentina to the list, which started downhill in the 1940’s with Peron and has never really changed direction.


        • #

          The Spanish banks exposure to Turkish debt may yet bring the economy undone if Erdogan and Trump continue to squabble (and maybe even if they sort their differences out).
          Over US$80 billion, I believe.


  • #

    If “leading moderates” should resign or threaten to do as much they must be treated as as hostile. The new leaders will need policies which distinguish them sharply from the old leaders and from the opposition. Those more interested in cutting a figure with ABC harpies or pleasing the cafe set at Bowral on Saturday mornings can go. Just go. Go to your banks, your boards, your foundations, your dream NGOs. But go. There is money waiting for you, and much flattery. Now go.

    Half-set junket will satisfy nobody. Dribbling thin syrup over half-set junket will only disgust. A Lib-Nat government which accommodates the foulness of globalism will not stand, because globalism wants more than accommodation. Labor is good for that. Whether in government or opposition, the coalition needs to mark itself not just as an opponent of green waste but as a proponent of individualism, family bonds, property, privacy and those ancient rights and privileges which precede evem democracy and which are now the mockery and open scorn of globalists.

    What I’m saying is: if you see a globalist head, kick it. And do coal.


  • #

    As I watch yon Malcolm twisting at the approach of “winged balancer of life, dark faced goddess, daughter of justice” aka “Nemesis” my mind recalls from 40 years a prescient passage in Le Carre’s “Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy”. In it spymaster George Smiley is interrogating Toby Esterhase who, when not spying, is an art dealer;

    George: Toby, have you ever bought a fake picture?
    Toby: I’ve sold a few.
    George: The point about the fake is that the more you have paid for it, the less inclined you are to doubt it.

    This sums up the present predicament of those who have paid the earth, or in his case, the Commonwealth of Australia, for a false prospectus of the future world sold some 30 years ago by Maurice Strong and his gang of spivs.


    The one great fear of the nomenclature who are driving this deceit is that the perception of its falsity at last break through to those great unwashed voters in what are still, at least theoretically, democracies. It has already happened in the USA and is happening in Canada and now, I hope, Aus.
    Here, once our fight to rid ourselves of the moribund and decomposing European Union has finished, against the will of our own Turnball clones, the Global Warming rort will swiftly follow down the great white telephone.
    In truth CAGW has hit the ultimate public perceptual wall, it is BORING. Even I am bored having heard or seen nothing new for 20 years. We have reach the stage of “sophistication” according to the late great Douglas Adams.

    “The history of every major galactic civilisation tends to pass through three distinct and recognisable phases, those of Survival, Enquiry and Sophistication, otherwise known as the How, Why and Where phases.

    For instance, the first phase is characterised by the question How can we eat?, the second by the question Why do we eat?, and the third but the question Where shall we have lunch?”


  • #

    The best thing to come out of a Dutton win would be getting the words Globalist and Scam out into the public psyche, people know something’s NQR they just need to be told the details.


  • #
    Mark M

    2009. Who thinks Turnbull isn’t on board with Al Gore/UN?

    Federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull this morning announced standard incandescent light bulbs would be phased out within three years in a bid to reduce energy consumption.

    Compact fluorescent or low-wattage bulbs cost about $5 more, but are more energy-efficient and save an average of $30 per year.


    2008: It’s About Laws, Not Light Bulbs

    Mr. Gore’s ambition is not just to change individual behavior by getting people to buy energy-saving light bulbs: it is to change policy.



    • #

      More US democrat interference in Australia’s democratic process. AL gore belongs in an Australian military prison for espionage and sedition. Particularly as the representative of a foreign power. Seeking to change the outcome of an election by influencing Clive Palmer.

      When I think on this the hypocrisy of the democrats Muller probe in the light of democrat ex vice president Gores activities influencing foreign government elections simply blows my mind.


      • #

        Not to mention Obama interfering in the British Brexit referendum…how dared he?


        • #
          Peter C

          It was possibly the last straw for many English people. They went and voted for Brexit!


        • #

          Don’t forget Obama’s “Save the GBR” speech when he came out here. The luvvies lapped it up which should tell you it was total rubbish. That was interfering and meddling and very rude as a visiting dignitary to be so political. TA was PM at the time so the press played it up as another poke in the eye for Tony delivered by St. Barry, the leftist monk.


  • #
    Kinky Keith

    The first Five comments above cover so much ground.

    How did we ever get into this mess.

    At a personal level many good, thrifty and sensible citizens feel the need to move out of “South West Sydney” as a result of degeneration of the local environment.

    This is the result of politicians playing the electorate stacking game of “import some voters” using our tax dollars.

    The global warming scam is used to drain our cash and weaken the nation.
    Three states now have seriously compromised electricity systems which put their financial future at stake.
    These states are being held up for the moment by the misuse of Federal funds, this should not be happening.
    The Turnbull government leaves us with a huge federal debt, truly our future fund.
    We need All governments to be working for us and building this country, Not tearing it down to be sold for scrap.

    Perhaps China might buy Australia?

    444 T


    • #

      When discussing the public debt position it is often a focus on federal debt , state and local government debt ignored.

      Also government owned private company debt, NBNCo for example, debt accounted for off government budget in private company accounts not published.

      And net debt is often used as the debt amount but what we owe is the gross debt amount. And then there is the interest liability to consider current and future years.

      When Labor took office in November 2007 the federal debt was zero, the $97 billion handed over by Labor in 1996 repaid with interest by the Howard Coalition.

      When Labour left office in September 2013 the federal debt not including NBNCo was more than it appeared to be, after adding Labor Budget unfunded items listed for 2013/14 financial year I believe that the real debt Labor are responsible for was around $400 billion: no provision was made to fund the Gonski education grants to the states and territories, NDIS and other budget items. Treasurer Hockey of the Abbott Government lifted Labor’s debt ceiling for borrowing from $300 billion to $500 billion because of the unfunded Labor budget items and no money left to pay other expenses into the future.

      I am not excusing the continuing debt creation and spending of borrowed monies by the Turnbull Party but it is important to hold Labor to account for their squandering.


      • #
        Kinky Keith

        Yes, it was stated yesterday that gross national debt was in the order of $700 Billion, much of it from states.

        444 T


        • #

          When the NSW electricity sector government owned private companies were sold there were debts amounting to 5.1 billion dollars repaid with the proceeds of the sale of the companies’ assets.

          I understand that Queensland is another state with hidden debt.


    • #

      The disgusting thing is just a small commitment to smaller government would fix this mess. Dump every AGW swamp dweller including the QUANGOS like the recent 444T quango save maybe 20Bn, dump the Commonwealth education department that runs no schools and save 2Bn or so, dump foreign aid for a 4.2Bn sugar hit and defund the UN parasites UNHCR and UNFCCC for an extra few mill or so. Dump the immigration handouts and payments to centrelink seeker immigrants for another Billion, and we soon reach a balanced budget in a way that has zero negative effects on any Australian.

      It’s actually a doddle to balance the federal budget because frankly, they don’t have an income problem, they have a massive spending problem.


      • #

        ‘Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree
        of opulence…but peace, easy taxes and a tolerable administration
        of justice.’ H/t Adam Smith.


        • #

          It’s a pity too many people quote Adam Smith’s `An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations‘ seldom, if ever, having read Book V, `Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth.‘ (espec. Book 5, Chapter II, Article 1st …), nor paid any attention to the four maxims of taxation in general.

          If more politicians and the general public did pay such attention, we would be far less likely to have such bad taxes as proposed (`Carbon taxes et al’) foisted upon us. We should be insisting our politicians, when trying to introduce such taxes, pay especial heed to those maxims, and refuse to be swayed by taxes relying on Magic (Unicorn farts and Fairy Dust).

          Smith acknowledges therein: `There is no art which one government sooner learns of another, than that of of draining money from the pockets of the people.’


  • #
    Another Ian

    “Julian Hill MP quotes Shakespeare for country members”


    Check the other threads up at Michael’s this morning too – e.g the Courier Mail front page


  • #

    He missed the best line;

    Macbeth Act 5 Scene 8:

    “I will not yield to kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet”

    Mind you, the outcome on that occasion was less than optimal;

    “Enter Macduff with Macbeth’s head”


  • #

    Disunity is death but tell that to all the lemmings going over a cliff. Whilst the NEG is being blamed for what has happened ( as well as Abbott) don’t underestimate the impact of giving $ 445 million to his mates ( all 6 of them) to save the reef when committing only $190 mill to help out farmers affected by the drought. It is typical of the warmists zealots. Who cares about the plight of humans now let’s try to make the conditions for sea animals more comfortable 200 years from now.
    His actions including showing the opposition the draft NEG legislation before his own party members showed how desperate he had become to leave his own legacy on climate change in the same way that Obama was obsessed by it.
    The line between zealotry and insanity is sometimes quite obscure and as the end nears the zealots become more panicky and less rational. Ironically even though Australia contributes so little to CO2 emissions if the incumbent Liberal leadership pulls out of Paris this would be the most significant action to have happened since Trump pulled America out. It could trigger a contagion that could collapse the whole global warming movement quicker than you could imagine


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘It could trigger a contagion that could collapse the whole global warming movement …’

      If Abbott takes Bishop’s seat he could tell the world why Australia is pulling out of Paris.


  • #

    Haven’t the Liberal MPs taken notice of what happened in the Ontario elections?


  • #
    Antoine D'Arche

    I would say there is some serious money being put away for certain people in secret stashes – “resign from parliament and trigger a general election”??? WTF?!
    Whatever it takes to be finally rid of these people. Root out ALL of the socialists within the Liberal party. It’s time for the Purge.


  • #

    As we all know those calling for unity in the LNP and to get behind to support Trunbull are missing something. It ain’t going to happen because the people are fed up with him. How can anyone be so stupid to think such a unity call is going to save Turnbull? There are two explanations for LNP people to make that call to unity. One, they are completely divorced from reality. Two, they want Shorten to win the next election. In either case they should not even be in politics let alone be in the LNP.


    • #

      How can anyone be so stupid to think such a unity call is going to save Turnbull?

      I know of one: M. Turnbull.


  • #
    el gordo

    ‘Almost half of the Australian electorate, including half of Liberal voters, would be less likely to vote for the Coalition if Peter Dutton became prime minister, according to the results of a ReachTel poll commissioned by GetUp.’


    We have six months to explain to the electorate why Dutton is calling for tenders for three Hele.


    • #

      Like anyone would believe anything from this leftist scum group “getup”, funded by that evil george sorros…….


    • #

      Hmmm… GetUp… Guardian… Quite.

      Also you need to remember the wording of these in-depth questions. From personal experience they are all binary – Are you less or more likely?

      So if you wouldn’t vote for the Liberals in a pink fit you are clearly going to answer ‘less likely’ aren’t you. This makes a great headline but in real terms we have almost half the Australian electorate who were previously not voting Liberals STILL not voting Liberals.

      Which might be exciting if it wasn’t for all those Newspolls telling us pretty much the same thing – people don’t want to vote Liberal.

      (the other counter point is that a great chunk of the voting public are not More Likely.)


      • #
        el gordo

        Lets go with their numbers, the humiliation of the Cultural Marxists will be even more profound when the truth is known.


    • #

      ‘Get Up’ is funded by Soros. Don’t believe this Globull Governance,
      top-down-funded-anti-democratic repeat of 1930’s … you know.


  • #

    Too many leaders worldwide,
    Allow warmist dogma decide,
    How a country or state,
    With no proper mandate,
    Should demonize carbon dioxide.


  • #

    “Turnbull’s “pet fetish” ”

    Is this about Malcolm and the Girlfriends Dead Cat?? Bit low Jo, now that he has “embattled” status. 🙁


    • #

      During his run for the seat, the National Times newspaper features a story about a 1977 incident in which Turnbull is alleged to have strangled former girlfriend Fiona Watson’s cat “Nessie” to death. The article said:

      “…if Turnbull is preselected he could face some hostile questions from the Animal Protection League.”
      Turnbull sues the newspaper in the ACT Supreme Court, and letters emerge that Turnbull had apparently written after Fiona had ended their relationship but before the death of Nessie. The letters were obviously intended for Fiona but, disturbingly, were nominally addressed to Nessie. One of the letters said:

      “Dear Nessie,

      Tell your miss that I love her very much, tell her that when I came to see her on Sunday and she wasn’t there I cuddled you up and it broke my heart that it wasn’t her.
      Tell her I know a lot of her current boyfriends will tell her not to see me, they will stroke her hair back and tell her to forget me.
      But Nessie, we know she never will and you tell her, my little cat, how much we were in love.

      All my love
      A scan of the above letter has circulated online. See it here.

      When another journalist from another newspaper raised the same matter in an article, Turnbull sued again, and received a payment. Indeed, Turnbull has repeatedly denied strangling the cat saying “no cat died at my hands” and that he thinks the cat “got run over by a car“. This had led to a theory that he killed the cat by running it over with his car.



    • #

      “Turnbull’s “pet fetish”?

      Isn’t that the stick insect bishop……….


    • #
      el gordo

      My astrologer has just informed me that Dutton, Abbott, Turnbull and Cory Bernardi are all Scorpios, and they all have a bright year ahead.

      So naturally I questioned how could they possibly all get what they want at the same time?


    • #

      I’ve heard the cat in the freezer story, seems more like the style of a vindictive psychopath.


  • #

    Those in the LNP who want to continue supporting Turnbull as their leader who will undoubtedly lead them to a landslide defeat at the next election and allow Shorten to become PM all have to ask themselves just one question, why?


  • #

    I remain despondent at the state of reporting sometimes mislabelled journalism. The Rudd/Gillard/Rudd disaster has been matched by the Abbott/Turnbull/Dutton disaster. The losers are the public, but the blame is sheeted home to Abbott? The real problem is in the reporting, journalists writing their version of events when all we want are the facts.

    So like Gillard, the job of Prime Minister was stolen on a farrago of lies. Turnbull said he would be the great communicator, the great collaborator a man among equals and that the people had spoken on 30 Newspolls. Since when did opinion polls have more value than an election?

    Of course Turnbull cannot communicate. He refused to collaborate (policy was announced on his Facebook page) and he up to 40 Newspolls. However we are still told it is Abbott who is the wrecker? No, Abbott was the victim. Blaming the victim is so popular with journalists.

    In both the Rudd and Abbott cases a landslide of great hope was replaced by a unpopular one seat governments in terminal hopelessness, justifiably unable to pass legislation. Formerly trusted lieutanants in Gillard/Shorten and Turnbull/Bishop worked had hard to undermine their bosses and seize power. Both were joined at the hip with ABC journalists to bring down elected popular leaders.

    Whatever Rudd voters had wanted, Gillard took her orders from her AWU bosses. Turnbull too read straight from the Greens playbook. An unworkable one seat government stopped Gillard and Turnbull from completely betraying the people who had voted so enthusiastically for better government. It was the assassination of two popular leaders by weasels supported by a far left ABC.

    Abbott was never a wrecker. Abbott simply held his ground. In the modern reporting, being consistent and faithful to your message is near criminal. Let me repeat it.

    — Climate change is crap.
    — Affordable and plentiful electricity for all.
    — Control our borders.
    — Look after our farmers and miners
    — No debts, balance the budget.

    It is what the people want, everyone wants. The damage done by Turnbull’s UN/EU banker friends is only comparable to the Union/Socialist cabal in the Labor party.

    The people, the deplorables, the Delcons, us. We want our country back, Liberal or Labor. We do not want rule by either world socialism or world banking, by Agenda 21 or the Club of Rome, by friends of Soros or friends of Corbyn/Sanders or the Germans or French who run the EU or Goldmann Sachs.

    With Dutton or Abbott everyone would be releived to have a strong, straight talking Prime Minister again. Even a policeman. The wrecking was dragging Abbott down in the first place and for no good reason. The problem remains the very activist journalistic classes, starting with their own ABC.

    Consider Richardson and Latham have mellowed into excellent pragmatic commentators. Latham has even become very funny with his criticism of the LGIBTWTF PC movement.
    Credlin and Bolt have held their ground and are respected.
    The ABC are fuming as they now expand rapidly into social media with our billions, wanting political control in every sphere.

    So enforce the ABC contract for fair reporting or close and sell the $30million a week ABC. Al Grassby’s Italian/Greek ethnic service is an obsolete $10Million a week waste.

    Balance the budget and get out of debt and every Prime Minister should serve a full term. Opinion polls are not elections.

    Get the people off Manus island. Fly them home business class. It would be far cheaper. Less than they paid in the first place. There are nations of refugees. Fixing these countries should start at home, not by exporting the problems and the people. That fixes nothing.

    I hope this is all resolved soon. Labor or Liberal, we need our country back, out of the control of the international elites, whether communists or bankers.


  • #
    • #

      Anyone care to pass comment?

      There are the minister types (Pyne, Paine, Josh, Bishop) who have clearly staked their careers on Team Turnbull and are likely to be behind the back bench in any reshuffle, but anyone in the current Turnbull list who would be fit for turning?

      Anne Ruston disappoints me by being on that list, but interesting in what other people think.


    • #

      Pathetic that my local members (O’Dwyer, Frydenberg) voted for Turncoat but hardly surprising.

      Greg Hunt voting for Dutton is one that caught my eye – I would have thought he’d be deep in the Turncoat camp.


  • #
    • #

      Yeah, some time in the past year he has expressed a view that the laws of mathematics can arise through legislation; it’s all part of the narcissism. If he was your friend you wouldn’t know where to begin …


  • #

    Personally I think one of the biggest dangers of the Turnbull Government has been a ‘lefty’ government masquerading as a right wing / conservative government (conservative in name only).

    In this case all the attendant financial excesses and mismanagement that we have come to expect from a Labour Government are being portrayed as bad and coming from ‘The Conservatives’, “therefore we need to elect a Labour government”.

    If we get a Labour Government at the next election, which is quite possible, we can look forward to even more of this.


  • #
    Komrade Kuma

    His decision to bring on a leadership spill just epitomises Turnbull’s tin ear when it comes to self reflection or his pet ideas in particular. AS if having a spill and sectret ballot might not have simply quantified the level of anger/dissatisfaction with him. Well at least that is sorted out. That just doubles down on as if slipping Paris Targets into the NEG legislation, whose only real focus was about requiring ‘despatchable power’, stopping market manipulation of a volatile, easily disrupted energy market and bringing down power prices. He poisoned his own well!! Again.

    The brutal reality of M.T. Rumball is that ‘Utegate’ was the canary in the coal mine as to his self importance and ease of being lured by fantasy. Copenhagen confirmed that he would do crap like that when only an arrogant halfwit would not be aware of the feelings of a large segment of his party on such a matter. His poor judgement in calling long campaign periods followed up by his pathetic campaigning efforts recently adds dimension to his flaws and the latest fiasco sets his sad, laughable record on stone. Maybe achieving the goal of a harbourside mansion tends to make one an arrogant imbecile.

    I am no fan of Tony Abbott these days (certainly as a replacememt for MT) but gee, it looks like he was onto something about MT.


  • #
    Geoffrey Williams

    Why Malcolm is an idealist;
    Here in Australia we are one of the most isolated ‘western’ nations on the planet. Historically, we came here as mainly convicts and our early history was not that pretty. But that image has of course changed over the centuries. Australia is now 21st century nation. But much of the world knows little about us. and today we are more likely to be seen as a fervent sporting nation, or a bunch of sheep farmers going around culling innocent kangaroos. Be that as it may a strong movement has built up in Australia amongst academia and so called intellectuals who wish to correct this view by taking a stand in world politics.
    Turnbull is one of these people on a amission who believe they can set all of this right by us becoming world leaders in the use of renwable energy to the demise of fossil fuels. He is prepared to sacrifice anything at all, including the nations economic well being in order to achieve this aim and world recognition as such. He is nothing more an apologist for our very existence. And an arrogant one at that.
    We don’t want intellectuals telling us what to think. We want a leader who loves this nation for what it is. We don’t want someone’s socialist, idealistic dream of a green apologist society.


  • #

    Does dutton support the GLOBAL WARMING SCAM?

    Will he abolish the RET?


  • #

    Time for a bit of honesty me thinks!….

    A single cell amoeba could govern this country better than lord mumbles.

    signed by me, an ex-lib voter.


  • #

    Anyone who thinks Dutton would win the next election has rocks in their head.
    Whatever the upshot, this bull$$$$ is condemning us to 4 years coming up, of Plibersek, Wong, and Burke and Bowen lecturing us nightly, while Shorten occupies the chair at the meetings where they decide how to do us over.


  • #
    Ian Wilson

    You know that it’s time to check the battery on your smoke detector when Australia gets a new Prime Minister!


  • #
    destroyer D69

    FIRE THE LOT AND START AGAIN…Refuse to vote for any of the present incumbents at the next election. Accept a period of governance by an administrator to make the parties put Australia FIRST in the next Parliament.Time for the GG to step in and fire the lot.


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    It’s not over yet Malcolm – that bloody kangaroo is gonna do ya babe.
    tie that kangerroo down Jules


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    Andrew Bolt says it all so we’ll see where he is tomorrow then…
    Andrew Bolt sums up the disatrous reign of Turnbull
