NY Times makes out climate change believers are forced to speak in hidden codes

More Fake News from the NY Times

Here’s a creative effort to sell the story that the people with billion dollar industries, all the academic positions and a sympathetic media entourage are going underground, forced to disguise their belief about “climate change”.

This is a death-throes type article, clutching for ways to pretend Global Worriers are still relevant, and to feed a fantasy that they might be the underdog.

In America’s Heartland, Discussing Climate Change Without Saying ‘Climate Change’

So while climate change is part of daily conversation, it gets disguised as something else.

“People are all talking about it, without talking about it,” said Miriam Horn, the author of a recent book on conservative Americans and the environment, “Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman.” “It’s become such a charged topic that there’s a navigation people do.”

What really happened is that climate change is overused agitprop and people are tired of being beaten over the head with it. The first most compelling example the NY Times can find is a farmer called Doug Palen who talks about “carbon sequestration” in his soil (and what crop farmer wouldn’t?) Palen is painted as a “believer”:

In short, he is a climate change realist. Just don’t expect him to utter the words “climate change.”

But this is the strongest statement he makes:

“If politicians want to exhaust themselves debating the climate, that’s their choice,” Mr. Palen said, walking through fields of freshly planted winter wheat. “I have a farm to run.”

And he is so much of a believer “he didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton.” Need I say more?

Apparently anyone who discusses weather problems or ecology could be painted, via some kind of fantasy, as a believer in disguise who is hiding the topic of climate change.  This is the best they could do?

Palen may be a believer (who knows), but there’s no evidence of it in his quotes. The article goes to quite some length to tell us about him, but it’s all just good farming science. Palen has “a conservationist streak” and is a no-till farming advocate. He looks after his soil, and feels alienated by environmentalists because he uses chemicals. Palen even says he wants to “be left alone” by the EPA. He sounds like every skeptical farmer I know yet this is the guy painted as the star example of an underground believer?

Last week, Mr. Palen, the farmer, was again talking weather — if not climate change — at a conference of no-till farmers in Salina, Kan. Sessions included “Using Your Water Efficiently,” “Making Weather Work for You in 2017” and “Building Healthy Soil With Mob Grazing,” a practice that helps to fertilize the land.

As evidence the topic is too hot to discuss, The NY Times writer, Hiroko Tabuchi, tells us a science teacher has even suffered “car keying” (like that never happens) and once got a letter from a student saying: “Know that God’s love surpasses knowledge.” Scary stuff indeed. Why even mention these?

To be fair though, the teacher did get a book bag thrown at him, so now he asks students if they like light bulbs as a soft way to lead into climate talk —  as if climate science was anything like the science of light bulbs. (Light bulb models can predict things…)

Tabuchi manages to find some real believers who have realized they have to change their boring messaging. This also fits with my theory that ‘climate change’ is a dead dog topic on its way out. The last die-hards are repackaging the message, but few people care.

The editor of one magazine admits people hate the term “climate change”:

Mr. Kurns spoke candidly over concerns of a backlash in an editor’s note that led the issue. When he became the magazine’s editor two years earlier, he said, he had been warned, “Never use the words ‘climate change.’”

“I was told: ‘Readers hate that phrase. Just talk about the weather,’” he wrote.

Here is some of the hate mail he got in this “hot” arena:

“When you start quoting ‘climate scientists’ and the United Nations,” wrote in one reader, Bill Clinger, a farmer based in Harpster, Ohio, “you are as nutty as Al Gore.” Measures to control emissions, he said, “are just seductive names for socialist programs intended to micromanage people and businesses.”

If he got more aggressive or nasty letters you think they would have used them. So “that’s it”. A snowflake editor?

The NY Times Fake News moments:

The classic false memes get pushed:

 “…well-financed push by fossil-fuel interests…”

How well financed are skeptics when believers get 3,500 times as much (and the rest).

The NY times has never even found a reason for oil companies to back skeptics since most of them lobby for carbon action, and profit from gas sales and like it when wind farms are subsidized.

More fake news:

She has sat through committee meetings where climate skeptics, including the discredited scientist Wei-Hock Soon, blasted the science behind global warming. “Carbon Dioxide, CO2, is merely a bit player in climate change,” reads one slide Mr. Soon presented in 2013. “Rising CO2 is largely beneficial to plant and human life.”

“I remember being horrified,” Ms. Kuether said.

Horrified that CO2 increases crop yields? Willie Soon is merely explaining the basics and his work stands up well on its own merits.

If he could be discredited because his university received “fossil fuel” money, that rules out everything the East Anglia Climate Unit has ever said. Since Big-government benefits from pushing the climate-panic button, this kind of reasoning rules out 97% of climate research.

If anyone could find a serious error in Willie Soon’s work we would all have heard about it.

This article is an experimental, floundering step in the transmogrification of the climate debate. Most of the science here has nothing to do with climate science and everything to do with plain old ecology, agriculture, and soil care. Tabuchi is blending together successful science with failures so he can rescue something from the disastrous climate change crusade.

9.3 out of 10 based on 108 ratings

144 comments to NY Times makes out climate change believers are forced to speak in hidden codes

  • #

    “Carbon Dioxide, CO2, is merely a bit player in climate change,” I think it should read “doesnt have any effect on climate at all”. Or go study thermodynamics. Soon = luke warmist.


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      el gordo

      Yes I agree, but we’ll have to bend a little for the sake of Donald who will go the Lukewarm way to bring about a quiet revolution.
      Let them talk ‘sensitivity’, we have plenty of time.

      On the ground I’m talking to ‘Warmists’ about the sun and gas giants, which they seem to grasp, but then they turn off when I mention mass delusion.


      • #

        If he goes the lukewarm way, he will be following the Abbott route to failure.

        He has to go in hard, no apologies, just straight & complete action.


        • #
          el gordo

          Alright lets write his speech;

          I have an Executive Order here to sack all climate scientists who made the ludicrous claim that the sky is falling and catastrophe looms, it isn’t.
          We know who you are, so start packing your bags.


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        El Gordo,

        I was watching got my amusement last night Alex Jones, who while often spectacularly wrong does from time to time say something that fits. The point that he made is that Trump has been wanting to fix America for a long time, he has a plan that he’s worked on for year and he knows exactly what he wants to do.

        Fact is that if you think about it, the only way Trump could jump into it this fast is if he had a plan for a long time, that he knew well before hand what he wants to do, and that he went to the people with exactly THAT plan. In that sense Alex’s Rhetoric makes a lot of sense. I hope it true because it means Trump will do what he said he would do.

        ON CAGW, my wife (the better half) gets sick of my activism on the issue. We were discussing this morning at how some “Science” like CAGW, and “All hydrocarbons come from rotting vegetation/animals” and how phoney that is (akin to Astrology) – and how even learned scientists refuse to accept irrefutable evidence – For example how pray-tell does titan get oceans of methane, a hydrocarbon. Scientists are even marching on DC in favour of completely out of date nonsense – as far as this science goes they might as well have a march of Psychics and astrologers.


        • #
          el gordo

          One thing we have in our favour is that we come with good tidings, the world is not coming to an end because of human induced CO2.

          I spoke to a warmest the other day, perspiring profusely under the south east Oz heat waves, and I told her it reminded me of the 1950s and not to be concerned.
          This strategy can be used effectively if you brought in a couple of cycles to illustrate the point.

          Just before the US election Trump’s view on climate change sounds close to Bjorn Lomborg, which is why I’m betting on a lukewarm policy from government.

          “There is still much that needs to be investigated in the field of climate change. Perhaps the best use of our limited financial resources should be in dealing with making sure that every person in the world has clean water. Perhaps we should focus on eliminating lingering diseases around the world like malaria. Perhaps we should focus on efforts to increase food production to keep pace with an ever-growing world population. Perhaps we should be focused on developing energy sources and power production that alleviates the need for dependence on fossil fuels. We must decide on how best to proceed so that we can make lives better, safer and more prosperous.’


        • #

          Your post tickled my funny-bone (with the image of you making your wife sick with your talk), so I can’t resist: Have you stopped beating your wife?


    • #

      I’m posting this here completely off-topic because I don’t know how to send Jo an email.

      Today in Victoria we were alerted to extreme temperatures (37C in our area, much higher I others), we had a state-wide total fire ban and red alerts were being sent everywhere.

      What happened? Our max temp (here) was 26C (right now), we’ve had rain and it’s been overcast all day, though it has been windy.

      Not so many years ago, all the BOM computers were replaced to the cost of over $10 million, from what I remember, in order to improve their weather forecasting ability.

      The BOM keeps on harping about catastrophic climate change, 20, 50, 100 years from now, but can’t get the weather prediction right for just one day.

      This isn’t the first such instance of an utterly wrong weather prediction.

      The cost today with emergency units being on alert, people making whatever preparations, farmers and industry slowing or closing down etc must be extensive.

      Is anyone going to call this lot to account?


      • #
        Glen Michel

        Here in North NSW we got to 26. Expected 33 ! No matter it’s going to be hot week and no doubt the forecasters will get it right. To be fair they are thereabouts most of the time.


      • #

        Streaky sky,
        rain squalls anon,
        not predicted by
        the B.O.M.


      • #

        Bad predicting but great propaganda. The Great Unwashed can’t tell the difference between a 50% increase in heat waves and a 50% increase in heat waves being predicted.


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        It’s good that you have highlighted the disruption, loss of productivity to small businesses and cost of bad forecasting.

        People understand money and more people need to be made aware
        that the is not doing a good job.
        Preoccupation with CAGW is not the objective of BOM.



    • #

      Using pressure as an analogy, the flow of a liquid is from high to low pressure. Put a semipermeable membrane between two solutions of different concentrations and the flow will be from low to high until the pressure difference is too great. That is the osmotic pressure. You don’t say it can’t happen because the flow is always from high to low pressure. If you put more pressure on the original low side, the pressure will also increase on the high side when at equilibrium in order to keep the difference the same.

      I might be pushing the analogy too far but the osmotic pressure is like the lapse rate. There is a physical reason for the difference in temperature between the theoretical top of the atmosphere and the surface that isn’t dependent on the amount of heat in the system or, more importantly, the amount of CO2 (might have to ignore water vapour in the atmosphere for a bit because the wet lapse rate is lot different).

      For a better analogy, you have water coming into the high pressure side which increases the pressure and a leak letting water out. The pressure on the high pressure side is determined by the difference in flow in and flow out of the leak, which is also dependent on the pressure. The pressure on the low side is dependent on the osmotic pressure and the pressure on the high side. This is analogous to no greenhouse gasses.

      Adding the equivalent of greenhouse gasses blocks the leak a little but also creates a leak on the low pressure side of the membrane. Because the difference between the pressure on the two sides of the leak determines the flow through the leak, for the same size hole there will be greater flow out on the high pressure side (emission of OLWIR depends on T^4) and the pressure on both sides should build up if the area of the two holes is the same as the area of just the one original leak on the high pressure side. There is an analogous assumption in the GHE.

      Its not only that the new leak may be a little larger than the reduction in the size of the original leak (analogy of what David Evans pointed out) but adding greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere is the same as increasing the flow across the membrane from high to low, dropping the osmotic pressure/dry lapse rate (eg. the downwelling IR on to the oceans surface doesn’t warm the ocean but causes more evaporation). The actual temperature gradient is well below the dry lapse rate because water condenses out. Would it be less than the dry lapse rate even if water did not condense? Inversion layers are very slow to disperse until the sun rises and convection (hot air rising) blows them away. I’m guessing that it would and completely negate the GHE but the calculations to show that might be above my pay grade.

      This analogy has been pushed to its limits but the problem with the GHE is not that it can’t happen but the assumptions that make it significantly large.

      PS – Be nice. All analogies are bad.


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        Hi RB

        What is downwelling IR? Para 5.


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        Adiabatic inversions often contain quite high CO₂ concentrations, yet they remain cold and intact until either the suns energy or wind disrupts them.

        No CO₂ warming radiation.


        • #

          Correct. If CO2 does selectively absorb GOIR it will not and cannot hold on to that extra energy for more than a microsecond.

          Physical contact with other gas molecules will make sure that the energy levels of all gases in the parcel are at equilibrium very quickly.

          There is no build-up of energy specific to CO2 that can lead to “downwelling” and usually the ground temperature at night would be higher than that of the local atmosphere.

          Perhaps there are exceptions that somebody with more met knowledge than me could outline but these do not represent the prevailing mechanism at work.



        • #

          Yes. My point is that if the temperature at the TOA increases to more than the expected difference from the adiabatic lapse rate, that energy is slowly distributed to the surface and not at the speed of light ie. not like half the OLWIR is reflected down. You need a shift of emissions to frequencies not absorbed by the atmosphere but with a 10 km path length, that’s a stretch. There’s a pea under a thimble somewhere.


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    Just ambling along browsing the back alleys of the internet in the last half hour or so and then this!

    One night, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft.
    Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press.

    Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying;

    “There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

    “There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print.
    I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.
    Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.
    If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty_four hours my occupation would be gone.

    “The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
    You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?

    “We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes.
    We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.
    Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men.
    We are intellectual prostitutes.”

    Date? , Probably in 1880,


    • #
      Lionell Griffith

      Voices from the past that climate change believers have failed to understand.

      “The boy who cried wolf.” Aesop fable.

      “Oh! what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive!” Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

      “The Emperor’s New Clothes” Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

      “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” [the more things change, the more they stay the same] Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (1808-1890)

      “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana (1863 – 1952)

      The climate change believers are still at war with reality. That is a war that cannot be won. Sadly, they have and will cause great damage to the rest of us on their way to their final battle.

      Are we experiencing the final battle of their war? I don’t know but it’s looking like we are near the end. They have nothing left with which to fight except a floundering MSM, pandering politicians, parasitical academics, and repetitious verbal bluster. Pathetic!


      • #
        Allen Ford

        One of my favourite quotes is from Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC – AD 65), who is credited with saying:

        For love of bustle is not industry – it is only the restlessness of a hunted mind.

        This can be understood on many levels.


      • #

        ‘If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.’
        Mark Twain.


      • #
        Fred Streeter

        “Oh! what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive!”

        But when we’ve practiced for a bit,
        We make a decent job of it!



  • #

    “… the disastrous climate change crusade.”

    Not so disastrous when you an collect $100B from every time you pass GO. Yes, the science is disastrous and needs a gigantic level of data falsification to make it look good, but that isn’t the game. The game is collecting grant money.


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      Ted O'Brien.

      For some it is about collecting grant money. But for the politicians issuing the grants it is all about destroying the capitalist system, no matter the cost for the people.


  • #

    I wonder if sceptics have some secret handshake too?

    Arf arf!

    Maybe they speak in coded messages too? Like reciting real science and trashing failed IPCC models?

    Wont somebodyyyyy think of the children?



    • #

      I think the import of the story is that sceptics are secretly believers because they are frightened to express themselves as believers.
      That’s OK by me. Only us sneering deniers are pure.


      • #

        Seems a rather convoluted way to divert attention from those who extort from the public purse when their scam is uncovered.


      • #

        The story has seriously flawed logic….human nature is herd oriented, so why would a few people risk it all to say “this is a big fresh of steaming….”

        Its very much of the “97% consensus” nonsense too…..so now 97% of people believe?

        I need another coffee to attempt to contemplate the lunacy of the Left….


  • #

    We’re 30 years into the IPCC’s runaway global warming and consequent Climate Change, except it hasn’t happened. Has a single prediction been right? As for extreme events caused by the extra 50% of CO2, what is the reason for that if it cannot change the temperature.

    What the New York Times does reveal is that people are sick of hearing about Climate Change. Why? Because there isn’t any. No rising seas. No vanishing ice. No end to snow in the UK. No end to the glaciers in the Himalayas. No drowning Polar bears or missing Caribou herds. Record crop yields and Donald Trump is calling them out on fake news, something which resonates with everyone. Where is this global warming when people are freezing in winter?

    That’s the problem. Even the people in the middle are starting to ask if they have grown up on fake news, fake stories, fake science. The quick answer is yes. Do not understimate the power of the President of the United States calling it fake news and CNN and the New York Times as deceivers. Trump is no longer an unlikely contender, a schmuck, a mysogynist (where have we heard that before?), he is their President and he is telling them they have been deceived. To many Americans, that is starting to look self evident. This in turn undermines the continuing attacks on Donald Trump, as he is the one with credibility now. He is the President. He was right all along and the unelectable, impossible President has credibility. He is calling out the Press and everyone knows he is right and they were utterly wrong about everything including the Climate.

    Even Paul Kelly in the Australian says Trump was only elected because the alternative was worse. Nuts. He was elected because he struck a chord with Americans. No one in the Press wants to admit that they were wrong and Trump was right. Again.


    • #

      Here is Trumps tweet about the NY times. It is very appropriate.

      “Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 49m49 minutes ago

      Somebody with aptitude and conviction should buy the FAKE NEWS and failing @nytimes and either run it correctly or let it fold with dignity!”


    • #
      stan stendera

      President Trump (How I love writing that) will completely dismantle the idiotic global warming meme. The removal of US government money from the nonsense will destroy the nonsense.


    • #

      It really is a case of the “Emporer’s New Clothes” – except President Trump is no little boy! How wonderful to start feeling the shoe changing feet.


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    James Murphy

    Forgive my extreme cynicism, but why would anyone wanting to discredit people like Willy Soon actually look at the work he did?

    It’s patently obvious that there is no need to go to the effort of engaging scientists with a similar skill-set to look at the work when a smear campaign conducted by a Green lynch-mob will do the job much more cheaply, quickly, and effectively.

    It is, after all, not about science, but about politics, economics, and publicity stunts.


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      John McDougall

      Right on, brother.


    • #

      Its about the useless Left in general – the Left has this abilty to be permenant Negative Nancies.
      Its all about playing the victim, not getting off your tail and making something of yourself.
      Its all about carping aboiut rights, but not shouldering responsibilities ( thats the govts problem )
      Its all about childish behaviour, not adult behaviour.

      Marx, when he wrote his manifesto, was funded by the globalists at the time. His works were the Helegian Dialectic at play…. create a permenant tension socially until the social fabric ripped apart, ready for the Socialists to jump on decent folk like starved seagulls fighting over a bag of chips at the beach….

      Socialism cannot and never has, worked. which is why it needs brutal govt to make it “work”.

      But – human nature does not support socialism, but does natuarally gravitate to capitalism, of wanting to better your life and your grandkids’ lives.

      Socialism needs to be outed and named and shamed, people need to be encouraged to do well and save, to build up society, rather than expecting “someone else” to do it….
      Interestingly, religion does also play a part – without religion this is no liberty, democracy and freedom. Sure religion has caused issues, but Socialism is Godless. Morality is deictated by govt, not a higher power. Socialism is a black hole, IMHO…..

      Food for thought.


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      Tony Porter

      It is, after all, not about science, but about politics, economics, and publicity stunts.

      All there to cover up their real misanthropic agenda: the formation of a Socialist led global tyranny, to depopulate the planet of most of those wretched human beings they believe they’re saving the planet from…


  • #

    Most of us have been subjected to intense exposure to the reality of man made global warming through radio, TV and the print media.

    Surely the government wouldn’t allow false news to be put out for our consumption and even the Government’s own scientific organisation, CSIRO , confirms the truth.

    Non scientists rely on these sources for reliable info and are certain that global warming is real.

    That’s hard to work against.



  • #

    Morning all.

    It’s not difficult. All that has to shown is that the relatively mild warming of the late 20th century was:

    1. Man-made,
    2. Unprecedented, and
    3. Dangerous

    Given that most of the well-funded government and UN agencies are proposing this theory, it should be a doddle to pull together the facts to prove this. If not – then what were these jokers being paid for? We want our X-hundred billion back!

    If these well-funded, self-appointed guru’s cannot demonstrate the above, then why would we want to sink more cash into this economic tar-pit?




  • #

    Morning all.

    It’s not difficult. All that has to shown is that the relatively mild warming of the late 20th century was:

    1. Man-made,
    2. Unprecedented, and
    3. Dangerous

    Given that most of the well-funded government and UN agencies are proposing this theory, it should be a doddle to pull together the facts to prove this. If not – then what were these jokers being paid for? We want our X-hundred billion back!

    If these well-funded, self-appointed guru’s cannot demonstrate the above, then why would we want to sink more cash into this economic tar-pit?




  • #
    reformed warmist of logan

    Good Evening Jo,
    I hope you had a very relaxing and re-energizing holiday period in the last few weeks.
    A funny thing happened on the way to work this evening (that you may not be across). They were talking on the “Beeb.” about how the NYT. had just increased their religion staff reporter numbers 100%! (From one to two!!)
    But the more substantive fact they relayed is how the paper had totally “dropped the ball” viz-a-vie the Trump team were so much more a-tune to the religious (i.e. Christian) needs of the overall electorate.
    Right here I’d like to draw your attention to a little-known – but very important fact – which I only realised in the last week or so.
    It is now only around two years to three very important Centenaries! …
    1. End of W. W. I;
    2. Start of League on Nations (L. O. N.); and
    3. Start of International Labour Organisation (I. L. O.)
    Now we all know how hopeless the L.O.N. was in preventing W. W. II! But what most people aren’t aware of is how incredibly damaging the I.L.O. has been to nearly all O.E.C.D. countries.
    The “Lima Protocol” that they signed in 1974, has been almost entirely responsible for the wholesale slaughter of European, North American and Australian manufacturing jobs.
    Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t begrudge Bangladeshis, Mexicans or Chinese their new-found secondary industries, but surely the time has come where we have to start keeping a few of these type of job opportunities for ourselves.
    This is very serious and this is exactly what you will see people like Donald, Theresa, Pauline & Cory vociferously opposing over the coming weeks and months.
    Clearly job transfers and climate change have been the biggest two examples of high farce in the last 98 and 28 years (resp.)
    Warmest regards,
    Reformed Warmist of Logan.


    • #

      You forget the Bolshevik takeover of the Russian Empire in October 1917.

      Don’t forget that Lenin was financed by Germany’s gold and Trotsky by New York’s bankers. If you like, it was a “color revolution”. The vast majority of the upper echelons of the Bolsheviks were from a religious minority that composed 1% of the Russian population.



      • #
        Owen Morgan

        The vast majority of the upper echelons of the Bolsheviks were from a religious minority that composed 1% of the Russian population.

        No, they weren’t.


      • #

        I dislike the content of that link.


        • #

          I must agree there. I know little of that part of Russian life but in the past have read a lot of the books relating to that era; Fydor Dostoyevsky and the more recent tome Russka by Edward Rutherfurd suggest that at worst they acted as bankers and failed to understand that they might have trouble calling in the debts.

          I would suspect that there might be as many morally challenged in that racial group as in most races.

          Alfred, was there a point to your comment apart from that in the link.


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    I sincerely hope Ms Kuether remains in a constant state of horrification.


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    “Last chance Texaco … “

    “This article is an experimental, floundering step in the transmogrification of the climate debate”

    The behavior of the NYT reminds me of the “death throws” song by Rickie Lee-Jones ( last chance texaco)…..
    as she sings “running out of gas and the battery goin’ dead” the haunting melody describes salvation in the form of a Texaco star….

    As Trump opens up further fossil fuel sources for exploration and production , it is unclear what the future holds for the large scale Windmill and Solar Array structures that have been built especially when cheap fossil energy will drive them into economic inviability.

    It would seem that for them , there is no last chance Texaco…


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      Graeme No.3

      The moment when subsidies are eliminated large scale wind and solar projects become uneconomic and will be abandoned. There will be some fiddling the books about ownership to avoid liabilities** and those projects will be left to the elements. Sometime later some entrepreneur will start ‘mining’ the turbines for the rare earths and metals. Whether the approach is to do so in situ or topple them for easier access I can’t say. I would prefer some of the towers being left standing as a home for birds and to atone for their past slaughter.

      ** Like ‘selling’ them to the Government e.g. The Green Bank in the UK or the Australian Renewable Energy Agency.


    • #

      … fossil fuel sources …

      You mean hydrocarbons, do you ?

      Using the language of the left concedes victory to them right at the beginning. You lose before you even start.


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    […] JoNova has a bit of fake news from the NY Times on climate skeptics […]


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    Richard Ilfeld

    Weathercode, from World war II. Cardinals baseball broadcast …. I can’t tell you why they aren’t playing right now, but if I stuck my head out the window I’d get pretty wet.

    Ordinary person hears: The world is dying, hottest year on record, we are doomed. Being over forty, she looks out the window at her garden, compares results with her life’s experience, and goes back to the crossword puzzle.

    If faced with some earnest do-ooder taking a survey say’s “whatever”, interpreted as full support.

    If told, “you have to pay” gives THAT LOOK: the one that accompanies use of your middle name.

    Ordinary people like this are not now and have never been part of the warmist cabal. They are just now discovering this.


  • #

    The warmists are feeling the heat,
    Not warming, but climate defeat,
    As their last dying gasp,
    Fades into the past,
    The skeptics are feeling upbeat.


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    The left in the US plays the “victim” card all the time no matter if they’re in power or not. It has complemented their oppressed minorities, illegal immigrant, and racist cards very well in the past. But now it is only taken seriously by leftists and some of those who supposedly are being oppressed because the majority of the people have come to know ever single play in the American leftist playbook by their repetitious use over the last decades. It ain’t gonna work no more but this kind of pure dung is all they’ve got now.


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    Reed Coray

    Now hold on. AGW proponents have changed the name of their cause so often they have stopped making name changes because to do so would open them up to ridicule—Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) to Climate Change (CG) to Climate Disruption (CD), etc. The New York Times would have us believe that Trump’s election and the emergence from their hidey holes of closet skeptics have forced AGW/CC/CD proponents to go underground and use coded (and hard to decipher) terminology. Well, in the spirit of using hard-to-decipher, coded terminology: “My heart bleeds for them.” Instead of being upset, AGW/CG/CD proponents should rejoice because they are now free to conjure up additional and even scarier names for their cause.

    BTW, Judith Curry filed an Amicus Brief with the District Of Columbia Court of Appeals supporting the Competitive Enterprise Institute, ET. AL. and the National Review, Inc. defendants in one of many Michael Mann lawsuits designed to silence his critics. That brief can be found at:



    • #
      Mari C

      Yea Judith! Mann seems to think waving a lawsuit will shut people up – maybe now he’ll see that no, that doesn’t always work. Especially when those people he’s suing may be dead-on right.


      • #
        Dave in the States

        Given enough time those punish by the process, financially break the opponent, shut them up, lawsuits will eventually reach the point where they must start providing evidence. When they actually don’t have any hard data I wonder if they planned for that?


  • #

    So warmists are trying to play the victim now, really?

    Isn’t it amazing after decades of having essentially a free run at unsubstantiated smearing of peoples good work while getting paid for it, they now cry like a first time slapped bully because the new leader of the free world cannot be bought or coerced into the climate club and the burden of proof is now being laid on the correct protagonists.

    This behaviour only strengthens the view that their hypothesis was weak right from the start, an emboldened public will be asking questions.


  • #

    I’ve been waiting for the climate change bubble to burst for years now. Somehow it carries on refusing to lie down and die. There have been so many false dawns now that I have lost count. Trump pulling the plug on the climate change gravy train might help, I don’t know. Maybe there are a whole host of sceptics who have been keeping their heads down, unwilling to rock the boat, who will speak out now because they have nothing to lose. I’m not holding my breath though. I’d love to see the tide turn just to watch the squirming at the BBC. What are they going to do after spouting lies continuously for twenty years? Maybe they will try to re-write history and pretend that they were on the sceptic side all along.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘What are they going to do after spouting lies continuously for twenty years?’

      The media will blame the scientists, who in turn will condemn the MSM for beating it up, while the politicians will wash their hands of everything and accuse the scientists and media for leading the electorate astray.


  • #

    You have to understand where the left comes from. They have to claim victimhood status, and so their writing shows it. They see what they have done and figure it is going to be turned on them. So by pre-emptively declaring themselves victims of their own tactics, they seek pity from others.

    But they have not learned yet. This past election was as much about anti-establishment as it was about anti-media. St. George slayed the YSM, but the beast just has not realized it is dead yet.


  • #

    Let me share excerpts from the secret code book currently in use:

    “Smoke stack” == “evaporative cooling tower”
    “Pollution” == “water vapor”
    “Soot” == Carbon Dioxide
    “Acid” == Ocean water of variable pH
    “Endangered Species” == animal that (1) people don’t eat and (2) looks good on TV that (3) is not native to Central Park, NY

    “Climate Change” == an expression used to admit that “Catastrophic Global Warming” is and will not be (1) Catastrophic or (2) Global or, reliably (3) warm

    “My Hovercraft is Full of Eels” == Give me more money

    “Consensus” == my opinion bolstered by those I’ve bullied, bribed, or blackmailed.

    “Attacked” == Criticized

    “Harrassed” == Scorned

    “Had my freedom of speech suppressed” == provoked me to file numerous lawsuits against my scornful critics

    “Flat Earther” == those who use an older, appropriate, well understood and working model of a complex system as opposed to those who invent new, invalid, poorly-documented, and unfalsifiable models that overstate trends

    “Shill” == those who are not paid for taking the opposite of the side I’m paid to advocate for.


  • #
    Another Ian

    Jo and Tony Oz

    O/T South Australia’s fame is spreading – New York set to replicate

    Link at



    • #

      While this is off topic, it highlights something really interesting.

      This article (the one at the top of the link provided by Another Ian) deals with the (hoped for) closure of Indian Point Nuclear Power Station in New York State.

      The interesting part is how Gov. Cuomo wants to replace it with renewables.

      It has a Nameplate of 2083MW, and supplies (not best case here but the AVERAGE) of 16.65TWH per year, at a Capacity Factor (CF) of 91%. That’s not the best case CF, but the average since the Plant was opened.

      The kicker here is that the plant opened in 1973, and at the (hoped for) closure date, it will have been in constant operation for 48 years, so still operating at 91% CF after all but 50 years.

      To replace it with, let’s say wind power here, that’s a Nameplate of 2083MW multiplied by CF ratio (91% versus 30%) of three, so you now need 6249MW of wind. So that is now around 20+ huge scale wind plants. (when a 300MW wind plant of 100 towers is considered huge).

      Then, on top of that, because the life expectancy of wind is around 20 years, multiply that by 2.5, so that’s 50+ huge scale wind plants. That’s an all up total of around 5,000 wind towers.

      For some perspective, that total Nameplate to supply power for the same 50 years is FOUR times the TOTAL Australian wind power Nameplate, just to replace the output of the ONE large scale Nuke. The Nuke supplies its power 24/7/365, and the wind, well good days a lot, some days not so much, some days as low as 1%, nobody knows for CERTAIN when those good and bad days are, or even good and bad times of day for power delivery, as most deliver their best levels of power between Midnight and Dawn, when it’s needed least of all, while all the while, the Nuke just hums along at 91%, ALWAYS there.

      Find financing for all of that for New York? Who cares? It won’t happen.

      The trouble with this green dream of theirs is that the people who push it have no concept whatsoever of mathematics, and worst of all, won’t even bother to try and find out.



      • #

        Essay question for teh
        English-lit literati
        of New York City …
        ‘Say, how many wind farms
        built in New York State
        are required to replace
        the energy of one itty-bitty
        nuclear power station?
        – and for ten extra points,
        where will you build them?


      • #

        Tony, would you not have to look at the minimum CF over a period of say 2 to 3 days (assuming some sort of mega battery system) to work out how many turbines will be required?

        Annual CF’s smooth out the huge variation in output from turbines and make the actual installation appear to be much smaller than would be actually required don’t they?


        • #

          Dean, thanks for this, you pretty much have it right.

          Note that the current Nuke provides 16.65TWH of power each year.

          So that is what they have to get from any mix of renewables.

          The big Nuke provides its power on a smooth even basis, for 24/7/365, and again, that is what is required to be delivered by those renewables, a same for same power delivery.

          They can construct whatever they want to in the way of (mostly wind) renewables, I couldn’t care less.

          Because that Nuke does do 24/7/365, that 16.65 TWH becomes 16,650,000MWH per year. (same thing, just extrapolated from TWH to MWH) That then means that the Nuke does 45,582MWH per day, (every day) and distilled down even further, that’s 1900MWH per hour. (every hour) Try and find any battery anywhere that can deliver 1900MWH per hour. They do not exist and never will exist.

          They can effectively say that, given the huge construction required, that those wind towers can deliver the equivalent power, 16.65TWH spread across the whole year, and say that viola, same power delivery.

          However, that is 45,528MWH per day, every day.

          Not 60,000MWH on some days, and 20,000MWH on other days, and perhaps some days as low as 1%. It MUST be even, every hour and every day. Wind CANNOT do that, no matter how many they construct.

          THAT is where the problem lies.

          It is not like for like.

          They will try and get away with Nameplate, as they have done for years now, because hey, the public doesn’t know and if truth be told, very few would even bother to try and understand it anyway.



  • #

    Climate discussions occur quite often in my rural town and when it comes to the opinions of the farmers, they all have the same view; it’s a load of bull. Now our Green-Left residents, on the other hand…


  • #
    John in Oz

    I must be a closet warmist as I am treated with scorn and vitriol in my household if I mention those terms that must never be spoken.


    • #

      Me too, Ozzy John. No way can I discuss this issue with my daughter and son-in-law. However, as my Grandchildren spend weekends with us and we go bushwalking the conversation can get turned to these issues and I think I am winning, which is just as well, as what they are being taught at their (very expensive) Sydney private school is little short of pathetic.


  • #
    Mickey Reno

    To all the poor little snowflakes and dewdrops at the NY Times who feel like they must speak in code to discuss climate change, here is a web site you can go to to have all your fears and emotions validated: TheGuardian.com.

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


  • #

    The more NYT and others like them spew out fake news the more readers they will lose and so eventually will go bankrupt. I hope they keep it up as the left-wing media are now being exposed for what they really stand for – fake and the nasty politics of hate and deceit. If the ABC wasn’t receiving huge financial support from the government they would be on the road to ruin by now. One then has the ask the question, why is a so called Liberal government still funding a left-wing biased broadcaster?


    • #

      Have you heard that”President Trump(god that sounds good)”has ordered that PBS be put up for sale?Watch out ABC and SBS.Pauline might get ideas.


    • #

      Have you seen the haunted look in the eyes of the CNN, WP and NYT journos when Trump’s press secretary passes over them for questions – or gives them a serve. Apparently they have always believed they the media are trumps, but now there is another! Oh, the pain.


  • #

    “It’s become such a charged topic that there’s a navigation people do.”

    So when a neighbor remarks on the heat or the likelihood of rain, I’ll know they’re doing a navigation of a charged topic. No way they’re just talkin’ ’bout weather. No way. You have to be sensitive to nuance, subtext, resonances and implied narratives, like a New York Times journo with a big juicy Eng. Lit degree. (Pity the rag is going broke.)


  • #

    Traditional newspapers are dying and possibly traditional television news. There were levels of newspapers from the highly respected to the trashy aliens ate my baby rags. To see what has become of the Melbourne Age and the New York Times is tragic and you have to put it down to a combination of commercial desperation to chase the new generations and a belief by journalists that they are the government, if only because they can influence older politicians.

    Trump is the first to use new media to influence elections, bypassing both television news and the newspapers. Who would have thought television would become traditional media? Outmoded, out dated and too slow. Now as you can see from the juvenile wow, gosh, would you believe running commentary on news.com.au, the new media are just chasing junk advertising. A T shirt is too much reading for many. The 8 second sound byte too long. Even Batman’s Wham and Bam will ebcome Whm,Bm to save time.

    So the old world journalists who will soon be out of a job are puzzled that no one listens to their dire pronouncements and end of world scenarios and what really is the problem with Global warming? The Climate is changing. Old world newspapers will soon die of irrelevance but their desperate attempts to reclaim their old roles sees the farce of old journalists trying to cope with a new world and stamping their feet in rage. People read the blogs they want to read, chase the opinions they want to hear and not be lectured by self appointed experts who think they should be in charge.

    In the meantime a free thinking and extremely successful 70 year old non lawyer President is making changes, changes which appeal to most, despite the media scorn. He won an election despite 98.3% of Washington voting against him and 95% of journalists. That says it all. They will quickly become irrelevant unless they get with the 21st century. The age of Clinton/Obama/Clinton is over. No one wants windmills. People no longer believe the media. They believe their President.


    • #

      I’ve been saying much the same for the last couple of years. What were once esteemed newspapers are now virtually advertorials posting endless clickbait.

      The quality of journalism has declined to the lowest levels that I’ve ever seen, notably in these mainstream publications. Simple things like correct spelling and grammar seem to elude so many journalists. In this day and age, there should be no reason for any spelling errors and few grammatical errors, given that everything is produced using word processors.

      But from what I understand, newspapers no longer employ the sub-editors that they once did and that the floors are filled with newly graduated ‘journalists’, clutching their degrees, cobbling together articles with no real concern for research, detail, accuracy or readability.

      This is why blogs are doing so well. Not that they don’t have their fair share of errors, but the authors tend to put in far more effort than what seems to be the case with the MSM.


      • #

        … newly graduated ‘journalists’, clutching their degrees, cobbling together articles with no real concern for research, detail, accuracy or readability

        Ah yes, but the academic lecturers, Assistant Professors, in the Uni Journalism faculties have told them that they are the future gatekeepers of knowledge, the agenda setters, herders of politicians, with the power to change the world.

        This appeals to their vanity, so they believe it – and refuse to let go of it. The consequence is self-destruction writ on a large, public HD screen.


        • #

          …cobbling together articles… Yep.

          ‘Stitching this-a-way,
          stitching that-a-way,
          pull, pull,


        • #

          Ah yes, but the academic lecturers, Assistant Professors, in the Uni Journalism faculties have told them that they are the future gatekeepers of knowledge, the agenda setters, herders of politicians, with the power to change the world.

          Ah, yes, but President Trump has changed all that. Twitter Twats,


      • #
        Robert Rosicka

        Just seen how Michele Grattan has wrote a piece lashing out at Turdball for not giving her the answers she wanted .


    • #
      Ian Hill

      Happens every generation except that now the generation gap is wider. Go back 20 years and the internet was just starting and there was no social media. No-one was walking around looking continuously at their hand and tripping into fountains. Twenty years before that everyone still went to the drive-in because you couldn’t rent movies. Go back another 20 years and television had only just begun in Australia. Twenty years further back World War II was brewing.

      At all times you wonder how the past coped without current technology. The space program gave us many incredible inventions through necessity and yet we still went to the Moon with far less computing capacity than what a person’s hand can now hold but then the astronauts did not have to worry about twittering and apps (are they the right terms?).


  • #

    ”…well-financed push by fossil-fuel interests…”

    Over at SkS you’d be m0derated for that.

    It’d be considered as a subject already debunked . . and also as sloganeering.

    Please abide by our Comments Policy which is a requirement for your enjoyment of the site.
    What a laff . .


  • #

    from a different “Times” – the Murdoch UK one:

    29 Jan: Breitbart: Times journo calls for assassination of President Trump
    by Donna Rachel Edmunds
    Times columnist and author India Knight has called for the assassination of U.S. President, Donald J. Trump.
    During a days-long invective against the newly inaugurated President, on Twitter in which Knight called Mr Trump a “moron”, “mad”, “needy”, and an “arse”, among other things, before telling him to “shut up”, she mused “the assassination is taking such a long time.”…

    Wikipedia: India Knight
    Political Views:
    On January 27, 2017 she wrote on Twitter “The assination is taking such a long time”.(no citation, no mention who it was referencing)

    only Breitbart seems to have covered the story!

    c’mon Guardian – u carried India’s “woof” story, why not the “assassination” one?

    The Goodness of Dogs by India Knight review – the woof guide
    The Guardian-25 Sep. 2016


  • #

    Usual newspaper dross, usually NY Times — facts be damned! We need emotion and lots of it.

    Just more emotional sophistry for those who are taken in by such nonsense.


  • #

    As you all know AGW is a religion, there are religions out there that do require members to speak in tongues ergo this is simply the next evolutionary step for the AGW religion.

    They call it “speak in code” but we all know what they mean.


    • #

      One red thumb already.

      I just knew the gold and silver sparkly lure was the best bait to use.


      • #

        “gold and silver sparkly lure…”

        Is that the AGW part, or the “religion” part?

        I can see it working either way.

        (Or is AGW the gold part and religion the silver? Or is AGW the gold and silver, and religion the sparkly? Or…?)

        If I don’t stop, this could turn into climate science. Chaos, utter chaos.


        • #

          AGW is the gold and silver the lure is the religion, “believe like I do, we can save the planet” and in return you will be showered in Gold and Silver.


  • #

    Well it has been 0 days without a fake news story from the US MSM. The air and papers here were full of them today. They really have gone bonkers over the immigration ban on those coming from 7 countries. The left saying it’s a “ban on Muslims” when in fact there are 40 other primarily Muslim countries which are not restricted. It really is hilarious to watch.


    • #

      Suspension of Visa issue to citizens of certain countries, they are not banned as the MSM keeps saying.


      • #
        Robert Rosicka

        Dennis a quick check on Dr Google shows countries with far worse immigration policy’s than the USA.


  • #

    links to the Abbott speech:

    30 Jan: Australian: Rachel Baxendale: Turnbull, Birmingham dismiss Abbott’s claims to scrap RET
    The former Prime Minister warned over the weekend (LINK) that the Turnbull government is “losing touch” with its traditional voters and must scrap the Renewable Energy Target to mitigate further electoral damage.
    His successor, Mr Turnbull, said the RET was only about 18 months old.

    “It was restructured under the government of my predecessor, Mr Abbott, and as a consequence of that, as he said at the time, it created certainty for investment in the renewables energy space,” Mr Turnbull said.
    “We’re committed to the Renewable Energy Target as restructured at the time, and it will not be changed.
    “As Mr Abbott said at the time, it was a great effort by the ministers, The Minister for Industry and Minister for the Environment at the time.”…READ ON


  • #


    Malcolm Turnbull* has dismissed Tony Abbott’s calls for the Renewable Energy Target to be dumped.

    * Former Chairman of Goldman & Sachs


  • #

    What a fantastic wealth creation plan: Scare people with man-made global warming climate change, then introduce renewable energy scam, gain taxpayer subsidies for profit generation, write off equipment against operating profit, invest secretly in coal, when wind/solar systems reach use-by date somewhere around 15-20 years shut down the operation that has all equipment written off legally, by that time the voters/consumers are demanding cheaper electricity from more reliable power stations, invest in coal fired power stations ….


  • #

    Hiroko Tabuchi, the NYT writer of the article quoted by jo, contributes to the following, which could be called “Globalists fight back”.

    hilariously, the piece ends with the most positive NYT words about the Koch Brothers ever … & the words “CLIMATE CHANGE”:

    29 Jan: NYT: Patricia Cohen: Executives’ Response to Immigration Order Runs Gamut From Caution to Fury
    (Hiroko Tabuchi, Nicholas Confessore, Anita Raghavan and Shivani Vora contributed reporting)
    PHOTO CAPTION FROM WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM DAVOS: Dominic Barton, a McKinsey executive, said in a memo that he was “very disappointed” by President Trump’s immigration order.
    In California, officials with the political network overseen by the billionaire conservative activists David H. and Charles G. Koch released a statement on Sunday criticizing Mr. Trump’s handling of the issue.
    “We believe it is possible to keep Americans safe without excluding people who wish to come here to contribute and pursue a better life for their families,” Brian Hooks, co-chairman of the Kochs’ donor network, said during the consortium’s annual winter meeting…
    The Kochs’ libertarian-tinged politics have often put them at odds with Mr. Trump, even though the brothers’ oil and petrochemicals conglomerate, Koch Industries, stands to benefit from the president’s energy policies and views on climate change.
    (A version of this article appears in print on January 30, 2017, on Page B2 of the New York edition with the headline: Companies Scramble to Address Trump Order)

    3 Republican senators feature:

    28 Jan: DailyCaller: Christopher Bedford: WARNING: Trump’s EPA Secretary Will Have ‘16,000 Employees Working Against Him’
    (Editor’s Note: Christopher Bedford was a fellow at the Charles Koch Institute in 2010)
    PALM SPRINGS, CALIF. — When likely EPA Secretary Scott Pruitt walks into his first day at the office, “He’ll have 16,000 employees working against him,” Sen. James Lankford told a large gathering of libertarian donors Saturday evening.
    “And I expect a flood of lawsuits over everything he does.”…
    Lankford, who chairs the Senate Oversight Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care and Entitlements, was joined on stage by Sens. Mike Lee and Pat Toomey. Their panel, moderated by Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips, was during a dinner on day one of Charles and David Koch’s libertarian Seminar Network in Palm Springs, Calif….
    Held twice a year, the seminars are a gathering place for the Seminar Network, a large group of wealthy donors interested in libertarian causes…
    The network is co-chaired by Charles Koch Institute President Brian Hooks and Mark Holden, general counsel for Koch Industries…

    Of the three senators, Lankford was the only tepid backer of Trump, saying he would support the nominee and frequently dodging press requests to weigh in on specific incidents. Toomey withheld endorsement of Trump, though didn’t rule it out, and was a frequent critic. On Election Day, he said he was voting for Trump. Lee, who is a close friend of Sen. Ted Cruz and represents Utah’s quieter, more conflict-adverse Mormon Republican electorate, urged Trump to quit in October and declined to endorse him throughout the election.

    Called “A Time to Lead,” the meeting is hosted at the Renaissance Indian Wells Resort and Spa, and is focused on local, grassroots initiatives Americans can take in what Hooks called “the key institutions of society”– “education, community, business and government.”
    There are around 550 individuals included in the “principals” network meeting, which requires at least $100,000 donation to the network. In addition to these invited people, there are approximately 150 staff and speakers, Seminar Network spokesman James Davis told reporters. There is also a larger press presence than any previous conference has allowed.


  • #

    related comment, including new piece by the NYT writer jo references – Hiroko Tabuchi – has gone into moderation:

    Facebook: Donald J. Trump
    Statement Regarding Recent Executive Order Concerning Extreme Vetting
    My policy is similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months. The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration ETC ETC…

    29 Jan: ConservativeTreehouse: sundance: Epic – Is Team Trump Baiting Liberal Media and Refugee Protesters By Using Obama’s Own Policy?…
    The limiting Visa program was President Obama’s action, not President Trump…
    President Trump is not suspending visas from countries his team selected, they are simply suspending visa approval from countries President Obama selected…

    29 Jan: PJ Media: Debra Heine: Soros Bankrolling Effort to Stop Trump’s Temporary Refugee Halt Order


  • #

    As the sun slowly sinx in the west, it will be interesting to see how much of Australia’s power is produced by green renewables tonight.
    At 15.45 (NEM time) it was about 3500 megawatts of the total 36,000 being produced all up.

    It’s going to take a lot of subsidies and fines to bring the 16% (including hydropower)up to 23% over the next three years, especially considering that there won’t be any solar power overnight, and if we overuse the hydropower it won’t hold out the season.

    We need to add about 2.5 times as much as we have now, for daytime use, but triple that figure to allow for a 24 hour average.
    It can’t be done. It won’t be done. It mustn’t be attempted.


    • #

      It occurred to me a while ago that we really must stop playing into the hands of the Greens, they want us to refer to green renewables etc because for marketing purposes it indirectly sends voters a “Green Party” message.


      • #
        Robert Rosicka

        How many renewables are there that are truly green ? None that I know of .


      • #

        I agree, but green renewable energy is a useful term to describe useless renewable power, as opposed to hydroelectricity, which does work and can be efficient.
        At 18.55 NEM time green renewables were less than 1,200 of the 33,000 total, and still falling. 12.7 %, including the 3,000 MW from hydroelectricity.
        Someone important needs to admit soon, that the whole thing is a farce.


  • #

    Mr Palen has been working the farm for maybe 15 to 20 years (tops). That’s a pretty small sample size in the history of farming in that area. But hey, I’m sure he can spot man-made CO2 changes to his farm immediately.


  • #

    NYT brings CAGW to every argument! plus other tidbits:

    29 Jan: NBC: Meet the Press: Host: Chuck Todd; Guests: Tom Friedman, NYT, Kimberley Strassel, WSJ, Pulitzer Prize winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin etc.
    TOM FRIEDMAN: You know, Chuck, one of the points I actually make in my book is from a system’s analyst named Lynn Wells who said, “You shouldn’t think in the box. You shouldn’t think out of the box. You should always think without a box.” And what he meant by that is the world is actually seamlessly integrated where telecommunications and markets and ***CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT, they’re all interwoven…
    Where are the greatest immigration flows happening in the world today? They’re actually coming from the Sahel, Central Africa toward Europe. And not actually from Mexico for us. From Central America, the northern triangle. Both are hammered by the same problem, ***POPULATION and CLIMATE CHANGE. Okay? The collapse of small-scale agriculture.
    What has this administration come out full-scale against? A family planning technology being extended by the U.S. government and ***CLIMATE CHANGE is a complete myth…

    KIMBERLEY STRASSEL: –this is also not unprecedented, by the way. I mean, Barack Obama put a pause for six months on refugees coming from Iraq back in 2011. ***I don’t remember protestors and I don’t remember lawsuits. So I think the bigger question if this is a temporary pause, which is designed for us to improve and look at our vetting processes, and indeed temporary, I don’t necessarily think that’s an outrageous idea…

    DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: I mean, the concern I have about the Democrats right now is that they have to analyze honestly why they lost. And they didn’t lose just in Washington…
    They have to become a reverse Tea Party. They have to go out to middle America and figure out…So they’ve got to figure out, “Why did we lose the state houses? Did we not reach middle America?” And it can’t just be anti-Trump…It didn’t work in the campaign to just be anti-Trump. It’s not going to work in the opposition either…

    KIMBERLEY STRASSEL: Single most important moment this week politically which was largely overlooked was the meeting that Donald Trump had with union leaders on Monday…
    CHUCK TODD: Not just any union leaders. The trades. Not the–
    KIMBERLEY STRASSEL: The pipe fitters, the sheet metal workers. And you didn’t see a single AFL-CIO member there, an SEIU member there.
    TOM FRIEDMAN: That’s right.
    KIMBERLEY STRASSEL: ***He is trying to steal that base. And by the way, those union members came out hugely enthusiastic from that meeting. And if Democrats don’t remember that those are the people that they need to keep on board. Because part of the problem here, let’s not forget, is the policies. Okay? Why are they thrilled with Donald Trump? Because he signed executive orders on the Keystone Pipeline and on the Dakota Pipeline. Okay, well, this is heretical to guys like Howard Dean…

    (CONDESCENDING, WHAT?) TOM FRIEDMAN: I’m a big believer people don’t listen through their ears, they listen through their stomach. You connect with them at a gut level, they’re not interested in the details. You don’t connect with them at a gut level, you can’t show them enough details.
    And to Doris’ point I think that Democrats have to find a way to connect to the gut concerns of a lot of these middle Americans and then ***take them into a more progressive direction. That’s going to take some real rethinking I think of the whole platform in general…


    • #

      further clarification about Trump and the Unions, which points out Trump met with Teamsters and AFL-CIO leaders earlier. Kimberley Strassel gives impression he hasn’t met with AFL-CIO:

      23 Jan: Reuters: David Shepardson: Trump meets with leaders of building, sheet metal unions
      President Donald Trump met Monday at the White House with leaders of construction, carpenters, plumbers and sheet metal unions, the White House said.
      According to the White House, participants included North America’s Building Trades Unions President Sean McGarvey, Laborers’ International Union of North America President Terry O’Sullivan, SMART sheet metal workers’ union President Joseph Sellers, United Brotherhood of Carpenters President Doug McCarron and Mark McManus, president of the United Association that represents plumbers, pipefitters, welders and others.
      The union meeting also included several local union officials and follows a gathering of 12 chief executives of large companies at the White House to discuss revitalizing the U.S. manufacturing economy.
      ***Earlier this month, Trump held separate meetings with Teamsters President Jim Hoffa and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in New York…

      Not all major unions were invited to Monday’s event. A spokesman for the United Steelworkers union, Wayne Ranick, said the union was not invited.
      “We are always interested in such discussions given that 100,000s of our members work in manufacturing and (are) affected by trade,” he said in an email.

      ***Trump sparred with a local steelworkers union president Chuck Jones in December over the number of jobs United Technologies Corp agreed to save at a Carrier plant in Indiana.
      Nearly all major unions endorsed Trump’s rival, Hillary Clinton, during the presidential election campaign…

      During the campaign, Trump appealed to blue collar workers in Midwestern states vowing to bring jobs back from Mexico, which helped him win crucial states like Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
      A CNN exit poll said Trump carried 42 percent of voters in union households compared with 51 percent for Clinton. He did far better among union members than Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney did in 2012.

      ***Trump sparred???

      the only honest report:

      Donald Trump Lashes Out At Carrier’s Union Leader Chuck Jones …
      Dec 7, 2016 – President-elect Donald Trump hit back after union leader Chuck Jones accused him of lying about the scale and success of the Carrier deal…

      just some of the FakeNewsMSM coverage, with Trump as aggressor:

      NYT: Trump as Cyberbully in Chief? Twitter Attack on Union Boss Draws Fire
      WSJ:Donald Trump Attacks Carrier Union Leader Chuck Jones on Twitter
      THE HILL: Carrier union leader (Chuck Jones): Trump ‘lied his ass off’ about deal
      CNN: Carrier union boss: No regrets about calling Trump a liar
      NPR: Trump Blasts Union Leader Who Criticized Carrier Deal


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    Mark M

    SMH, Jan 24, 2017: Looming cyclone may break a record drought for Australia’s region

    Phil Klotzbach, a US-based storm researcher, said the whole southern hemisphere had not had a hurricane-strength storm for 275 days, the longest absence since 1974.

    “There have only been two named storms so far in the southern hemisphere season and zero hurricane-strength storms,” Dr Klotzbach, a research scientist
    at Colorado State University, said.

    “The south Indian Ocean has been relatively cool compared with normal as of late, and there has also tended to be sinking motion in that region,” reducing the chances of storms forming, Dr Klotzbach said.

    The Conversation, 2015: FactCheck: is global warming intensifying cyclones in the Pacific?

    “Senator Milne’s statement that global warming is intensifying cyclones in the Pacific cannot be verified at present but cyclones are intensifying in concert with rising sea surface temperatures.”


  • #

    26 Jan: Financial Times: Andrew Ward: BP warns of price pressures from long-term oil glut
    Market faces uncertain outlook as demand shifts from fossil fuels to cleaner energy
    The world is facing a long-term oil glut as producers scramble to exploit reserves before fossil fuel demand goes into decline, according to a BP assessment…
    The UK oil and gas group said there was twice as much recoverable oil available as the world is expected to need between now and 2050, making it like some oil reserves will will never be extracted…
    BP cited estimates that there are 2.6trillion barrels of oil recoverable using current technology…
    BP said that plentiful supply would help keep fossil fuels the dominant source of energy powering the world economy for decades to come, with oil, gas and coal projected to account for three-quarters of energy supply in 2035…

    PDF: 104 pages: BP Energy Outlook: 2017 edition
    In BP, we continue to believe that carbon pricing has an important role to play as it provides ***incentives for everyone – producers and consumers alike – to play their part…

    •Growth in global coal demand slows sharply relative to the past (0.2% p.a. versus 2.7% p.a. over the past 20 years); global coal consumption peaks in the mid-2020s.
    •Much of this slowdown is driven by China as its economy adjusts to a more sustainable pattern of growth and government policies prompt a shift away from coal towards cleaner, lower-carbon fuels. China’s coal consumption is projected to broadly plateau over the next 20 years, in sharp contrast to the rapid, industrialization-fuelled growth of much of the past 20 years.
    •Even so, China remains the world’s largest market for coal, accounting for nearly half of global coal consumption in 2035.
    •India is the largest growth market, with its share of world coal demand doubling from around 10% in 2015 to 20% in 2035…

    •The global car fleet doubles from 0.9 billion cars in 2015 to 1.8 billion by 2035.
    •Almost all of this growth is in emerging markets…

    ***incentives for consumers to cut their energy use because it’s too expensive.


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    “It’s shaping up to be the hottest January on record – reported by Channels 7 9 10 or is that 10 9 7?

    And one presenter after the weather fool added his warming news remarked “that’s why I have shorts on” …. in an air conditioned television studio he did not add.

    The Cuckoo Nest is alive and working hard on Not The Real News


    • #
      Robert Rosicka

      Dennis our local news reported on the heat of late but pointed out it was a normal summer with less days over 40 so far , nearly chocked on my weeties!


  • #

    OT, Trump bashing seen at who is the best at remembering thier lines in front of a camera awards.

    Not to be out done more Trump bashing seen at the best at being a bimbo awards as well.

    To think these people believe their opinions carry more weight than others


  • #

    26 Jan: Financial Times: Andrew Ward: BP warns of price pressures from long-term oil glut
    Market faces uncertain outlook as demand shifts from fossil fuels to cleaner energy
    The world is facing a long-term oil glut as producers scramble to exploit reserves before fossil fuel demand goes into decline, according to a BP assessment…
    The UK oil and gas group said there was twice as much recoverable oil available as the world is expected to need between now and 2050, making it like some oil reserves will will never be extracted…
    BP cited estimatess that there are 2.6trillion barrels of oil recoverable using current technology…
    BP said that plentiful supply would help keep fossil fuels the dominant source of energy powering the world economy for decades to come, with oil, gas and coal projected to account for three-quarters of energy supply in 2035…

    PDF: 104 pages: BP Energy Outlook: 2017 edition
    In BP, we continue to believe that carbon pricing has an important role to play as it provides incentives for everyone – producers and consumers alike – to play their part…

    •Growth in global coal demand slows sharply relative to the past (0.2% p.a. versus 2.7% p.a. over the past 20 years); global coal consumption peaks in the mid-2020s.
    •Much of this slowdown is driven by China as its economy adjusts to a more sustainable pattern of growth and government policies prompt a shift away from coal towards cleaner, lower-carbon fuels. China’s coal consumption is projected to broadly plateau over the next 20 years, in sharp contrast to the rapid, industrialization-fuelled growth of much of the past 20 years.
    •Even so, China remains the world’s largest market for coal, accounting for nearly half of global coal consumption in 2035.
    •India is the largest growth market, with its share of world coal demand doubling from around 10% in 2015 to 20% in 2035…

    •The global car fleet doubles from 0.9 billion cars in 2015 to 1.8 billion by 2035.
    •Almost all of this growth is in emerging markets…

    oh…and there’ll be more renewables…somewhere or other.


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    just for fun.

    these are just some of the FakeNewsMSM pieces suggesting Trump chose a list of countries where he doesn’t have any business interests, YET SYRIA WAS THE ONLY COUNTRY NAMED IN HIS EXECUTIVE ORDER, AND THE LIST OF COUNTRIES BEING NAMED BY THE MEDIA WERE FROM OBAMA’S DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY LIST!!!

    28 Jan: NPR: How Does Trump’s Immigration Freeze Square With His Business Interests?
    by Peter Overby & Jim Zarroli
    The executive action, “Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States,” targets seven nations…
    Trump has no business interests in those countries…
    And there appear to be conflict-of-interest questions, which could raise legal and constitutional concerns for the Trump White House.
    Norman Eisen, a former ethics adviser to President Obama and a current fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, told NPR in an interview:…

    28 Jan: New York Mag: Chas Danner: Judge Temporarily Blocks Part of Trump’s Ban on Refugees and Citizens from 7 Muslim-Majority Nations
    In fact, as NPR points out, no citizens from the seven countries listed in the current ban have conducted any terrorist attacks in the U.S. over this same period. And as Bloomberg notes, the list also excludes Muslim-majority countries in which the Trump Organization, which Trump refused to divest from before becoming president, has business ties…

    28 Jan: NY Daily News: Chris Sommerfeldt: President Trump’s Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire
    In a striking parallel, Trump’s sprawling business empire — which he has refused to rescind ownership of — holds multi-million dollar licensing and development deals in all of those countries, raising potential conflict of interest concerns and alarming questions over what actually went into the decision process behind Friday’s executive order…

    27 Jan: Bloomberg: Trump’s Immigration Ban Excludes Countries With Business Ties
    By Caleb Melby, Blacki Migliozzi and Michael Keller
    His proposed list doesn’t include Muslim-majority countries where his Trump Organization has done business or pursued potential deals.

    MSM is the enemy of the truth.


  • #
    Gee Aye

    Is “fake news” the new “politically correct”? It makes you feel righteous to say it but it is basically meaningless, like a drunk claiming to possess wisdom.


    • #

      “like a drunk claiming to possess wisdom.”

      Then why do you even try ?


    • #

      A little like being called a “denier”, isn’t it, Golly & Gee ?

      Nonetheless, “fake news” is what supports “political correctness”. Symbiotic, one could say.


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      el gordo

      ‘Is “fake news” the new “politically correct”?’

      The fake news concept was invented by the left to discredit right wing blogs and shore up a biased MSM.


      • #

        And quickly adopted by the right as it pointed out fake news from the MSM which is very frequent. In fact that one back fired on the MSM so badly that the NY Crimes has said it would no longer use the term. But like Pandora’s box, once allowed into the wild, they no longer control it, and so the right continues to use it to show that the majority of fake news is from the MSM.


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      Greg Cavanagh

      The “fake news” is the red hearing. It is the fake part.
      Do they still teach caveat emptor at school these days?

      News is news, and the printed news as always been 50% lies and 50% made up. If ever the local newspaper writes an article about yourself, or your sports team, you’ll quickly learn this one.

      So the real question with this “fake news” stuff is; Who Cares.


  • #

    heard this incredible interview on radio this morning & thought i’d find all our MSM covering the story, but can only find Australian & Herald-Sun and, even then, it seems MSM is backing Mackay-Sim’s reputation. Prof Tabakov touches on MSM misreporting as well * talks of receiving email from Mackay-Sim yesterday, trying to clear up the matter.

    i’ve only just found the podcast. listen and see what you think:

    AUDIO: 15mins37secs: 30 Jan: 2GB: Alan Jones Show: Chris Smith interviews Pawel Tabakov
    Chris talks to the Polish professor about the Australian of the Year and his stem cell research

    28 Jan: Herald-Sun: Andrew Jefferson: Former university backs up research of Australian of the Year Alan Mackay-Sim
    CLAIMS that the scientific achievements of newly crowned Australian of the Year Alan Mackay-Sim have been overstated are wrong, his former university says.
    Doubts were cast on Prof Mackay-Sim’s contribution in helping quadriplegic Polish man Dariusz Fidyka walk again, after the doctor who performed the groundbreaking surgery said his “involvement was zero”.
    Prof Mackay-Sim, who recently retired from Griffith University, was credited as leading the world-first team that showed transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells found in the nervous system into the human spinal cord was possible and safe in humans. In announcing the award on Australia Day, the National Australia Day Council said Prof Mackay-Sim’s research “played a central role in the world’s first successful restoration of mobility in a quadriplegic man”…

    But Pawel Tabakow, the doctor who performed the pioneering surgery on Mr Fidyka, said Prof Mackay-Sim’s work had nothing to do with the research or surgery.
    “It is not our business who should be Australian of the Year, but it is our business when his work is being linked to the surgery of Fidyka,” Dr Tabakow told The Weekend Australian. “He has no link whatsoever.”…
    ***A spokeswoman from the National Australia Day Council conceded there had been confusion in some media reports relating to Prof Mackay-Sim’s research.


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    the FakeNews meme seems to have been overtaken by calling Trump a LIAR (Kyle Pope’s Open Letter to President Trump from the US Press Corps in the Columbia Journalism Review, which declares the MSM will work together comes to mind once again. I have posted the letter in previous threads).

    first, note:

    It’s time to retire the tainted term ‘fake news’ – The Washington Post – Jan 8, 2017

    Yes, Donald Trump ‘lies.’ A lot. And news organizations should say so.
    Trump lied far more often, and far more egregiously, than Clinton did. WaPo -2 Jan. 2017

    Trump, lies and the challenge for honest traditional journalism, The Australian -5 Jan. 2017

    Meryl Streep called out Donald Trump’s bullying and lies. Trump just hit back – with more lies. SMH -9 Jan. 2017

    Trump, Trapped in His Lies, Keeps Lying. Sad! NYT -10 Jan. 2017

    Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain, POLITICO -20 Jan. 2017

    CONFIRMED: Trump a Lying Liar Who Lies, HuffPo-28 Jan. 2017

    With Donald Trump, the word ‘lie’ finally enters the mainstream media lexicon
    Trump employs falsehoods on a level never seen in modern Western politics, CBC -28 Jan. 2017

    Lying has worked for Donald Trump — so why stop now? CNN-24 Jan. 2017

    Trump Fuels His Illegitimacy Daily, With Ever More Lies, HuffPo-23 Jan. 2017

    Trump’s Big Lie imperils the republic, USA TODAY-23 Jan. 2017

    Booker: Trump spreading lies and ‘propaganda’, CNN -26 Jan. 2017

    Donald Trump’s tower of lies, NY Daily News-28 Jan. 2017

    A Lie by Any Other Name by Charles M. Blow
    New York Times – 26 Jan. 2017
    These are lies; good old-fashioned lies, baldfaced and flat-out lies.
    Some have suggested that we in the media should focus a bit less on these lies — some of them issued in tweets and some in interviews or news conferences — and focus more on policies, particularly the ineptitude of the gathering cabinet and the raft of executive orders that Trump himself is signing…
    Donald Trump is a proven liar. He lies often and effortlessly. He lies about the profound and the trivial. He lies to avoid guilt and invite glory. He lies when his pride is injured and when his pomposity is challenged…
    It is no coincidence that the rise of Trump is concurrent with the rise of “fake news.”…
    He hates members of the press because, when properly performing, they are truth seekers rather than ego-strokers…

    on the other hand:

    Hillary Clinton Is Not a Liar. Fortune-20 May 2016

    Is Hillary Clinton Dishonest? NYT -23 Apr. 2016

    This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest. Guardian -28 Mar. 2016

    Clinton’s Fibs, and Her Opponents’ Double Whoppers. NYT -1 Jun. 2016

    u get the picture.

    29 Jan: UK Daily Mail: David Martosko: ‘Listen more!’: Kellyanne (Conway) clobbers media for the administration’s ‘gaping, seeping wounds’ and says TV networks should FIRE pundits who called the election wrong and donated to Hillary
    She backed up chief strategist Steve Bannon’s claim that most of the media misunderstood American voters during the 2016 election cycle
    Conway said most journalists who contributed money to presidential candidates supported Hillary Clinton; one study puts that number at 96 per cent

    ‘Who’s cleaning house? Which one is going to be the first network to get rid of these people who said things that just weren’t true?’ Conway said on ‘Fox News Sunday.’…
    ‘Not one network person has been let go!’ she boomed. ‘Not one silly political analyst and pundit who talked smack all day long about Donald Trump has been let go. They’re on panels every Sunday. They’re on cable news every day.’
    ‘Who’s the first editorial writer, where’s the first blogger that will be let go, that embarrassed his or her outlets. We know all their names. I’m too polite to call them out by name, but they know who they are, and they’re all wondering, Will I be the first to go?”‘
    ‘The election was three months ago! None of them have been let go!’ she exclaimed.

    ‘If this were a real business, if the mainstream media were a thriving private sector business that actually turned a profit – which is not true of many of our newspapers – 20 percent of the people would be gone.’
    But ‘there’s no question that when you look at the contributions made by the media – money contributions – they went to Hillary Clinton,’ Conway declared. And published statistics back her up…
    ‘People should feel embarrassed,’ Conway said.
    She contended that the institutional bias inside many newsrooms has continued into Trump’s presidency…
    ‘You can’t put a piece of tissue paper between the way Donald Trump was covered as the Republican candidate, the Republican nominee, the president-elect, and the president. It’s all the same. It’s an anti-trump screed,’ she said…


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    no surprise writer, Foley, is deeply immersed in CAGW, tho u wouldn’t know it from this piece (see second link):

    25 Jan: ScientificAmericanBlog: Jonathan Foley: The War on Facts Is a War on Democracy
    There is a new incumbent in the White House, a new Congress has been sworn in, and scientists around the country are nervous as hell.
    In a time when facts don’t matter, and science is being muzzled, American democracy is the real victim
    We’re nervous because there seems to be a seismic shift going on in Washington, D.C., and its relationship with facts, scientific reality, and objective truth has never been more strained…

    Let me be clear: This isn’t a partisan thing. Scientists aren’t — and shouldn’t be! — worried about which political party is in power. It rarely mattered: There has always been a long tradition of bipartisan support for science and a fact-based world view. In fact, the Union of Concerned Scientists has ranked both Republican and Democratic presidents as being exceptional supporters of science, ranging from Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and George H.W. Bush…

    But there’s something different about this Administration. Something troubling. And scientists need to stand up and call it out. While we generally avoid political conversations, scientists should always stand up for facts, objectivity, and the independence of science itself. Not doing so would be almost unethical.
    So, to Mr. Trump, I would say this:…

    ***Do not mess with us. Do not try to bury the truth. Do not interfere with the free and open pursuit of science. You do so at your peril…

    The next time you visit the CIA headquarters, I hope you will take a moment to notice their unofficial motto, etched in the walls of the lobby. It says, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John VIII-XXXII.)
    It does. And scientists like me, and Americans of all backgrounds, will always fight for it.

    ***sounds a bit threatening!

    LinkedIn: Jonathan Foley
    Executive Director
    California Academy of Sciences
    August 2014 – Present

    Director, Institute on the Environment (IonE)
    University of Minnesota
    August 2008 – August 2014

    Director, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    2002 – 2008

    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Director, Climate, People and Environment Program (CPEP)
    1993 – 2002

    Dr. Jonathan Foley is the Executive Director of the California Academy of Sciences, where he is also the William R. and Gretchen B. Kimball Chair. In this role, Foley leads the greenest museum on the planet and one of the most future-focused scientific institutions in the world…

    Foley has published numerous scientific articles, including many highly cited works in Science, Nature, and PNAS. In 2014, Thomson Reuters named him a Highly Cited Researcher in environmental science, placing him among the top 1 percent most cited global scientists.
    He has also written many popular articles in publications like National Geographic, the New York Times, Scientific American, The Guardian, Ensia, Yale’s Environment 360, among others. Foley’s presentations on global environmentalissues have also been featured at hundreds of venues, including the Aspen, Chautauqua, and TED.

    Foley has won numerous awards and honors, including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (awarded by President Bill Clinton); the National Science Foundation’s Early Career Award; the J.S. McDonnell Foundation’s 21st Century Science Award; an Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellowship; and the Sustainability Science Award from the ESA. In 2014, he was named winner of the prestigious Heinz Award for the Environment.


  • #

    Well, the NYT may be using “codes”, but its good to see that our young Liberals, the future conservative leaderwhip of our great nation are not intimidated by sissy things like 18c, or political correctness. 🙂

    The level of political acumen demonstrated by this lot in the vid should give hope to all. 🙂


  • #

    “Climate change ” is liberal white noise to cover any and all bases because climate models predicting climate Armageddon
    were so easily proven crap . The term “climate change ” was a pivot used to avoid the complete trashing of the failed
    CO2 inducing global warming con game .
    No one disagrees climate changes and surprise surprise we are even in a long term warming trend . Thank goodness .

    The science is settled. The hypothesis that human generated CO2 is causing the earth to have a fever is false .

    Climate changes and any warming we happen to get is more beneficial than negative . Politicians and scientists who
    claim otherwise are the real deniers .


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    Don Griffiths

    Fortunately it’s predictable that those in politics lie or distort the truth, whichever form of trickery one chooses to call what we read/hear from those who lead. Here in America we have an entirely different brand of leader in that his background brings him four-square into this den of thieves theoretically as a novice in the fine art of political tomfoolery. However, Donald Trump has been a very capable truth-bender since he was old enough to recognize the value of doing so. It’s not much of a leap to take those unique talents that enabled him to successfully bull his way through the business world and apply them to the denizens of the swamp in Washington, D.C. Now he’s unleashing his persona on the world.

    I’m being harsh. The man has made bazillions doing something better than others. He has also picked some genuine talent to help insulate him from himself. He also has good ideas about tightening up our ship of state, so I wish him well. One thing in his favor is that he is not over-the-top on human-caused global climate change and has chosen an extremely pragmatic person to head our EPA who will put a foot on the neck of this absurdity at least for a while.

    It’s been many years since I posted on Jo’s web site. It’s gratifying to see it’s still here and well attended. Thanks for allowing me to take up some of your time.


  • #

    AUDIO: 11mins22secs: 31 Jan: 2GB: Alan Jones Show: Chris Smith interviews Dr Howard Brady
    Chris talks to the author of the new book “Mirrors and Mazes: A Guide through the climate change debate”
    (from Mirrors and Mazes website: Dr Howard Brady, Alumnus Scientist of the Year, Northern Illinois University, who undertook four expeditions to Antarctica with the US Office of Polar Programs)

    Small business leaders speak after joining Trump in Oval Office as he signed an executive order on Monday requiring that for every new federal regulation, two existing rules must be eliminated:

    30 Jan: VIDEO: 4mins11secs: AMAZING VIDEO: Small Business Owners HEAP PRAISE on POTUS TRUMP after White House Meeting
    Small Business Owner after Small Business Owner heap praise on President Donald Trump after meeting with the new president in the White House on Monday of his second week in office.

    hopefully, implementation will go smoothly!


    • #
      Oliver K. Manuel

      President Trump is found an amazing job so far!

      He obviously had his plan developed for draining the swamp before he became President.

      Creatures living in the swamp obviously had no idea Trump would do what he said.

      We live in interesting times!


  • #

    AUDIO: 11mins22secs: 31 Jan: 2GB: Alan Jones Show: Chris Smith interviews Dr Howard Brady
    Chris talks to the author of the new book “Mirrors and Mazes: A Guide through the climate change debate”
    (from Mirrors and Mazes website: Dr Howard Brady, Alumnus Scientist of the Year, Northern Illinois University, who undertook four expeditions to Antarctica with the US Office of Polar Programs)

    Small business leaders speak after joining Trump in Oval Office as he signed an executive order on Monday requiring that for every new federal regulation, two existing rules must be eliminated:

    30 Jan: VIDEO: 4mins11secs: AMAZING VIDEO: Small Business Owners HEAP PRAISE on POTUS TRUMP after White House Meeting
    Small Business Owner after Small Business Owner heap praise on President Donald Trump after meeting with the new president in the White House on Monday of his second week in office.

    hopefully, implementation will go smoothly!


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    don’t know why my comment went thru twice.


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    OT, but really, isn’t the wind turbine subsidy scam the very bottom of the barrel. !!



  • #

    ‘going underground, forced to disguise their belief about “climate change”.’

    Persecutory delusion?


  • #
    Roy Hogue

    So climatechange is overused!?

    History’s trash heap will be littered with words once used so often that they have no meaning at all. I can suggest some off the top of my head but I think you all know them so why bother.

    However, living in California I do not mince words with anyone. It’s a matter of keeping my self respect. If I mean “climate change” I say climate change. If someone doesn’t like it, too bad. If someone starts disagreeing with me I hand it right back. And like Mr. Palen, I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton (sorry California).

    The world is a mess and we should have spent our effort trying to get Donald Trump to continue his run for president 4 years ago instead of waiting until he finally made up his mind on his own. He’s doing wonders as the new sheriff in town, even fired the assistant Attorney General for her insubordination. Now there’s something to cheer loudly about — the boss knows he’s the boss and knows he should keep it that way.
