Trump would drain the climate-swamp

Banks, Carbon trading, investment, clean energy, renewables, global warming.

Big bankers are helping to save the poor from nasty storms. Sure…

In the climate debate, not much is bigger than this US election. If Clinton wins, it’s more of the same tax-funded gravy train supporting a trillion dollar industry that aims to change the weather and hold back the tide in a hundred years with special electrons from windmills and solar panels. Historians will giggle and mock us for falling into the grip of the pagan religion that sapped so much of our productive blood, sweat and tears.

Trump is promising to turn off that tap, though this “nuclear-wipe-out-option”  (which is common sense) is barely even noticed about the furious noise of this election. Clinton wont mention it because she knows most voters would like the climate swamp drained too. But the effect could mark the beginning of the end for this particular shade of taxpayer-parasite. The effect on the EU voters of watching Trump pull back and demolish the industry would be electric and infectious as industry, money and jobs fled the EU to the US. Even if Trump doesn’t win, he’s changed politics and made it so much easier for other candidates to stand up and say the bleeding obvious. The emperor is naked.

Spot the virtue signalling conflict

Curiously Trump wants to use the climate funds to help black Americans instead. Strangely the social-justice-eco-worriers are not leaping at this opportunity to show how culturally concerned they are. I mean, renewables is pretty much an old white guy industry, pushed and pumped by large financial houses and corporates like Deutsche BankCitigroupRoyal Dutch ShellGEPanasonic, and large multinational groups. Most renewables are completely dependent on taxpayers, or the investors run away. Money is sucked from people of all colors through tax and electricity bills to feed non-profitable, uncompetitive corporates and a massive bureaucracy. Where are the protests as the money is drained from the poor and fed to largely rich whites?

Poor Joe Romm, it’s doing his head in. Unfunding the climate apostles is unthinkable:

Trump just proposed ending all federal clean energy development

He’d end all research on solar, wind, efficiency, batteries, clean cars, and climate science, too.

Romm clearly doesn’t think this is really going to happen or he would be apoplectic. Instead he analyzes the claims as if it’s just another unfunded, badly thought out bubble.  After machinations over many paragraphs, he discovers that there really is spending close to $100 billion over 8 years that Trump could axe.

If we take the 2014 “climate” budget request of $11.7 billion as the baseline going forward to determine possible budget savings in a Trump administration, then team Trump would have to eliminate everything in it just to save $93.6 billion over eight years.

 The unthinkable option:

In reality, the only way Trump can keep this promise is to zero out all clean energy research and development (along with all climate science and support for international efforts), which would shut the door on the below-2°C path just as the rest of the world was working together to pry that door open.

As if. The Paris climate accord allows almost all the big emitters to double, triple, whatever, their emissions. There is no reason to think 2 degrees is coming (it’s more like 0.2), but there is no reason to think we could stop it with the Paris-puffery if it were.

You may consider it unlikely Trump would follow through, but I was at the U.S. Department of Energy working on clean energy when the GOP took back the House in 1995, led by Newt Gingrich. The House GOP had pledged to zero out all clean energy development and deployment programs — and they succeeded in slashing the budget for all the deployment programs.

The only thing that stopped them from gutting clean energy research and development was a huge push-back by the administration of President Clinton. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Blame Bill Clinton then for twenty years of lost opportunity and wasted billions.

As an added bonus I note that quietly, the Paris Agreement has probably “come into force” 4 days before US election. “Force” though, means nothing. But as a PR exercise it has been a master success. Oddly no one is cheering about this much — possibly because they know it won’t help Hillary if the voters talk about big-climate (and climate-money).

9 out of 10 based on 98 ratings

122 comments to Trump would drain the climate-swamp

  • #

    No more Big Green below Trudopia? Oil to gush through Keystone instead of being hauled south by Buffett’s choo-choos? Productive jobs instead of resource-gobbling green jobs? The creepy Gaian cult to go begging pathetically about the EU as it loses religious and charitable tax status in the US?

    Trump…you’re hired!


    • #
      Gail Combs


      For those of you Americans voting today, a reminder from Treeper Trumped, that if you encounter any problems casting a ballot or if you witness any disruptions at a polling location please call our Voter Assistance Hotline at

      (844) 332-2016.

      You can also report any of these incidents on-line at:


      For relief from the insanity, Sundance has a branch at the TreeHouse for you.

      Sundance and commenters (Treepers) do a lot of behind the scenes digging for the truth behind the MSM headlines. His blog is very popular with Conservatives so if you have some curiosity about the reports on doings in the USA he is worth a peek.

      I was pleasantly surprised to find them well informed about CAGW despite not being a climate blog.


      • #

        We use paper. Turnout was a lot lower than in 08 and 12 (for a mixed district). You know what that means. The only snafu was the shortage of poll workers, but we were still in and out in about 40 minutes.


        • #
          Oliver K. Manuel

          Thank. Phil,

          Turnout was heavy here in Jackson, MO. Yard signs are at least 20:1 for Trump and I expect the vote reflect that.


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        Ted O'Brien.

        Is this significant?

        Headlines in Oz tell us the stock market goes down when Trump’s prospects rise, and goes up when Clinton’s prospects rise.

        I can’t see the logic in this. Somebody must be rigging it.


        • #

          Markets always hate uncertainty Ted. A Donald victory would be uncertainty plus as far as the markets are concerned, Hillary simply business as usual.

          It was the same with Brexit if you remember.

          Uncertainty leads to people covering their positions, taking profits, waiting and watching.


      • #
        Radical Rodent

        Sorry, but there can be little doubt that, however many vote for Trump – even if 90% of the electorate – Clinton will be the next POTUS. When a company owned by one of Clinton’s richest supporters controls the electronic voting systems of so many states, there can be only one winner; all others will be losers, and that includes democracy.


    • #
      stan stendera

      Forgive me Jo. I’m going to jump the thread. My beloved Libby and I are awake at 4 AM in the US. We are filled with joy. God has blessed the United States. We did our little part but the American people did the heavy lifting. The United States of America has saved the WORLD from Hillary Clinton. May God bless, and bless, and bless.


  • #

    The second paragraph is full of goodies.

    Particularily the idea that companies which have sought refuge in the EU will now return to the USA because of the lower production costs inherent in a normal electricity system and sensible government.

    Who knows perhaps people might start moving back to California again.



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    Mark M

    Let’s hope that drain has a fine mesh filter to catch all the dregs for accountability.

    Like the Left-wing political hacks at “Real” Climate: If you vote for Trump, your grandchildren will regret it forever.


    • #

      Let’s all fervently hope for two things at this eleventh hour. If DJT is given the mantle of power, when he’s up to his neck in a swamp of crocodiles he remembers where the plug is.


    • #

      Before the swamp is drained, they need to first toss 100s of investigative alligators over the fence into the water…..*then* drain it….what doesnt survive the first bit will be mopped up after the water is out.


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    Y’all know that climate treaty with China that Obarmy is so proud of.


  • #
    Eugene WR Gallun


    It is astonishing the amount of evil that Bill Clinton did. Almost all of it can
    be traced back to one big idea he had — making it profitable to support “noble
    causes”. Yes, make supporting “noble causes” profitable and it will change the
    world — for the good (supposedly). If they can make money out of it supporters
    for a “noble cause” will come crawling out of the woodwork! Well, cockroaches
    crawl out of woodwork.

    Allowing the poor to buy a house of their own was his first great noble cause that
    he made profitable. Lending institutions no longer had to bear the brunt of the
    bad loans they made but took a percentage off the top and passed the loan along to
    Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. Banks making huge housing loans to people living from one
    welfare check to the next brought in immediate risk free profit. There was a frenzy
    to make such loans. The economic depression that America has been in for seemingly
    forever, was caused by the collapse of the housing bubble that Bill Clinton created.
    Bill Clinton managed to destroy the American economy.

    Fighting global warming is another “noble cause” that only exists because it has been made
    profitable to support it.

    Eugene WR Gallun


    • #

      In Australian union circles the system is known as slush funds, extortion of monies from businesses exposed to ramifications if they refuse to pay up and the proceeds siphoned off into the hands of the slush fund creators.


    • #

      One of the biggest scams ever Eugene.

      Then Freddie and Fannie had to clean up the mess.

      Many investors were drawn into investing in US housing via bundled assets which were poorly defined. Even here in Australia local government brought these instruments and lost heavily when nobody could identify the houses used as collateral.

      Protracted legal action may have eventually recovered some of the money but the whole episode demonstrated the absolute contempt that the US government had for the suckers taken in.

      It showed what Clinton thought of Joe Average in both countries.



      • #

        Protracted legal action may have eventually recovered some of the money …

        It was legal action of the activist kind that finally blew the whole Ponzi sky high.

        Fannie and Freddie needed to fund the mortgage loans they made (about 50% of the entire US mortgage market) and the legislation, initially introduced by Carter but given a huge uplift by Clinton, allowed them to loan without credit checks on the borrower – ie. they were permitted to loan large sums to millions of people without any security. Fannie and Freddie approached a number of normal mid-tier banks for bulk funding. Quite a few refused on the not unreasonable grounds that the loans were completely unsecured and so breached their fiduciary requirements. These “refuseniks” were then successfully prosecuted for racial discrimination.

        The banking groups quickly got the message … and the underpinnings of the GFC were activated.


        • #

          Nah…..Please..………. differentiate between central banks which are usually privately owned who have the divine power to create money/debt out of thin air so it can be doll-ed out to the smaller banks at a lower rate of interest to that charged to the client/debtor.

          “A: The U.S. Treasury decides to print money in the United States as it owns and operates printing presses. However, the Federal Reserve has control of the money supply through its power to create credit with interest rates and reserve requirements.Aug 25, 2015
          Who decides when to print money in the US? | Investopedia”

          “However, this thought process is technically not true as the Federal Reserve has no control over the printing of physical dollars. Instead, the Federal Reserve functions as a bank for all the other banks in the country. It lends money to bank…….


    • #

      Nah, you got it wrong – it wasn’t the loans, it was the “fix” that screwed poor people. All the “money guys” said “You can’t bail these people out, they wont learn their lesson!”. Then when that advise was taken and the banks started to feel the losses, it became “We’re too big to fail!”.

      If they had “allowed” people to keep their over-leveraged houses by bailing them out, then the banks wouldn’t have needed bailing out and people would still have somewhere to live at a reasonable repayment and an asset at the end of it.

      That can’t happen though, because then the “managers” wouldn’t be able to consume 50+% of the bail-out in “performance fees”!


      • #

        It was “performance” fees that drove it.
        They wrote loans, took the commission and ran. No after sales service.

        I did hear of one executive I think at Freddie Mac, who was so distressed by the mess that he took his own life.
        The wrong person went.



      • #

        The system in the US is very different to here in Australia.

        Their housing market had a very severe blow but here in Australia our big hit the stock market and it was worse than the US.


      • #

        Oh dear – I’ve upset so many S!ILLY narratives.

        In all the waffle, not one comment addresses the issue – Fannie and Freddie, as permitted by the legislation, “loaned” billions of dollars to people without security and then forced other people, who had no interest in “loaning” to unsecured debtors, to underwrite this through commercially dishonest court action.

        That the majority of idiot!c responses here cannot acknowledge these simple facts is a testament to the power of MSM propaganda and the seemingly feeble intell3ct of those who believe it.

        As I’ve noted before, the Robin Hood myth never dies.


      • #




      • #

        Oh dear – I’ve upset so many S!LLI narratives.

        In all the waffle, not one comment addresses the issue – Fannie and Freddie, as permitted by the legislation, “loaned” billions of dollars to people without security and then forced other people, who had no interest in “loaning” to unsecured debtors, to underwrite this through commercially d!shonest court action.

        That the majority of !d!ot!c responses here cannot acknowledge these simple facts is a testament to the power of MSM propaganda and the seemingly feeble intell3ct of those who believe it.

        As I’ve noted before, the Robin Hood myth never dies.

        [Posted this but it was censored, so I’ve tried to figure out the key word(s) to cause that. S!lli game, I know, but about 50% of the legitimate English language is banned. If this is censored in turn, who then cares to comment further ?]


    • #
      Gail Combs

      Don’t forget the other two disasters from Clinton.

      FIRST: NAFTA and the World Trade Organization followed by getting China into the WTO. In addition to that for campaign contributions from China who was under economic sanctions from the USA because of the Tiananmen Square (1989) deaths.

      SECOND: Transfer of US military including nuclear secrets to China LINK

      The economic crisis caused by clinton passing the Five Banking Bills was bad, but the others completely changes the world dynamics Raising China to a major player and dropping the US status to Paper Tiger.


      The McFadden Act of 1927 or Amendment to the National Banking Laws and the Federal Reserve Act (P.L. 69-639, 44 STAT. 1224): Prohibited interstate banking.

      Law: Negating above:
      Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994
      (P.L. 103-328, 108 STAT. 2338).
      Permits bank holding companies to acquire banks in any state one year Beginning June 1, 1997, allows interstate mergers.

      The Glass-Steagall Act or Banking Act of 1933 (P.L. 73-66, 48 STAT. 162): Separated commercial banking from investment banking, establishing them as separate lines of commerce.

      Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (P.L. 84-511, 70 STAT. 133): Prohibited bank holding companies headquartered in one state from acquiring a bank in another state.

      Law: Negating both of the above laws:
      Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999
      (P.L. 106-102, 113 STAT 1338)
      Repeals last vestiges of the Glass Steagall Act of 1933. Modifies portions of the Bank Holding Company Act to allow affiliations between banks and insurance underwriters. Law creates a new financial holding company authorized to engage in: underwriting and selling insurance and securities, conducting both commercial and merchant banking, investing in and developing real estate and other “complimentary activities.”

      Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (P.L. 102-242, 105 STAT. 2236).
      Also known as FDICIA. FDICIA [b]greatly increased the powers and authority of the FDIC. Major provisions recapitalized the Bank Insurance Fund and [b]allowed the FDIC to strengthen the fund by borrowing from the Treasury.

      Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-550, 106 STAT. 3672).

      RTC Completion Act[/b] (P.L. 103-204, 107 STAT. 2369):
      implement provisions designed to improve the agency’s record in providing business opportunities to minorities and women.. Expands the existing affordable housing programs of the RTC and the FDIC by broadening the potential affordable housing stock of the two agencies.
      Increases the statute of limitations on RTC civil lawsuits. In cases in which the statute of limitations has expired, claims can be revived for fraud and intentional misconduct resulting in unjust enrichment or substantial loss to the thrift.

      The Source was (wwwDOT)fdic(DOT) gov/regulations/laws/important/index.html


    • #

      Clinton was really a lot smarter than Obama. He could have been the worst president. But the election of 94 woke him up. He will not go down as a great president, but he was smart enough to pivot when necessary. A shame he had to marry the dumb blond.


    • #
      Ted O'Brien.

      Eugene, what’s the objective? I tell this again. The whole truth is a long story, but here is the framework.

      Elected in 1983, the Hawke government deregulated the banks, then, quite bizarrely, promoted Alan Bond’s abuse of that deregulation.

      A little place, we have a “Big Four” set of banks. Despite the fact that every prudent businessman knew that what was being done had to lead to a bust, of the four, three fell for the promotion. The CEO of the fourth was publicly vilified by the Prime Minister for refusing to join their road to ruin. After the crash of 1987 that bank, previously a smaller bank, became Australia’s biggest.

      There were many smaller policy switches and switchbacks which were destroying private capital. My take on what I saw was that the Hawke government’s primary objective was the crash of 1987. It was deliberate policy, and must have been deliberate policy around the world to create that crash.

      When the crash came the Marxists were outsmarted, because the people on top of the pile could still remember the 1930s. So they took losses sufficient to prevent the pile from collapsing. There is but little fun on top of a pile that is flat.

      Since then “Labor” governments have taken to running up reckless debt. Government debt must be funded by private capital, wherefore it represents private capital already spent.

      The primary objective for the last 33 years at least has been, and still is, the destruction of the capitalist system. That is why it is so important that Trump succeeds in overcoming the lies.


  • #

    It started off red, then turned green as it grew and grew…

    At last the US is heeding Steve McQueen’s warning, way back in the Eisenhower years:


  • #

    Early voting in NH:
    NH Overnight Voting Final (65 total voters)
    Trump – 32
    Clinton – 25
    Johnson – 4

    Write ins:
    Sanders – 2
    Kasich – 1
    Romney – 1

    Caompare 2012:

    Obama 28 Romney 1

    Obviously incredibly early, and a s minuscule sample, but if that trend holds Trump might get the turnout he needs.


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    Be interesting to see what the actual result winds up being here.

    Senate race now the one to watch. Will the US electorate vote to tie thing in knots or for functional Govt??


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    what is the purpose of articles such as the following coming out at the very last minute?
    i posted another dated 7 Nov from Computerworld, in Jo’s NYPD revolt thread earlier today.
    making such admissions now is suspect, given the outrage over Trump saying the election could be rigged:

    7 Nov: NBC: Hackers Find Security Flaws in Some Voting Machines
    by Jennifer Schlesinger, CNBC
    Security researchers have found vulnerabilities with the machines some Americans will use to vote…
    “The machines themselves physically have been shown to be very vulnerable,” Cris Thomas, a strategist for Tenable Network Security, a Maryland based cybersecurity company, told CNBC’s “On the Money” recently. In a related development, some machines are using outdated technology.
    “The fact is we’ve been voting on old technology, old Windows 2000 based operating systems… The voting machines themselves are archaic, having been around for 10-15 years,” said Congressman Hank Johnson, a Georgia Democrat who has sponsored legislation on the issue.
    Researchers at cybersecurity company, Symantec, tracked down voting machines used in the last election, and found plenty of security flaws…
    That card could be reprogrammed to look like the same person cast a ballot multiple times, according to Kapuria. Even worse, he says there is no paper trail.
    “There isn’t a recourse. That’s why it’s such a risk…It could create fear, uncertainty, or doubt in the whole election process,” Kapuria said.
    The good news is that there are multiples types of voting systems across the country…
    “Starting on November 9, we really need to have a strong national conversation about what we’re going to do with our voting systems so that the next election we don’t have this same issue” Thomas said.


    • #
      Gail Combs

      If you want the nitty gritty on USA voting machines, the best source I have found is:

      It not only gives a description of the machines, it also lets you look at the USA state by state or drill down by clicking on a state and see county by county what machines are used and whether or not they have a paper trail.


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    OT, Michael Moore in trumpland 10 pm channel one tonight


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    crakar24 –

    thanx for the info, but think i’ll watch it AFTER the election.
    7 Nov: ZeroHedge: Tyler Durden: Newsweek Calls It: “Madam President Clinton” Hits The Shelves Due To A “Business Decision
    With still over a day to go until the earliest possible result from tomorrow’s presidential election, a part of the blogosphere and conservative media was up in arms over a commemorative Newsweek cover depicting “Madam President” which appeared in print as early as Saturday…
    As CNN explains to its slower readers, “this is the media version of World Series keepsakes that were on sale in Cleveland and Chicago last week. Street vendors printed “Cubs win” and “Indians win” T-shirts, then trashed the Indians shirts after the Cubs won Game 7.”
    There is just one very notable difference: in the case of the World Series, there were two sets of shirts created. However, in the case of the infamous Newsweek special edition, the publishing company Topix, decided to print just one.
    Guess which.

    ***And this is where the “business decision” came in: according to CNN, “Topix made a business decision to only print the Clinton version ahead of time given that she is almost universally favored to win the election on Tuesday.”
    And the punchline:
    “If Trump wins, the Clinton copies will be trashed and the Trump version will be rushed to the printing presses — a simple business calculation, Romando said.”
    Yet inversely, if Hillary wins there will be no need to trash the Trump version as one simply has not been created, while the Clinton edition will have already been distributed and just waiting to be bought…


  • #
    Another Ian


    Is the FBI director pronounced

    “James Con-me”?


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    how come they have permission?

    7 Nov: Newsmax: Votecastr Plans to Release Exit Polls Throughout Election Day
    One company will break with exit-polling tradition on Tuesday and release results of its surveys throughout Election Day rather than waiting until all votes have been cast in a particular state.
    Votecastr plans to release its first real-time projections at 8 a.m. Eastern, Politico reports.
    ***Slate and Vice News have partnered with the firm.

    The plan has been met with concerns that reporting on voting as it happens could affect the outcome if people who would have voted decide against it because they believe the outcome has already been determined…
    “I’m profoundly uncomfortable with characterizing election results during Election Day,” ABC News decision desk consultant Ken Goldstein told the New York Times in September when Votecastr announced its real-time exit polls…
    Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh also expressed concerns on his program Monday, openly wondering what the motivation might be…

    Traditional exit polls are conducted by a consortium of news organizations, including The Associated Press, ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News and NBC News. Experts crunch those numbers in real time, and they do release some data, such as which demographics are voting and where.
    ***But they do not release projections before the polls close.

    not happy that MSM controls exit polling either:

    3 Nov: Forbes: Karlyn Bowman: Are Exit Polls Reliable?
    Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International will conduct this year’s poll for the National Election Pool, a consortium of the five major networks (***ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and CNN) and the Associated Press. About 3,000 people will be involved in the 50-state effort, and more than 100,000 voters will be surveyed…
    Because many Americans will vote absentee or early–possibly as many as a third this year–the exit pollsters also survey people before Election Day to ask whether they have voted and, if so, how. Those results are combined with the results collected on Election Day. Edison then provides its estimates and the rest of the exit poll data to the consortium members; the desk analysts at the networks review it and decide when to call an election…

    The machinery was overhauled for the 2002 elections, but that year, massive technical failures botched exit poll reporting. In 2004, and again in 2006, the exit poll overstated Democrats’ performance…
    This problem was due, according to a post-election analysis by Mitofsky, “to Kerry voters participating in the exit polls at a higher rate than Bush voters.” …

    To compensate for the potential oversampling of Democrats, Edison/Mitofsky have improved interviewer training and are using fewer young interviewers. They have compromised with states that had kept interviewers far from the polling locations, which made data collection difficult.
    ***And as in 2006, the networks won’t get the data until 5 p.m., which will help to prevent the kind of leaks that suggested–too early–that Kerry would win in 2004. Additional safeguards will check the poll against actual votes. These changes should improve the reliability of the only tool we have to look at the views and values of actual voters and how they have changed over time.


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    It might be that Trump is the ‘hope and change’, but the target is us.
    I will believe it when i see it.


  • #

    Yes, but.
    Nothing the Left promotes ever goes away. They’re like a glacier moving through mountains, grinding away, year by year, until they finally hit pay dirt. Then the flood.


  • #

    Trump needs a landslide, because the MSM & their masters have other plans:

    7 Nov: Newsbusters: Scott Whitlock: CBS Preemptively Demands: Will Trump Be ‘Graceful,’ ‘Gracious’ Loser?
    The journalists at CBS This Morning on Monday preemptively demanded to know if Donald Trump will be a “graceful” and “gracious” loser after Tuesday’s voting. Charlie Rose, Norah O’Donnell and Gayle King grilled the businessman’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway. In contrast, Hillary Clinton’s top operative received more questions on the state of the race.
    Talking to Conway, Rose scolded, “If, in fact, you don’t win and Hillary Clinton wins, can we expect Donald Trump to be a graceful loser who will say, ‘This is America and I want to wish Hillary Clinton the best and offer my support to her as president’?”
    Gayle King followed up, lecturing, “Back to Charlie’s point. I think it’s worth repeating: If it does not turn out the way he wants, he will he gracious?” …

    What Happens if Donald Trump Loses and Won’t Concede? – ‎3 hours ago‎

    What happens if a defeated Trump refuses to concede
    ITV News UK -23 minutes ago

    Clinton has edge over Trump as America decides
    Sky News – ‎2 hours ago‎
    According to a poll released just hours before balloting opened, Mrs Clinton has about a 90% chance of defeating Mr Trump. The Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation survey found Ms Clinton was leading Mr Trump 45% to 42%

    Why a Trump win is ‘impossible’ – ‎4 hours ago‎

    Polls: CBS, FOX, ***ABC/WaPo, Economist/***YouGov – ALL HAVE CLINTON +4

    Poll Analyst Bill Mitchell recent tweets:
    ***ABC poll said Trump will win FL Election Day voters by 10.
    ***YouGov said Trump will win FL Election Day voters by 16. Landslide coming.

    LA Times/USC: Trump +3
    IBD/TIPP: Trump +2

    Anecdotal at RedditThe_Donald newest submissions:

    My best friend is a Clinton supporter, he says the line at his polling place is the longest he has ever seen, a lot of Trump chants and MAGA hats! He’s nervous! LANDSLIDE! GO OUT AND VOTE TODAY! WE CAN WIN PENNSYLVANIA!

    Checking in from Illinois (Northern burbs) — Over 100 people waiting in line to vote at 6:30am!

    MASSIVE TURNOUT in Atlanta GA, building full/line outside at 6:40am. Poll workers said it was bigger than 2008!

    This is HUGE! I got to the polling station 10 minutes after opening and there was a line wrapped around the building! Full of Pedes! #MAGA

    HIGH ENERGY ALABAMA!! Just saw on tv where over 100 people lined up an HOUR before polls open at one location to VOTE!! Alabama is BLOODY RED!! This NEVER happens!! GET OUT AND VOTE!!!


    • #
      Gail Combs

      “MASSIVE TURNOUT in Atlanta GA, building full/line outside at 6:40am. Poll workers said it was bigger than 2008!”

      Pat, That is the MONSTER VOTE that Sundance has been predicting all year. (He had his analysis checked by a statistician.)

      ♦ In February of this year we predicted somewhere between 130 and 150 million people would vote in the 2016 general election. Nothing has happened within the year to change that estimation.

      In 2012 127 million voted (65,915,795 Obama / 60,933,504 Romney).
      In 2008 129 million people voted (69,498,516 Obama / 59,948,323 McCain).

      ♦ Broadly speaking – We estimate that if 135 million vote (the most likely scenario), Donald Trump would carry approximately 73 million votes.
      We estimate that if 140 million vote, Trump will carry approximately 76 million.
      We estimate that if 150 million vote, Trump will carry approximately 79 million.

      In the possible range of popular vote count scenarios we still anticipate a Donald Trump victory, the difference is the scale. […]

      Only about 1/2 of Americans vote. If Trump can win over those who think there is zero difference between Dems and Repubs so never vote, then ALL the polls are completely off because these people are NOT LIKELY VOTERS and are therefore never included in the polls.

      These are the people that Trump supporters are dragging to rallies and the voting booth. For example, I got a neighbor, 47 yrs of age, who is never voted to register and later this morning I am going to driver her to the polls.

      Now multiply that by all those enthusiastic people you see at Trump rallies. Think about a year of Trump doing 2 or three rallies a day of 5,000 to 10,000 people a more for an ENTIRE YEAR….

      THAT is the MONSTER VOTE and it has the elite wetting their pants especially with a significant part of their voter base being angry Bernie Supporters.

      For example as recently as Nov 5th Gatewaypundit and others reported:
      A Bernie supporter went off script and started in on Hillary Clinton and her Wall Street connections at a rally in Ames, Iowa.

      Then security dragged him off the stage…. OOPS!


    • #

      Trump won, and the Hillary supporters are protesting, acting almost exactly the way they “feared” the Trump supporters would. Sigh. We here in the USofA appear to be more akin to pampered children throwing a tantrum than reasonable adults.


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    I read this blog for 2 reasons. One is the great topics. But I can get that on lots of other blogs. The other is for the foreign perspective of the US (and to learn a little about other lands). I will say the owner has impressed me greatly with her insight into the American system. I saw the headline and was ready to come in and school you on what Trump or Clinton would or would not do. And found myself agreeing with what you said. I am impressed.

    Trump will not stop Climate research. He will not go around shutting it down. But he will let it whither on the vine. It is not important to him or to the American people (pollution is, global warming is not). And with that plug pulled, perhaps we can see some honest scientific research for a change. But it will cause those suckling at the teats of the government to scream. It always does when you pull their funding.

    Well done!


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      Gail Combs

      I expected Jo to do a great job because she is a real honest to god INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST! A very rare species that had almost gone extinct and is finally making a come back thanks to the internet.


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        I have low expectations in general. However, Jo could easily persuade me to bring up my expectations if others follow in her footsteps.


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        A journalist that’s objective in the true spirit of transparency has become the unicorn of the dreamers of liberty.

        All men dream, but not equally.
        Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds,
        wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
        for they may act on their dreams with open eyes,
        to make them possible.

        I was awoken from a wasteful slumber by the thoughts of a woman that dared to dream and a man that dared integrity when others failed, ‘if’ may be the largest word in our language and minds and so must be the greatest catalyst for our creativity that drives us through dreams into action.


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    Tom O

    Sadly, there is a misstatement in the article. If Trump loses, he has not made it easier for others to stand and say the obvious. If Trump WINS he will have made it possible, but if he loses, there will never be another main party controversial candidate that goes against the grain again. The parties will control who is allowed to run, and they will make sure no one can rock the boat again. Trump rightfully says “this is the last chance we will have to take the country back.”

    I am not sure if even finally starting a 2nd party” that can challenge the established party – yes, the “two party charade” is really just two names for the same party – will be possible without a national figure at the top, and a sitting president would be something that could propel it into a meaningful existence.


    • #
      Gail Combs

      Actually Tom, the USA will cease to exist in any meaningful way.

      Hillary Clinton Says ALL Our Rights Are Subject to Regulation and that will be enforced by picking a Progressive Supreme Court Justice to replace Scalia and tipping the balance to the left.

      Snippets From Clinton’s Secret Bank Speeches — Download file:

      *Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. *

      “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 28] *Hillary Clinton Said We Have To Have A Concerted Plan To Increase Trade; We Have To Resist Protectionism And Other Kinds Of Barriers To Trade. *“Secondly, I think we have to have a concerted plan to increase trade already under the current circumstances, you know, that Inter-American Development Bank figure is pretty surprising. There is so much more we can do, there is a lot of low hanging fruit but businesses on both sides have to make it a priority and it’s not for governments to do but governments can either make it easy or make it hard and we have to resist, protectionism, other kinds of barriers to market access and to trade and I would like to see this get much more attention and be not just a policy for a year under president X or president Y but a consistent one.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 32]
      Podesta email id #927

      Note it is OPEN MARKETS aka access to consumers she is worried about and NOT business/job creation. That takes a rollback of regulation and fair trade deals. Hillary wants to continue to protect Wall Street and not help Main Street.

      This is the America version of the EU put in place by the Trans-Pacific Partnership that most democrat/union voters fear. It allows corporations to dispute US law using ANY treaty the USA has signed. The decision will be made by an international Tribunal and not the US Supreme Court so it is a loss of sovereignty.


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      Gail Combs

      In Defense of what Jo said, Trump has made it easier for others in Europe to open up the conversation and fight because the solid Politically Correct wall has been breached.


  • #

    Even warmists would have to agree,
    That a Trump win would save a huge fee,
    Which the U.N. demands,
    To waste on their plans,
    To cool climate by one tenth a degree.


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    Howdy all –

    A small correction and a comment for your consideration:

    Correction for Joe Romm: Trump will not “…end all research on solar, wind, efficiency, batteries, clean cars, and climate science, too.” He will end federal funding on that stuff and allow the marketplace to do what it normally should be doing.

    Comment: His next EPA chief can unravel every single anti-CO2 rule, regulation and edict simply by reversing the finding that CO2 is a pollutant. It is the single card that keeps the entire house of cards intact. Without that finding, the rules / regs inflicted over the last 8 years have no official standing.

    Final comment: There is a site called Singularity 2050 that suggests that we are in a deflationary economic spiral due to the penetration of technology into the economy. The Housing bubble of 2008 was simply the trigger rather than the underlying cause. And the next crash in 2017 will be even worse. Don’t know if I believe him or not, but he makes a powerful case. Well worth your time to read. Cheers –


    • #

      He will end federal funding on that stuff and allow the marketplace to do what it normally should be doing.

      True, but when 95 out of every 100 dollars comes from the feds, it is as effective as turning off the spigot


      • #
        Gail Combs


        Now they will actually have to DEFEND their research aspirations to the people who actually fund them.

        If I want someone to do research on the effects of climate on garden snails I, and not some dweeb in the government get to make the decision. That is a major cost savings since you don’t pay the overhead on all the money handling.

        Also if I am more interested in how Coenzyme Q10 works to protect the heart, I can fund that instead. Coenzyme Q10 research is not funded because Big Pharm can’t make $$$ of an un-patentable compound.

        The US universities have become top heavy with useless admin. Now they will have to get rid of them.

        Administrators Ate My Tuition

        …Between 1975 and 2005, total spending by American higher educational institutions, stated in constant dollars, tripled, to more than $325 billion per year. Over the same period, the faculty-to-student ratio has remained fairly constant, at approximately fifteen or sixteen students per instructor. One thing that has changed, dramatically, is the administrator-per-student ratio. In 1975, colleges employed one administrator for every eighty-four students and one professional staffer—admissions officers, information technology specialists, and the like—for every fifty students. By 2005, the administrator-to-student ratio had dropped to one administrator for every sixty-eight students while the ratio of professional staffers had dropped to one for every twenty-one students.

        Apparently, as colleges and universities have had more money to spend, they have not chosen to spend it on expanding their instructional resources—that is, on paying faculty. They have chosen, instead, to enhance their administrative and staff resources….


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        True, but when 95 out of every 100 dollars comes from the feds, it is as effective as turning off the spigot

        That’s agimarc’s point of course.

        agimarc is pointing out that Joe Romm confuses a funding grant application with a business case – very different things.
        Joe Romm is expecting the taxpayer to fund all this.
        Nowhere does Romm explore alternative options for this funding or make a business case.

        Donald Trump is a champion of investment and enterprise so he would be very much in favour of more investment.
        If there were a business case you can bet venture capitalists would be into it with their ears back . .


  • #

    […] blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on Trump draining the climate swamp. Share […]


  • #

    Well being from Canada, where we have a Princess running things now, at least if Trump wins the Americans will have a man running the show. If Hillary wins……….well…….would there be 2 princesses running things?
    To all the Americans on this web page GOOD LUCK!!


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  • #

    It looks like even the good/independent polls have been playing around.

    PS. One of the things I have learnt of this election campaign period is the number ( or is it growth) of independent people doing news via the videos like Bill Still , Steve Molyenew (sp?), Paul Watson etc. I can easily see this growing like topsy, especially in the USA after the disastrous performance by the MSM in this campaign.


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      I’m looking forward to the extinction of mainstream media. Most of the time they publish pure BS and biased viewpoints that are simply lies.


    • #

      Bill Still is good isn’t he.
      You can tell he’s honest by that terrible suit and the fact he doesn’t own a comb. 😉

      His SR 1332 video has an interesting take on the Brexit-like revolution and the rise of the alt-media.


  • #

    am seeing comments that MSM is eerily silent about projecting any winner or exit poll projections;
    that Fox has admitted Clinton has two speeches ready – victory/concession.

    the most important info so far today:

    8 Nov: Freerepublic: GatewayPundit: Kristinn Taylor: WOW! HILLARY SUPPORT CRASHES IN REUTERS LIKELY TURNOUT POLL=> Down 8 Pts. in 4 Days to 36%
    Hillary Clinton is down to 35.9 percent of likely voters in the Reuters five day rolling poll.
    Clinton was at 43.5 percent on November 4th and then her support started crashing to 41.8 on November 5th, to 40.5 percent on November 6th end up at 35.9 percent on November 7th.
    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has seen his support rise from a low of 37.1 percent on November 4th to 42 percent on November 7th.
    The polling sample decreased as the polls were taken closer to election day but the trend is clear: Clinton is tanking and Trump is surging among likely voters.
    “Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii 1h1 hour ago
    In NC EV, voting by ages 22-29 dropped by a remarkable 66% from 2012. Millennials simply did not show up for Hillary.”…

    Didn’t this group announce within the past day or so that Clinton has a 90% chance of winning? I went on what purports to be their cite and it does show this nosedive…
    “Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii 25m25 minutes ago
    .@NateSilver538 just declared 2016 polls “less reliable than prior years.” Seems someone has been saying that?”
    Aaaw little Natie unsure for Hellary? What the polls are wrong Silver?…
    I saw the Reuters data myself at the Reuters link about ten minutes ago, showing that Hillary cratered.
    Poof, it’s gone! Now Reuters appears to have removed the data for Nov. 7.

    They took down the days that showed Trump up hard.
    I will personally vouch for it, saw it with my own eyes on Reuters’s site exactly as it appeared on Gateway Pundit’s site. Reuters took it down…
    Reuters deleted the poll results after November 3rd.
    No explanation, just gone! …
    I saw it myself as well. Poof…
    The support for Hillary NEVER was there.
    Reuters has to do this on the last day only to save face and say we called it right at the end. Never mind they lied for a year and a half about all their other polls…
    Gee what a coincidence. Verification Day approaches and the poll dramatically flips.
    Crooked pollsters…
    Agreed. Either someone complained to have Reuters take it down, or it was all an Election Day ploy/hiccup…

    IMO, it’s not that her support crashed. She never had actual significant support to begin with. The scum propaganda media created a Potemkin campaign for this looser.
    President Elect Trump has been right all along, the system is rigged and utterly corrupt…DRAIN THE BLEEPING SWAMP!!!!…
    These “people” at Reuters knew all along that Hillary’s support had collapsed. They are just publishing this result on election day so they will look as if they were ahead of the story rather than cooking the results…
    I am another one who personally saw that data on Reuters website. If it is gone now , it has been taken down.
    I make a habit of checking sources. I always have since University where verifying sources is part of the training to be a Historian…
    Reuters deleted the poll results after November 3rd.
    No explanation, just gone!…
    Wow! Just went to site now and you’re right! Was just there about 20 minutes ago and it was clear that there was a crash in her numbers and now they’ve deleted it! Just WOW! What do these Socialists think? We’re dumb!…
    Way off. D +7 was always BS…

    Was working in a town north of me and saw a polling station with a dozen or more 10 wheel dump trucks one after another going in to vote for Trump from a local big construction site.
    Never saw anything like it. It was a caravan. A conga line complete with air horns…
    If you don’t hear too many exit polls, it translates into the harridan doing badly.
    The media is in a full bums rush to look legitimate again…
    Most likely this is a needed correction to make sure their poll isn’t wildly wrong when the votes are counted.
    Lie, lie, lie for several months, then come back close to reality in the last few days…

    So it’s not that there’s a trend downward over the last few days, but they’re simply adjusting the numbers to comport with a reality they’ve known all along?…
    Reuters deleted the poll results after November 3rd.
    No explanation, just gone!
    I went to their site, because it can be difficult to navigate… but you are absolutely right. Amazing!!! They are trying to suppress the vote. When you do a “Google” search on Reuters what comes up is a statement they released today claiming Hillary has a 90% chance of winning.
    But they published the real numbers briefly and now have made them unavailable so they can claim that they were the most accurate later…


    • #

      Well Pat there are going to be a lot of polling companies with egg on their face if even half of this is correct.


  • #

    8 Nov: Gateway Pundit: Kristinn Taylor: WOW! HILLARY SUPPORT CRASHES IN REUTERS LIKELY TURNOUT POLL=> Down 8 Pts. in 4 Days to 36% …Update: Reuters Deletes Poll
    ***UPDATE: Reuters deleted the polling data.
    The Poll now cuts off at November 3rd!


  • #

    8 Nov: Breitbart: Ezra Dulis: Frank Luntz: Trump Could Win Michigan — Working-Class Turnout ‘Much Higher than Expected’

    8 Nov: Freerepublic: Fox News: Clinton campaign says her support in Michigan was in “free-fall” the past few days.
    Just saw of Fox: Clinton campaign says her support in Michigan was in “free-fall” the past few days.

    Freerepublic: Good News in FL 2012/2016 D/R Vote Differentials
    COMMENTS: Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 42m42 minutes ago In Pinellas County, FL, Republicans now enjoy a 9000 vote lead for ALL votes (EV and ED) in a country Obama won by 26,000 in 2012…
    “My route to work here in Tampa takes me past 5 polling places in Hillsborough County. Saw plenty of Trump signs and Congressional signs, but NOT ONE Hillary sign.”
    I saw the same today in Pinellas and Pasco counties (travelled from Clearwater to Trinity and passed many polling places)…
    Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 1h1 hour ago NEWS FLASH! In 2012, Obama won Hillsborough County, FL by 6%. So far today, Reps lead Dems there by 4% – a 10% shift!…

    Freerepublic: Breitbart: Nate Silver: 2016 Polls Less Reliable Than Prior Years
    Many 2016 polls may prove incorrect because so many Americans are undecided or else say they’re backing third parties, says Nate Silver, founder of the polling firm.
    “Undecideds are MUCH higher than normal,” Silver said in a Tuesday morning tweet. “So risk of a polling error — in either direction — is higher than usual.”
    One out of eight voters, or 12.5 percent, are either undecided or declaring support for other candidates during the last few days of the election.
    That is up from one out of 32 voters in 2012, one out of 27 voters in 2004 and one out of 10 voters in 2000, when Texas Gov. George W. Bush barely beat Vice-President Al Gore.
    So Silver is cautioning people to be ready for a major failure by the pollsters in predicting Americans’ last-minute choices. Clinton is likely to win, said Silver, but …

    Needless to say, progressive left “exit pollsters” – Votecastr/Slate/Vice – have Clinton winning in a landslide, virtually everywhere.

    Twitter: Bill Mitchell (Poll Analyst)
    Mitchell retweeted:
    Hannity: “The early exit poll data did not please the media.”…
    Tweet: Based upon what I am seeing from Tampa and numbers have remained stead all day, Hillary will lose Florida and badly.


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    • #

      Thanks for that link, Gail. Results to date show a 12% lead for Mr Trump (439573 votes at last count)
      It looks like there’s a lot of countries where swamp-draining is an attractive proposition:-)


    • #

      Haha . . fun poll indeed.

      Interesting to see the Vatican registered just three votes and came down on the side of Donald Trump.
      Presumably the Pope’s position on Climate Change™ isn’t widely held.
      Hearsay from within the Vatican?


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    Oliver K. Manuel

    The swamp will drain itself in minutes if President Trump asks NASA to publicly answer the one question that will forever change society’s attitude toward science and religion, NASA, IS THE SUN A PULSAR?”


  • #
    Another Ian

    Jo and Tony in Oz

    Swamp drain connected

    “An award-winning Surrey company that described itself as a “world leader” in wind turbines has gone out of business.”


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    David Maddison

    Do you think Trump will win Florida?

    And if he doesn’t win that can he still win?


    • #

      And if he doesn’t win that can he still win?

      from everything i’m reading there are enough electoral college votes in Florida that if Trump doesn’t win them…its over…unless there are multiple unlikely upsets elsewhere.


      • #

        I suspected all along this election would change the landscape. And it did. It seems the memory of most of the MSM only goes back to 2000. The truth is there are a lot more “swing” states. And the swing states of the past 16 years are not necessarily those of this Election because Trump is not an Establishment Candidate. Trump could have lost Florida. But by winning Pennsylvania and Michigan, he won the election. Pennsylvania was the key this year.


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    David Maddison

    Here’s something of moderate interest. You can see a live display of wind, solar and diesel electricity production on King Island in Bass Strait, Tasmania.

    All done with a government subsidy of a mere $2500 per person per year.


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      Dave M: has a lot of information on King Island, Gran Canaria and El Hierro projects along with real time links.
      Sorry haven’t links to articles but try archives and/or search around Dec. 2015 for King Island. There will be multiple stories – in particular El Hierro which answers the question “Where do old pirates go?” (which you will understand when the economics and EU subsidies come up).


  • #

    Food for thought , just got back from work {tough day in horrible weather}, watching election on CNN , the coverage is actually reasonably good ,but i just wondered how Hillary Clinton must be feeling at this point in time , she must be in a right old state , its all or nothing , would you swop positions with her , i am just a humble train signaller , a family man , she is in a real dilemma , if she loses she faces a dreadful future , even if she wins would you swop places with her , i don’t know if i feel compassion towards Hillary or if its just pity . Imaging by morning she is either going to be facing prison time or be elected as the most powerful person on earth , what a dreadful position to be in


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      Oliver K. Manuel

      Thanks, doubtingdave. Hillary is a pitiable creature.

      I personally recommend that she be granted clemency on condition that she help expose the international cartel of crooks in the United Nations and in the United National Academies of Sciences that destroyed

      The integrity of public science, and
      The Constitution of this once-great nation.


  • #

    This is just so sad. Lowlife with a gun on election day? American politics has a blind spot on this and they are just incapable of learning.


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      I think people who do that sort of thing must have a “switch” go wrong somewhere in their mind.

      We had that guy at Port Arthur, and a few other lesser cases, but if its even 1 in say 4 or 5 million people.. its still way too many , especially in a population of 300 million like the USA has.


  • #

    Bit sad that results so far seem to indicate Trump doing best among low education white volk. 🙁


  • #

    Phil whilst your on , i apologise for my past rudeness , i guess ive been triggered by this election , no matter what happens the fight goes on , all the best


  • #

    If your watching live mate, FLORIDA FLORIDA my KINGDOME FOR A FLORIDA , talk about a horse race this is nutzz , the future of the world depends on Florida


    • #

      On a day off today so checking regularly. FFS i am glad i live on Oz not the US. Their political system seems to me to be way overly complex. Take today. Lots of other elections happening and votes on other matters. Complex and distracting and much room for “noise” to cloud actual meaningful issues.

      Funnily while the American system is very “democratic” its almost too much so imo. Take the way a hostile Senate can just sit and refuse to ratify appointments with no mechanism ( i think) to break a deadlock. Silliness.

      DoGs, but i hope they finish counting Florida soon. If Trump wins it, then Clinton has other pathways though.


  • #

    Texas, 38 EC votes, early days and Trump going surprisingly well. 160K+ in front.

    Florida, 29 EC votes and Trump also 120K+ votes in front.

    Watching it at the Politico site. (at this link)

    I’m certain that the ABC’s Antony Green is watching something else.



  • #

    CNN JUST GAVE TEXAS TO TRUMP , ITS ALL ABOUT FLORIDA and not long to go now , Tony it could be our EL Alamein , long way to go yet though


  • #

    I’m updating the results here
    Amazing shift in the last hour.

    NY Times has a Trump Victory at 88%.

    Sky news commentators suddenly have very long faces…


  • #

    Careful guys, you may just get what you wish for. A Trump disaster after he has managed to fool some of the people at one point in time.


  • #

    Looks like it is all over bar the shouting, he only needs 11 to win with plenty in play at 4:20 EST Australia. Let’s hope he declares global warming unconstitutional tomorrow!


    • #
      Oliver K. Manuel

      Thank you, JoNova, and to everyone else here who realized the impossibility of false claims Earth’s climate is independent of Earth’s heat source!

      Thanks to your courage, the alliance of crooked scientists and crooked politicians has suffered its first major defeat.


      • #
        Oliver K. Manuel

        The Climategate emails that surfaced in late November 2009 were finally resolved by Trump’s election in early November 2016.

        Arrogant globalists and pseudo-scientists had seven years to correct the problem, but failed to do so.

        They set the stage for Trump’s election.


  • #
    Rod Stuart

    Forecast currently at greater than 95% probability for Trump victory.
    The climate crims riding the gravy train will be packing.


  • #
    Rod Stuart

    This is what has been going on for the past twenty years.
    The citizens of the world owe a great deal to Wikileaks and Project Veritas. Never before have so many been saved by so few.
