Global Placebo Effect: Windmills, taxes, solar panels — slowed global warming before they were built.

New Global Placebo Effect (GPE) announced by Baroness Verma in the UK.

It’s a scientific breakthrough. Global warming may be stopped by the mere thought of trying to reduce CO2, even if that thought fails to bring down actual CO2 levels.

The central dilemma: CO2 levels have been rising “faster than expected” for the last twenty years, yet global warming has been rising “slower than expected” for almost as long.

Matt Ridley was questioning Baroness Sandip Verma at the House of Lords this week. He pointed out to the peers that even the IPCC admits there is “hiatus” that modelers can’t explain. Verma responded: “‘It [global warming] may have slowed down, but that is a good thing. It could well be that some of the measures we are taking today is helping that to occur.’” [Source — Dailymail]

Verma raises the intriguing possibility that windmills and solar panels that were built after 2005 have managed to keep global temperatures constant starting from ten years before they were constructed.

What’s even more remarkable is that none of these projects or activities have reduced global CO2 levels. It follows then, that the mere thought of building windmills is enough to change the weather.

Furthermore, it’s well known that more expensive placebo’s are more effective. Hence the final-final copy of the latest IPCC report — issued on Friday after the leak, the draft, and the redraft — will explain that they are 95% certain that if we spend $2 billion dollars a day on renewable energy (instead of just $1 billion) there will be no more category five storms, seas will stop rising, and goats will stop shrinking.

This morning, the UK Prime Minister David Cameron offered to give The Royal Society 350 billion pounds to research the new GPE. Sir Paul Nurse promised to start experiments straight away — beginning by asking seven million British school students to do a coloring in competition on emissions reduction every Monday in 2015 to see how much global temperatures can be reduced compared to other days of the week.

The University of East Anglia announced they will simultaneously set up a new division to monitor Mondays on HadCRUT and also on their Global Climate Models. “We don’t know whether models are subject to the placebo effect, but we suspect they might be” said a spokesman.  The project is due to start in January. Nature has already accepted their paper.

But Dr Roy Spencer was skeptical, and suggested that the correlation may work the other way in models.  “The more money we spend on models that predict warming, the less warming we seem to get said Spencer.

Filed under: satirical press.

Hat tip to Marc Morano & Climate Depot.

9.4 out of 10 based on 93 ratings

171 comments to Global Placebo Effect: Windmills, taxes, solar panels — slowed global warming before they were built.

  • #

    It is a well know fact that trying to monitor the climate on such short time periods is like trying to stop a super tanker at full speed on the high sea, on a six pence! It just isn’t going to happen.


    • #
      Mark D.

      It now should be a well known fact that the Baroness is short on a few IQ points. That no doubt you find something in common with eh BA4th?

      PS no video link either!


      • #
        the Griss

        Add the IQs of BA4 and the Baroness and I very much doubt you would get to triple digits !


        • #
          James Bradley

          No, no, no, Griss,

          BA4 has a valid point.

          Whatever combination of mechanisms that control the climate system halted the temperature rise despite the increase in atmospheric CO2.

          As his analogy suggests, the mechanisms probably kicked in long before green groups and their agenda.


          • #
            Rereke Whakaaro

            I am convinced that somewhere in the bowels of the Westminster Parliamentary complex, there remains a fair amount of lead piping. It is the most plausible reason why British Parliamentarians all seem to be barking mad.


            • #

              I would also check the plumbing of whatever castle/Mayfair mansion the Baroness occupies. It takes a long time to build up sufficient lead for that effect.

              And while I was at it, I would also send all the pewter off to the foundry to recover the silver content. The lead can be ditched.


            • #

              You just cant make this stuff up……


          • #

            Even my car, infinitely less complex in design than the Planet Earth, has temperature regulation built in, so whether I putter round the shopping centre on a frosty morning or drag trailers up summer hills, it generally copes by self-adjusting via fans, thermostats, etc.
            I’d be surprised if the designer of the amazing planet we find ourselves on hadn’t thought this one through before embarking on the creation of it.


        • #

          If their combined IQ ever hit triple digits they should sell immediately.


      • #
        Ted O'Brien.

        It is disturbing, though not new, to see such foolishness in high places. Either she is so unintelligent that she believes what she is saying, or she is a Marxist, whose view of truth is anything she can persuade people to believe that will increase her power over them. Or both.


    • #
      The Backslider

      It is a well know fact that trying to monitor the climate on such short time periods

      So, why then do so many warmists try to preach to us about ocean temperatures when we do not have reliable data prior to Argo Buoys, particularly considering that the oceans have multidecadal cycles?

      If we look at the earth’s climate on a reasonable time scale, say 10,000 years, we find nothing unusual or unprecedented whatsoever.


      • #
        Olaf Koenders

        It’s a well known fact that warmists panic about the climate monthly on a “hottest evah” day basis. This occurs far more often in summer, of course, right outside their own houses.


      • #

        You’re making the assumption that the ARGO data is reliable?


    • #

      Hence the way alarmists leap on daily weather events to make points about long term climate. You mean that kind of short term commenting?


    • #

      Well done. some sense at last.

      I agree that the most appropriate time scale is that determined by past cycles of freeze and thaw which have a period of about 100,000 years.

      Anything shorter than that is simply an attempt to cover the real cause of Climate Change”: orbital mechanics.



      • #
        Roy Hogue


        They don’t have the patience to wait 100 years much less 100,000. They want the answer they want and they want it in 10 years (or 1). And no argument will change that.


    • #

      That’s true BA the 4th. You need to look at the geological and historical evidence, not get into a panic over a few years slight warming. Put it into the long term picture.


    • #

      What ‘climate’? That is half the point. Climate gets tossed around as a meaningless word. The climate of Antarctica where sea ice is growing or maybe Nepal or Japan? The winter or summer climate? Night time or day time? Is it the climate the weather or the temperature or the rainfall or the wind or some sort of amazing average of everything at all times?

      No, Man made Global Warming said unequivocally that man released CO2 from fossil fuels meant the world was getting dangerously, alarmingly and rapidly warmer. Exactly what effect that has on ‘climate’ is debatable from the depths of winter in the Kalahai to the height of summer in the Andea. The BOM has enough trouble measuring anything accurately even with Stevenson boxes and great care.

      So the only real and only prediction of the AGW CO2 hothouse hypothesis is that the air will get hotter. It hasn’t. They were wrong. If something happens somewhere else to something else at another time, so what? They were wrong. The people who questioned the predictions were labelled deniers. Now who are the deniers? There is nothing wrong. There is no disaster. There is in fact and to high accuracy at enormous effort and cost, no measurable effect.

      Everything else is tragic and costly comedy as this plays out to the next big scare. Some people are always scared of the future and there have always been carpetbaggers to tell them they are right, for the right money.


    • #
      stan stendera

      I have never given you a thumbs up prior to now. Hopefully you are beginning to see the light and I will be able to give you more in the future. I do not believe, for no good reason, that you are a drive by troll. You read Jo’s posts and the comments; some of that truth may be sinking in. I sincerely hope so.


  • #
    Fox From Melbourne

    As I understand the Placebo Effect it can only work on someone or something that’s aware. It don’t work were people are in a coma or on your car and unfortunately it does effect you power or gas bills if try it on on your meters. So are they say that the climate self aware and can see into the future? Please correct me if I have that wrong. Sounds like Gaia worshiping made some people a like soft in the head now doesn’t it. The real reason the Climate hasn’t done what they thought it was going to do was this simple they thought wrong. Why cant they be grownups and just admit it. The very simply fact that the Climate systems and our ecosystem have work well enough to produce us and all the other things that live on this world. With Carbon Dioxide levels over 1000pmm for what was it 95-98 percent of the time life has existed on this world must mean it works well like that. Oh for the record for the entire time the Dinosaur ruled the world Carbon Dioxide levels were over 2000 pmm for what was now 185 million years and they did pretty well until that Asteroid come along. The proof that they got it wrong is life as if the world was going to end with Carbon Dioxide levels reached double of pre-industial levels, well we and everything else just simply wouldn’t be here. The past has spoken. Maybe some Scientist should just grow up and listen to it rather than modeling it on a supercomputer somewhere.


  • #

    The Baroness is just jockeying for position in the Climate Prat of the Year stakes.



    • #

      IMHO she’s already won!!

      What a gold plated FLIP. 🙂



    • #
      Harry Passfield

      She’ll have to jockey quite hard this year. We already have Sally Uren from Forum for the Future claiming that wind turbines and solar panels don’t have intermittent delivery because “we have storage on the grid” (R5 Live); and, of course, we have the notable Liz Truss offering her support for “what I would say” about gas and coal running out (see Andrew Neil).


      • #
        Olaf Koenders

        So they have high voltage AC storage? Is it plugged into Sally Uren and Liz Truss? Nice! Plenty more where that came from then.. 🙂

        But something tells me they’d be a drain.. Oh well.


        • #

          Yes, it’s like any national grid: well hung.


          • #

            The Uks National grid allegedly has a mere 4% over capacity and a really cold winter may force cuts or brown outs,according to news reports yesterday..
            That is the price of giving into these ridiculous enviro-mentalists.


    • #

      Well it is good to see that we are getting a higher class of prat …


  • #

    This UK House of Lords’ placebo is applied directly [snip]

    Verma is yet another of idiot Cameron’s poor choices.

    This certainly proves the allegorical effects of Colmbian Marching powder.


  • #

    The thought that what you think about and don’t do today can have a retroactive impact of up to a decade ago is no more bizarre than their actual “thought” process.

    They have taken to heart the Kantian premise that we can know that we can’t know anything about the real world but that can know something about the consensus belief of an important subset of experts. By their first premise, said consensus cannot have a connection to the real world. Yet, since are very important experts we must accept their consensus as true anyway. How do we know this leads us to what is true? They have a consensus that it does.

    This is the logical equivalent of saying that a snake can get get fat by his eating his own tail (aka recursive nonsense).


    • #

      Lionell, there is true wisdom in this, worthy of a zen master. The head of the snake gets fat but the rest gets very, very thin. A wonderful metaphor for the renewables boondoggle, the scammers get rich and the rest of us pay.


      • #
        Rereke Whakaaro

        Zen philosophers would say that, because the snake is being fed, it will grow and get longer, providing more food for the snake to eat. Once it has started, the snake wants nothing other, than to eat its own tail, for it has the illusion of being well fed, and therefore does not concern itself with the fact that there is no way it can stop, without dying.

        It is a fitting metaphor for the whole idea that we can improve our society, by destroying it, which is what Verma, and Cameron, and the IPCC, and Greenpeace, would have us do.


  • #

    Ah, the power of the mind. Do wonders ever cease?


    • #

      Yeah, reminds me of the old catchphrase, “Mind over matter”.
      To which the reply must be, “If you don’t mind then it doesn’t matter”.


  • #

    It is obvious though. Gaia does respond to votive offerings, prayers, gifts of cash to strangers and the endless construction of temples to the wind, henges of giant white birds in the ocean and more rows of sacrificial bird slicers on the top of every hill and the endless gift of eagles. The attempt to dig into the sacred earth and pour libations on the hot rocks has not gone unnoticed, nor the construction of feeble wobbly things in the waves.

    Gaia has responded and stopped the heating, reduced the scourges of hurricanes and other extreme events to reassure us that she understands and surely Gaia is female and caring. Now as we stop harvesting the forests, replant the trees and try to live without power, alternatively freezing or boiling in our man caves, we will be reconciled. The grand high priests, Flannery and Gore have even risked their lives by living at the sea side, just to appease her. So it must continue as only adherence to the words of the prophets, the IPCC and the baroness will save mankind. The little thing with the coloring on Mondays will help too.


  • #

    Jonova says: file under satirical press.

    UN-IPCC 97% certified crazy Doomsday Settled Science is not to be laughed at.

    These people are serious.


  • #
    Graeme No.3

    And from Germany comes the news that CO2 causes cooling!!?? See NoTricksZone.

    The climate bird is running round in every decreasing circles, squawking hysterically.


  • #
    Gary in Erko

    The University of East Anglia announced they will simultaneously set up a new division to monitor Mondays on HadCRUT and also on their Global Climate Models. “We don’t know whether models are subject to the placebo effect, but we suspect they might be” said a spokesman.
    … but they refuse to release their algorithm for homogenisation for Mondayitis.


  • #

    Watching Stephen Fry in America the other night. He was out with a professional “Bigfoot” hunter. When SF asked the gentleman why he thought BF had never been found, the chappy replied “well when you find a rare owl or something it locks up forests from development on a huge scale, imagine what a nine foot tall primate would do!”

    SF immediately responded “Oh well I guess it doesn’t matter then whether bigfoot is real or not after all, as long as it serves to protect the forest”. So here is a man that regards himself as intelligent and has strong views on AGW and science in general. Who is quite happy, even enthusiastic about suspending facts and logic to achieve an emotional want.

    The only global weirding going on is in the minds of the faithful. They get weirder by the minute. (comment at 21:20-22:50, section starts at about 18)

    Next week he is going to South America to save the unicorn.


  • #

    Umm, Hey, I think I’ve finally got it.

    Let’s say that some time in the past, say, err, 20 years ago, there was this sudden spike upwards in the overall Worldwide average temperature, and for the sake of the maths, let’s say that spike was a healthy 2 full degrees.

    Then, over the last 20 years that average temperature showed absolutely no increase at all, in other words …… there has been no warming for the last twenty years!!!!!

    However, because there was that one time spike of two degrees, then, in actual fact, averaged across those, umm, now 21 years, then the average temperature has in fact increased by an average of almost one tenth of a degree per year.

    Now I can see how they claim rising temperatures.


    Postscript: Must I really ad /sarc here.


  • #
    Robert O

    The AGW debate is going from the sublime to the ridiculous; just think of what could have been achieved with all this wasted funding? An Ebola vaccine a decade ago for a start.


    • #

      Ummmm when was the AGW debate sublime? As far as I’ve seen it’s been nothing but screeching doom and destruction, sans facts, since day one.


  • #
    Glen Michel

    The new age enlightenment and its desire to return to the magical.Just to think that logic and rationalism has given way to demons and dragons.It’s all too amusing and sad at the same time.


  • #

    CAGW alarmism is largely reliant on noise to impress the people.

    Take your average white, middle aged, conservative, racist, sexist, climate denier and cut the mufflers off his large, excessively powerful, fuel guzzling, over compensating car and tell him it’s a performance upgrade, the car will be heaps louder but will lose some low end torque while picking up some top end and most importantly impress the driver.

    Take your average white, any aged, left wing, scared, compliant, warmist and replace his grid power with a huge wind turbine to power his large, built by capitalism, seemingly unsustainable, hypocritical house and tell him he’s saving the planet, the house will be inefficient in heating, cooling, refrigeration, lighting, while being buffeted by excessive noise and horribly expensive to run but most importantly…..err sorry I can never see this analogy occurring so I’ll end it here.


  • #

    This post is good news.

    At last the Global Warming scheme has had enough criticism and scientific scrutiny made public to make the general public aware of a potential problem.

    The good news is that those subjected to ridicule in articles such as this are on very shaky ground in trying to respond.

    Anything they say or publish will be given a thorough analysis and pulled to bits on the science alone.

    Together with the money issue – read taxpayers hard earned – the only way for these freeloaders is down.

    Could be a real turning point.



    • #

      KK the people are revolting! but not as bad as the initial ruse. 🙂

      Remember the hole in the ozone layer? it was fixed by buying a certain products that didn’t help widen a hole in the sky.

      Also men that wore boxer shorts were going to have a higher sperm count than those backwards undie donners.

      Recently people were convinced that ditching incandescent and using fluorescent lights will save us from becoming a giant oven.

      In all these examples there was openly skeptically voices but the public still complied and paid extra for the insurance placebo, if you did a survey now on the belief of these past claims I think there would be at least 50% that take them as modern conventional wisdom and still believe.

      Money will be a driver but with this one it’ll have to hit very hard to break this CAGW power of suggestion unfortunately.


      • #
        Rereke Whakaaro

        There were spin-offs from the lightbulb fiasco. Serious money was put into LED lighting development, that wasn’t there previously.


        • #

          High power LED would have happened anyway as solid state laser and display technologies were the initial drivers, not lighting systems. It would be cheaper right now had the government NOT forced the private sector to adopt early. They’re just now getting to somewhat less “science project-y” designs that would have stayed in the lab instead of overheating and dying in the field.


      • #

        I’ve recently converted to LED bulbs. They were given to me. There’s nothing better than free! I was a little stunned at what they were worth when I checked the prices in the nearest supermarket.

        Now I’m going to find out how long they run for.


    • #

      God says go forth and multiply and fill the earth – opposed , the earth is over populated.
      God says I give you dominion over all things – opposed eating animals is murder,cutting down trees is wrong but killing the unborn is good.
      God says keep my Sabbath day holy and the seasons will come about in their course – opposed,it’s carbon dioxide that causes the weather/climate/seasons.
      God says keep my commandments and you will prosper – opposed ,who is God that He should to tell us what to do.
      God says this is my beloved Son,hear Him – opposed,too much to mention.


  • #

    culling 2 billion of our species will not be enough! not satirical:

    27 Oct: BBC: Matt McGrath: Population controls ‘will not solve environment issues’
    A worldwide one-child policy would mean the number of people in 2100 remained around current levels, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
    Even a catastrophic event that killed billions of people would have little effect on the overall impact, it said…
    To work out the impact on population, the team constructed nine different scenarios for population change up to the year 2100, using data from the World Health Organization, and the US Census Bureau’s international database.
    They also used “catastrophe scenarios” to simulate the impacts of climate disruption, wars or global pandemics on population trends…
    “We’ve gone past the point where we can do it easily, just by the sheer magnitude of the population, what we call the demographic momentum. We just can’t stop it fast enough,” said Prof Corey Bradshaw from the University of Adelaide…
    They found that even an event that wiped out two billion people would still leave about eight and a half billion in 2100.
    “Even if we had a third world war in the middle of this century, you would barely make a dent in the trajectory over the next 100 years,” said Prof Bradshaw, something he described as “sobering”…


    • #

      There is one proven way, if we export wealth including cheap energy to the populous poor regions population growth would go backwards


  • #

    On the placebo effect Hockey Schtick have nailed it. It is based on satellite data and not any best guesses:

    “The “missing heat,” which only exists in falsified climate models, is not present in the atmosphere or oceans, and is now past Alpha Centauri located 4.3 light years away, i.e. it’s not “in the pipeline” and is never coming back.”


  • #

    But Dr Roy Spencer was skeptical, and suggested that the correlation may work the other way in models.  “The more money we spend on models that predict warming, the less warming we seem to get“ said Spencer …

    IMO if it wasn’t for the satellite series, if the Hansen-Jones curated surface data was all that was available, there wouldn’t be a ‘pause’ — seriously.


    • #
      Ursus Augustus

      I think you are spot on. The pause is such a threat to these loons that they will justify its ‘relocation’ to a place of internment/extermination without compunction.


    • #

      Dana Nutticcelli :- says Guardian blog 97% blah blah :-
      “False premise. Satellites don’t even measure temperatures directly. The long history of major corrections to address errors in the satellite record should be enough to convince anyone who doesn’t suffer from confirmation bias that they’re not the most accurate temperature measuring systems.”

      The amount of projection existing in the CAGW fan club is simply unbelievable.


  • #

    Ridley has just shown that some of these delusional people will say the first thing that comes into their heads.
    BTW Steve McIntyre has forced more revisions of the 2013 Pages 2k study.
    This was the study that backed up Mann’s BS HS study. That’s until McIntyre started to forensically dissect it.
    It looks like there is still some pain to come, but at least we now know that the modern warming was only the third highest in the last 2,000 years.
    Of course the Antarctic was much warmer in this study from 149AD to 1250 AD than it is today.
    But it’s a good read and looks like there is more to come. Go Steve.


  • #

    28 Oct: UK Express: Jane Mathews: Blackout Britain: UK faces power outages if winter is long and cold, warns National Grid
    THE NATIONAL grid has warned that emergency measures may be needed to keep the lights on this winter.
    However, shadow secretary for energy and climate change Caroline Flint said that it was “very unlikely” the UK would suffer blackouts.
    Speaking to ITV’s This Morning, she said that we needed to reduce pressure on the grid to prepare for ageing power stations going “offline” over the next decade.
    But she added: “I don’t think there will be blackouts this winter, but there will be some announcements about how we can lessen the pressure on the grid.
    “For the long term, it’s about making sure we get the investment in where we need it.”
    ***She said that the focus should be on “newer, cleaner” forms of energy, adding that onshore wind farming was the “cheapest energy around”….

    ***when will they ever learn?


  • #

    Is it April the 1st. again?


  • #
    Ursus Augustus

    I just have this image in my head of rats, mice, cockroaches and the like all scurrying for the walls and shadows in a mad scramble, bumping into each other, running over each other as the bright light of reality shines down. The manic, panicked mutterings of these terrified vermin such as the comments of Baroness Sandip Verma only quantify, in an inverse way, the tiny brain capacity of the AGW believers.

    Increasingly less interesting and more just sad rather than amusing or revealing. The big question remains though. Will these people be more accepting of the judgement of history than say the Germans post WW2 or will they be an ongoing cadre of reality deniers?


  • #

    The Met Office is apparently getting a new supercomputer, because the old one doesn’t work properly.

    Didn’t someone say once that “a bad workman blames his tools.”?


    • #
      Rereke Whakaaro

      The supercomputer that doesn’t work properly is the one they bought about two years ago to replace the previous one that didn’t work properly.

      Could somebody in the UK please explain to these morons that replacing the hardware will do nothing about fixing bad software. At best, it will allow you to get the wrong answers quicker.


    • #

      What’s the computer called…Deep Fraud???


    • #

      A hiatus in the warming even though atmospheric CO2 increased considerably needs a new more powerful computer to work out why previous models didn’t predict it.
      No-one at the Met would dare state the bleedin obvious.
      It is really sad to see such a state of affairs and you can imagine the angst and gnashing of teeth of those well educated people virtually screaming for someone to do something.
      Well educated people don’t like to be told that they are wrong,they will rarely admit to being wrong and they will never accept that they are wrong.


    • #

      Don’t worry. They’ll be very happy. This one won’t work a lot faster than the previous ones. So that’s a big plus.


  • #

    Another new study finds a very low climate sensitivity to a doubling of co2.
    The study finds 0.5C in the NH and only 0.2C in the SH or about 0.35C average for the planet.
    Please explain why we are wasting more than 1 trillion $ every 3 years on this idiocy?


  • #

    Interesting article linked in the Daily Mail, love the farcical graph there by Ross McKitrick. So lets see a more responsible and realistic illustration of the temperature hiatus.
    Also a second look at the McKitrick graph: when trends defy his illogical statistical nonsense of joining two random points in a graph.
    Psuedo-science utilised as a placebo for the lack of fact.


    • #
      the Griss

      You have again shown that you have ABSOLUTELY ZERO UNDERSTANDING of the McKitrick paper.

      [SNIP. It’s better to explain, not yell. – Jo]


      • #

        Let them rant, rave and slag off Jo, they don’t know their science and it’s patently obvious. Let me enjoy my humour hit from the inanity they produce.


        • #
          the Griss

          I repeat…

          You have again shown that you have ABSOLUTELY ZERO UNDERSTANDING of the McKitrick paper.

          or of basic mathematics and statistics in general.

          PLEASE go and find his paper.. and READ it if you can.

          Save yourself more embarrassment.


    • #

      [SNIP. Explaining why he is wrong would be more useful. – Jo]


      • #

        He??? So the filly is a colt? A strange world, I suppose. But then again…I have a Colt and call her “45”.


    • #
      the Griss

      What really irks the alarmista is that Ross played their game and won with a royal flush. 🙂

      His calculations and conclusions are TOTALLY CORRECT for the question he asks.

      And NO, dopey donkey, the endpoints are NOT random.

      The end point is NOW, and the start point in each data set is determined by the mathematics.

      NO CHERRY PICKING involved. !!


      • #

        You are a poor deluded soul!
        The start points on the published graph are random choice, nothing to do with mathematics. What about the trend OLS since 1995, not a straight line is it? What is the long term trend, no evidence from McKitrick. He excludes the long-term data, obviously because it doesn’t suit or reconcile to his agenda. [SNIP]
        Also would love to see your science behind a natural cause. You blather about it all the time, but offer nothing in scientific substantiation.

        [No evidence of the wild claims made. Sorry Silly you get snipped.] ED


        • #
          the Griss

          You poor child mind… rofmlao. Try reading his paper.. if you can get passed the first sentence.

          Ignorance is your first, middle and last name. 🙂

          You seriously are laughable DUMB !!!

          And your last sentence is straight from those mirrors you have all around your house to admire yourself in.

          Keep up the panic and stupidity and we will keep laughing at you.. because its HILARIOUS to watch. 🙂


          • #

            C’mon, you been challenged at science and your scientific response is to “rant, rave and slag off” as expected. The epitome of scientific denial!

            [Hmm sounds familiar. Silly, can you think of examples like those I have in my memory?] ED


            • #
              the Griss

              And you have been challenged to actually READ the McKitrick paper.

              The maths in it is really pretty straightforward,

              and the conclusions he draws are absolutely correct for the question he asks.

              and those conclusions can be easily verified with the SkS trend calculator.

              But first you have to UNDERSTAND the question he is asking.

              Good Luck ! 🙂

              Sounds like you will need it. 😉


            • #

              No idea ED! But you could apply your memories to print rather than hiding behind obtuse moderatorials!


          • #

            How about you [SNIP]

            [FIN How about you CONTRIBUTE something of value to the conversation?]ED


        • #
          the Griss

          Thing is ..

          there is absolutely NOTHING happening to the climate that is outside the bounds of NORMAL CLIMATE VARIABILITY.

          CAGW should be renamed CAGNW = Catastrophic, Anthropogenic NOT warming.

          The catastrophic applying only to the climate trough dwellers !

          I suspect you are one of these and can see your meme dying a NATURAL death….

          So all you can do is PANIC and RANT to the max, because you have nothing else to support your delusion.


          • #
            the Griss

            whoops. missed a word.

            CAGNW = Catastrophic, Anthropogenic Global NOT warming.

            Let them panic about that, instead 🙂

            Oh wait…….. they are !!


            • #

              “Whoops, missed the science”.
              More “Wild claims” abound and I’m getting “snipped” for bringing them up. The truth must hurt!

              [No, you’re getting snipped when you do not provide support for your wild claims.] ED


        • #
          the Griss

          “He excludes the long-term data”


          You still obviously do not understand the paper.

          The mathematics excludes the longer term data.


          • #

            Yes, the back track to fit his hypothesis. Stop when the model fails!


            • #
              the Griss

              So you haven’t understood the question in the paper, either. 🙂

              So funny !

              If you have, then paraphrase the question, then show where his calculations are incorrect.


            • #
              the Griss

              And there is no hypothesis in the paper, just a question and an answer..

              …NEITHER of which you have yet understood. 🙂


        • #
          the Griss

          “The start points on the published graph are random choice”

          Oh dear… you have to do better than that. You are looking very silly.

          They are NOT random points.. they are determined by the rather straightforward mathematics.

          Please, do try again.


      • #

        Hi Griss

        You need to come out of retirement and teach remedial Year 1 Math for our warmist friends.


        • #
          the Griss

          No thank you. !!!!!

          Trying to get SF to think, reminds me just how much of a waste of time it was trying to get low IQ teenagers to actually think for themselves.

          The barriers against learning and understanding are heavily defended in SF’s case. !


      • #
        the Griss

        And did you know…

        in the RSS data set, the zero trend is a statistical possibility for a period of 26 years.

        As Ross showed in his paper. If you read it .. you will see.

        And if you use the SkS trend calculator, the date at which a zero trend is no longer statistically supportable in HadCrut4 is 1994.7

        This is actually 20 years, not 19 years.


        • #
          the Griss

          Certainly, from around 2001, all data sets have been essentially ZERO trend.

          Its just a matter of how far back you can go before that zero trend can’t be statistically supported

          That is approximately 19 years in the surface data sets, 16 years in UAH, and 26 years in RSS.

          That is what the calculations in Ross’s paper tell us.

          And no matter how much you want to rant and rave, and carry on like a mule…….

          …..those calculations are CORRECT !!


          • #

            Hope you’ve settled down a mite. I have no problemo with the analysis. The graphs I generated above illustrate the lack of statistically significant warming since “pick a point”. As “Statistician to the Stars” WM Briggs indicated to Mckitrick, it’s a model of the reality: why remodel the reality when the reality exists?
            My initial and consistent argument is that the linked Daily Mail graph is, was and always will be a sloppy statistical fabrication designed to delude the readership. And for the paper to advocate predicating climate action on his analysis is absurd.


            • #
              the Griss

              I totally agree that advocating climate action (of any kind) is absurd.

              Its a total waste if time resources and money.

              And yes.. HadCrut is a sloppy statistical fabrication.


              • #

                I’m so sorry, I shall never use McKitrick’s data again. And so say all of us!


              • #
                the Griss

                HadCrut is not Ross’s data. HadCrut is Jones’s data.

                Ross was just using it because it is one of the 4 main temperature data sets. (he used the other 3 as well)

                And yes, HadCrut probably shouldn’t be used if you want anything approaching climate reality.


                Since Ross used all 4 data sets.. please stick by your promise never to use them or their derivatives again.


            • #
              the Griss

              “Hope you’ve settled down a mite. “

              Yes thanks, …laughing does hurt a bit at the moment.

              So please stop the clown act…

              You are acting, aren’t you ?


              • #

                “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right and here I am, stuck in the middle with you.”
                What a letdown, sighhhhhhh! Anybody with a credible argument out there!


              • #
                the Griss

                “Anybody with a credible argument out there!”

                Not you, that’s for sure. !


            • #
              the Griss

              “I have no problemo with the analysis. ‘

              What was that you just said ? roflmao !!

              ouch, my side hurts.. stop it, too funny !


              • #

                But I do have issues with this:
                In Spring 2014 I was invited to contribute a chapter to a forthcoming volume by the Institute for Policy Analysis in Australia on the subject of climate change….support the project
                Talk about a familiar cast of recalcitrants. Those who would dispute the scientific evidence and fail miserably who offer no tangible explanation for the facts


    • #
      the Griss

      “Psuedo-science utilised as a placebo for the lack of fact.”

      I see you have the alarmista meme down pat !!


    • #
      Rereke Whakaaro

      Interesting article linked in the Daily Mail, love the farcical graph there by Ross McKitrick.

      Nice try at diversion there Sillyfilly, but not good enough, I am afraid.

      The Daily Mail article is actually quoting from speeches made in the House of Lords, in regard to the fact that neither Hadcrut4 nor RSS – two independent official sources, showed any warming for the last fifteen years (or more). And remember that the IPCC said that some pauses could be expected, but to say that warming had ended would require a hiatus of fifteen years or more. And here we are! All the graph from Ross McKitrick does is to show that 15 year hiatus graphically. But his graph is not material to what was said in the House of Lords, and thus you are being diversionary.

      The rest of your comment is just blowing smoke to try and create a smokescreen over your flimsy reposte.

      P.S. Lying to The House of Lords is perjury, and should a member of The House of Lords lie to his or her peers, then they would be committing treason. So you had better be careful about criticising any statement made in The House.


      • #

        So what does the McKitrick signed graph represent statistically. Perhaps you could advise the House (be careful you don’t fall on your own sword))


        • #
          the Griss

          It is aimed at trying to educate alarmists.

          It has to be as simple as possible.

          I’m pretty sure it was not actually a graph done by Ross, but a simplified version aimed at illustrating the point to alarmist twerps, not sure who by.

          As you have amply shown, most alarmist would have zero chance of understanding Ross’s graphs from his paper.


        • #
          Rereke Whakaaro

          I don’t know why you are obsessing over the McKitrick graph.

          It was not material to what was being discussed in the House of Lords; and as far as I am aware, it was not Tabled as part of that debate. At best it would only have been considered as supplementary supporting material to Baroness Verma’s speech.

          If you want to know why it was included in the newspaper article, you would be better addressing that question to the Daily Mail.

          The fact that you keep coming back to the graph either shows that you don’t understand the political impact of the overall debate, which was considerable, or you do understand the impact of what was debated, and are therefore introducing diversionary arguments.


    • #

      The fundamental IPCC contention is: ”most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations”.
      Any temperature trend prior to ~1945 is irrelevant to the human-caused global warming hypothesis because the human emissions prior to ~1945 were relatively insignificant.
      The net warming since ~1950 over 50% of which is allegedly most likely due to human emissions is confined to a twenty year period ~1981 — ~2001.
      In other words in the total 65 or so years of alleged AGW, there has been only ~20 years of net warming.


    • #

      And your qualifications in statistics, SF, are far and away superior to Ross McKitrick’s? Seeing that you are implicitly claiming a greater level of knowledge and ability than Professor McKitrick, then why don’t you get the data he used from the same source(s) and apply your knowledge and ability to its analysis?

      We would all be interested in your detailed and exact proof.

      Oh, and the software is available for free download from your local RAN.
      Off you go.


  • #
    A C of Adelaide

    Given that the warming out of the Little Ice Age started 100 years before any major increase in CO2 attributed to industrialisation, it doesnt surprise me that the Green Revolution would have its impacts 100 years before its implemented.


  • #

    A 5,000-year-old sanctuary emerges from beneath Aleppo’s medieval citadel

    A massive citadel built atop a 150-foot-tall hill of solid rock looms over Aleppo’s old quarter.
    Fortresses have risen above this northern Syrian city since Roman times.
    But at the heart of the citadel, amid ruins of Ottoman palaces and hidden behind high walls that date to the Crusader era, a team of German and Syrian archaeologists is clearing debris from a large pit that shows this hilltop was significant long before the Romans arrived.

    Here, amid clouds of dust, a battered basalt sphinx and a lion—both standing seven feet tall—guard the entrance to one of the great religious centers of ancient times, the sanctuary of the storm god Adda.

    3,000 years ago:
    Ancient cult complex discovered in Israel: Ritual sacrifices for storm god?

    An awesome ancient cult complex was discovered recently in Israel, shedding some new light on how people practiced religion 3,000 years ago.
    Archaeologists believe this discovery may be a place where ancient Canaanites once may have made religious sacrifices.
    Shai said that his team found letters in the complex from a language called Ugarit, discovered in another ancient site in Syria, which suggests that the people were likely worshipping Baal.
    The religion of the people who worshipped here is still unknown, but Shai has his money on Baal, the Canaanite storm god.

    To appease the Earth storm god Gaia, wind & solar farms are built in the name of sustainability, which, at the feet of, economies were sacrificed.


    • #

      Shai said that his team found letters in the complex from a language called Ugarit
      I think you will find that the language was Bugarit the root language of Strine!


  • #
    John F. Hultquist

    Baroness Verma seems not to understand the meaning of “global.” Despite tilting with windmills in the UK, global atmospheric concentration of CO2 is up. Putting 2 words together such as “global warming” can be confusing. Just yesterday I was told I could make interesting ice cubes using leftover wine. That confused me. What’s leftover wine?


    • #
      Rereke Whakaaro

      What’s leftover wine?

      It’s the little bits of sediment that are left in the bottle. They are the bits that give you a hangover. Best to be avoided, unless you want to make ice cubes that give you a hangover.


    • #
      stan stendera

      I wish I could give you 100 thumbs up. Leftover wine my sweet ass. Much better is more wine, much more.


      • #

        Left over wine is like unicorns: a myth: it’s often dreamt about, discussed, argued over, debated, considered and accepted as possible, but never ssen.


    • #
      the Griss

      “What’s leftover wine?” ??

      Yellow, or maybe clear !!


  • #

    The sensitivity to a doubling of carbon dioxide is 0.0C correct to one decimal place.

    To really understand the underlying thermodynamics we have to consider an ideal troposphere without any such wind and without a surface and with solar radiation only being absorbed near its top because such incident radiation is strongly attenuated by absorption in the atmosphere by radiating (and absorbing) molecules like water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane etc.

    The nominal troposphere of Uranus provides the best example in our Solar System of such an ideal troposphere, and its temperature is about 60K at the top and 320K at the base of that troposphere (350Km below) where there is no surface.

    We must consider the difference between night and day. At night (on the dark side) there will obviously be energy loss to space, and that is radiated from the uppermost layers of the troposphere. The whole troposphere cools by non-radiative heat transfer towards the top, and the thermal gradient in the troposphere remains the same, while the temperature profile drops a little at all altitudes. On Venus this drop is about 5 degrees.

    What actually happens during this cooling? Well there is indeed upward non-radiative heat transfer by molecular collision (and some diffusion) upwards. This causes some expansion purely because some net movement of molecules occurs upwards to less dense regions. The expansion itself is not what causes the cooling. It is the internal loss of translational kinetic energy as molecules rise and gain gravitational potential energy in lieu.

    The troposphere is “ideal” and so what happens in one location happens all over that dark hemisphere and all net molecular movement (due to kinetic energy transfers in collisions) is upwards. So the height of the troposphere must increase slightly.

    Now, by day the reverse happens. The troposphere is warmed at the top, but because the temperature gradient is the state of thermodynamic equilibrium, some thermal energy transfers downwards by non-radiative heat transfer (not forced convection) away from the new source of slightly warmed air – perhaps 61K on the sunlit side instead of 59K on the dark side, for example. The downward transfer of energy absorbed at the top is restoring thermodynamic equilibrium with its associated temperature gradient. In short, the process is the reverse of the night time process as far as non-radiative heat transfer processes are involved, and of course the height of the troposphere lowers during the day, so there is no gain or loss of mass.

    Radiation cannot transfer thermal energy from cold to hot, but non-radiative processes can do so in a gravitational field, and that is a major breakthrough in 21st century physics pertaining to our understanding of energy transfers and temperatures in planetary tropospheres, surfaces, crusts, mantles and cores throughout the Solar System and no doubt beyond.


    • #
      the Griss

      “The sensitivity to a doubling of carbon dioxide is 0.0C correct to one decimal place.”

      FINALLY .. someone gets it right !! 🙂


  • #

    Dang – my calendar must be off. I was sure it was October, not the start of April…

    [righto, All Saints Day is what you are on about?]ED


  • #

    Thank you Jo, that is Priceless, and has left me with a smile on my evil sceptical visage.


  • #

    Well whatýa know,the thought does count.
    Let’s think nice thoughts about mother earth and she will be nice to us,we don’t need to spend squillions on fruitless schemes,because after all mum earth doesn’t need the dough,she already has all the gold and diamonds and pearls.

    Isn’t it hard to not be flippant and churlish with the Green element?


  • #
    Greg Cavanagh

    Normally if you want it to rain, you put your car out and wash it. Or put your clothes on the line.

    The thought of doing either of those is not enough to make it rain. So I don’t believe it was the thought of putting the windmills up.

    Perhaps more likely CO2 isn’t what was causing the global average temperature to slightly rise a bit more in the last 30 years, just like what has done periodically since the little ice age.


  • #

    29 Oct: Economic Times: Reuters: Australia reaches climate policy compromise: Reports
    Australia’s government has reached a compromise with independent senators and a key opposition party to secure support for a A$2.5 billion ($2.2 billion) fund to cut greenhouse gas emissions, media reports said Wednesday.
    The ruling Liberal party has secured backing from the Palmer United Party (PUP) and independent senators Nick Xenophon and John Madigan, with details to be released later on Wednesday, according to the Guardian and the Australian Financial Review…
    According to the Guardian, the government has accepted proposals by Senator Xenophon to put in place a “safeguard mechanism” to ensure emissions in the coal-dependant nation do not rise under the new scheme…
    But according to the reports, the government has rejected proposals to set aside A$500 million to buy U.N.-issued carbon offsets from abroad to ensure the target is met.
    The Palmer United Party has backed the compromise because the
    government has agreed to review its plan to design an emissions trading scheme that would only enter into force when other large emitters, such as China and the United States, have similar policies in place, the Guardian reported.


  • #
    Olaf Koenders

    Sir Paul Nurse promised to start experiments straight away — beginning by asking seven million British school students to do a coloring in competition on emissions reduction every Monday in 2015 to see how much global temperatures can be reduced compared to other days of the week.

    Colouring using crayons made with fossil-fuel on paper made from trees. Where are the greenie complaints?

    Nice post Jo.


  • #

    for the Coalition who keep up the pretense…and the MSM who propagandise CAGW 24/7:

    28 Oct: Fox News: Kelly File: Weather Channel founder blasts climate change
    This is a rush transcript from “The Kelly File,” October 27, 2014.
    JOHN COLEMAN, WEATHER CHANNEL CO-FOUNDER: Well, it’s very easy. But thank you for having me on your program. You know, a climate skeptic can rarely get on TV, ever since Al Gore made it a plank of the Democratic Party.
    KELLY: And they say you’re a “Looney Tunes” if you don’t believe it.
    COLEMAN: You bet, and I been in the TV news organizations now for 60 years, and I only met two Republicans the whole time, and they were both hiding in the closet.
    KELLY: Well, we heard a lot of that from the last even presidential debate. I mean, even some of the Republican candidates up there, suggested you are nuts. Remember Jon Huntsman? If you don’t believe in manmade global climate change.
    COLEMAN: Well, it’s very difficult for anybody to be against it because the media has told the nation over and over again, day after day for 20 years that the oceans are rising, the polar bears are dying, the sea — the ice is melting, the storms are going to sweep the earth and that we’re all gonna die of a heat wave. I mean, this is an incredible bad, bad science…
    COLEMAN: Well, I would like to announce tonight, to people who are friends of Al Gore’s that, “Whoops, he got that one wrong!” The Antarctic icecap is at all-time record high in both coverage and thickness. And the Arctic icecap at the North Pole is at the highest it has been in several years. It’s in its so-called normal range since we got satellite observations that could measure it.
    So, not only is the ice not melting, more polar bears are alive and happy today than we’ve had in 100 years.
    Life is good, Ms. Kelly, I got to tell you, life is good.
    KELLY: John Coleman, good to see you, thanks for being here, sir. I Hope the Weather Channel survives now. It’s likely to lose its license.
    We appreciate you being here.


  • #

    28 Oct: HuffPo: Jackson Connor: Weather Channel Co-Founder Tells Fox News Host Global Warming Is A Myth
    Coleman stunned many global warming ***supporters in October with an open letter he penned claiming that the science behind climate change was “not valid.” …

    ***global warming SUPPORTERS??? guess it’s those people who feel no shame reporting headlines such as:

    New Study: Global Warming Has Doubled The Risk Of Extreme Winters In Europe
    ThinkProgress – ‎Oct 27, 2014‎


  • #

    this Guy is obviously a global warming “supporter”!

    28 Oct: LifeSiteNews: Kirsten Anderson: Former U. of Arizona prof: We must destroy modern civilization to save Earth from global warming
    Guy McPherson, who left academia in 2009 for “ethical reasons,” says humanity will be extinct by 2030 no matter what we do, so for the sake of the other species on Earth, we must “terminate industrial civilization” and abandon the modern technology that gives us electricity, worldwide mobility, clean drinking water, and medical care; to say nothing of the creature comforts of modern life…
    “I think there’s ample chance we can save the living planet, but not our species. … Some people think that this whole thing is about us,” McPherson told the Paul Henry Show in New Zealand last week, during a tour to promote his new book Extinction Dialogues: How To Live With Death In Mind. ..
    “I work toward collapse,” McPherson says in an essay on his website. “Largely unafflicted by the arrogance of humanism, I work on behalf of non-human species. Industrial civilization is destroying every aspect of the living planet, and I know virtually nobody who wants to stop the runaway train. Yes, collapse will kill us. But our deaths are guaranteed regardless, unless I missed a memo.”…


    • #
      Andrew McRae

      Even with IPCC-levels of CO2 global warming, there is no way temperatures will rise or oceans will acidify enough by 2030 to wipe out human civilisation. Well, my model doesn’t predict it, but that `aint sayin’ much.
      If anything, temperatures will decrease globally over the next 20 years, but predicting 2100AD is still dodgy.


  • #

    The Art of Cherry Picking UN-IPCC 97% Settled Doomsday Climate Science in a Warmer World

    Monday 31 March 2014
    “Warming is leading to more volatile weather patterns that are already reducing crop yields, the IPCC has warned

    And the worst was yet to come.

    Climate change posed a threat to global food stocks, and to human security, the blockbuster report said.”

    Wednesday 29 October 2014
    “Picking is underway for what could be Australia’s largest ever crop of cherries.

    The overall Australian volume, there have been figures thrown around of 18,000 tonnes, whereas last year it was more around the 10,000 or 12,000 tonnes, so certainly 18,000 tonnes will be quiet large.”

    Cherry Growers Australia says based on levies, the largest crop was in 2012/2013, when 14,000 tonnes of cherries were produced.”
    . . .
    There is no art in picking low hanging fruit!


  • #

    behind paywall. big political move by BoE, prompted by Defra:

    BoE demands climate answers from insurers
    Financial Times – ‎Oct 27, 2014‎

    27 Oct: IFA Magazine: BoE wants climate answers from insurers
    About 30 insurance companies have received a letter from the Bank of England (BoE), as Threadneedle Street officials aim to assess the risks that climate change poses to their solvency and earnings.
    The BoE looks to be increasingly worried about the potential financial fallout generated by concerns over global warming and has written to a number of insurers asking if they were aware when their business models might become affected by changing temperatures or extreme weather disasters.
    According to a Financial Times report, the letter from the bank’s Prudential Regulation Auhtority also asks the insurers whether they have considered they way their investment portfolios could be impacted by climate change…
    ‘We understand the commercial consequences of climate change for the insurance sector,’ said Steve Waygood, responsible investment chief at Aviva Investors, was quoted as saying by the newspaper.
    ‘The government can’t expect the insurance industry to do its job of dealing with climate change. It’s the job of global governments to correct the market failures that exist. They cannot regulate us into doing that for them.’

    28 Oct: Daily Caller: Michael Bastasch: Central Bankers Demand Insurers Assess Climate Risks Despite Lull In Extreme Weather
    The Bank of England is demanding about 30 insurance companies assess the risks that global warming poses to their balance sheets, despite reports of a lull in natural disasters and healthy profit margins in the industry…
    While the U.K. flooding was certainly a dramatic event, there is little evidence that global warming is causing natural disasters to become more frequent or intense. In fact, the insurance market Lloyd’s of London reported in September that its profits were being boosted by a lack of natural disasters this year…READ ALL


  • #

    Just saw this, Hunt and Palmer announce climate deal, what news is this and how can it be interpreted?


    • #

      A $2.55 billion Emissions Reduction Fund to pay emitters to reduce their pollution, how about a genuine shirtfront on all crap CAGW money-go-rounds and put the funds into rebuilding business in this country, or hopefully this ERF is a sneaky way of doing just this.


    • #
      Andrew McRae

      I just saw it on the way home on the bus and wondered if it was O/T, but I see you have already broached the topic. Well it is about taxes to change the weather, so I guess it’s ON topic.

      After my comment last week that MemoryVault had been proven right about the Liberal-in-name-only Party retaining the purse-busting RET Scheme, it seems now yet another MemoryVault prediction has come true.

      Quoting MemoryVault from June 27, 2013:

      in the next few days Resurrected Kevin announces a scrapping of the carbon tax by going straight to an ETS (precisely what Abbott intended to do anyway, without actually saying so)

      And here we are, the Fiberals are continuing the Emission Trading Scheme. It may have been reached via a rather circuitous route, but their true agenda is revealed in the end result: they cancelled the Carbon Tax by moving to an ETS. It’s got to be more than luck that their old pal Clive was there to run a sockpuppet party offering a false choice.

      So the politically biased Climate Change Authority will reach a predetermined unscientific conclusion that an ETS should go ahead, then all the emissions trading administrative bureaucracy will be kept in place despite the nominal trading amounts being zero, what a monumentally inefficient futile fnckup.


      • #

        I remember MV’s insights and kept an open mind, sadly Andrew, MV, yourself and others here are looking to have been correct in predictions of the 2 party separation regarding CAGW and as always it’s about the money, the party disagreements are simply dummy spits about how the money gets spread around or what’s left over when it’s their turn to play grown ups.

        It’s all a bit depressing really, Democracy has been turned into a bitch for criminals never to be incarcerated.


    • #
      James Bradley


      I watched Christine Milne have an enormous conniption on the ABC news in response to the decision so it must be good.


  • #

    this specifically names Defra. can’t copy, so read it all:

    28 Oct: Global Capital: John Hay: Bank of England’s climate quiz is a breakthrough


  • #

    The reason why the greenies imagine CO2-AGW is real is because for about 50 years, atmospheric and associated soft sciences have been teaching incorrect radiative physics. The proof is here:

    This MIT course module teaches that the ‘Stefan-Boltzmann’ equation predicts an energy flux; it does not – the result is the Emittance – the Potential energy flux to a sink at Absolute Zero. The next module teaches that Emittance (W/m^2) = Emissivity (dimensionless). These two appalling mistakes, the rule in US and, I suspect, UK Universities, have led to the fake IPCC modelling and claims.

    Only the vector sum of Emittances gives the real, net IR energy flux. There is near zero net CO2-IR from the Earth’s surface. Add in control mechanisms in the atmosphere and net CO2-AGW is near zero. There is no problem, no need for the windmills etc. in a World awash with fossil fuels for at least a century!

    The textbooks need correcting. Our trolls who busily push this false physics need to shut up. Students taught incorrect physics should sue their Universities for a return of their fees.


  • #

    re the study in earlier link:

    BBC: Matt McGrath: Population controls ‘will not solve environment issues’

    just noticed:

    PNAS: Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems
    by Corey J. A. Bradshaw and Barry W. Brook
    ***Edited by Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved September 15, 2014 (received for review June 5, 2014)

    ***Ehrlich’s involvement explains it all.


  • #

    Nausiating day … The ETS, Death march McPherson, and to round it off, Anna Rose is Australian Geographic’s conservationist of the year …


  • #

    Maybe Government Baroness Verma should get some figures James Delingpole at Breitbart 🙂

    The UK’s total contribution to anthropogenic man-made CO2 levels is less than 1.5 per cent of the world’s total.
    Between 1990 and 2013 global CO2 emissions increased by 61 per cent. Of that increase, 67 per cent came from China and Baroness Verma’s country of birth, India. In the same period, the UK decreased its emissions by 19 per cent.
    (H/T Kevin Marshall at Bishop Hill)
    This means that as a result of carpeting the countryside with wind and solar farms, hiking green taxes, driving up fuel bills, helping around 8,000 people each year to die in fuel poverty, slicing and dicing Britain’s avian fauna, further enriching wealthy landowners like the Prime Minister’s father-in-law Sir Reginald Sheffield Bt at the expense of poor energy users, ruining the landscape, risking blackouts and brownouts, and clogging the UK economy with further layers of sclerotic regulation, UK government climate policy has managed to offset nearly 1.2 per cent of the combined CO2 increase of India and China.


  • #

    Thiotimolic windmills.


    • #

      Or is that Thiotimilinic? I guess maybe the first as it reached from the future to force me to drop the ni.


  • #
    Roy Hogue

    Amazing! They have invented time travel. Now I can go back and fix all the mistakes I’ve made over my lifetime. I knew there was some benefit somewhere in all this global warming if I was just patient enough to wait for it to show up. 🙂


  • #

    This would be so funny if they weren’t spending so many billions of our money. You go to Climate Depot and Marc has all these headlines of warmist doom and apocalypse, and you think you’ve accidentally clicked through to The Onion!!!!


  • #

    29 Oct: Age: Nationals MP George Christensen calls for weather bureau inquiry
    A Nationals MP has called for an inquiry into the weather bureau accusing it of fudging figures on the impact of climate change.
    George Christensen says the Bureau Of Meteorology has wiped off early temperature records to justify its claims the weather is getting hotter.
    He pointed to records of the drought 118 years ago where temperatures were hitting 50C in Camden, NSW, 44C in Perth and 43C in Geelong, Victoria…
    “How could it be getting hotter … if it was really hotter 118 years ago,” he told parliament on Wednesday.
    “It’s relatively simple: the early years are simply wiped from the official record.”…
    He will be seeking an inquiry into the bureau’s conduct and the homogenisation process this week.
    “We have a scientific process being tainted at the source,” he said…

    29 Oct: ScoopNZ: New paper finds no significant 20th century warming for NZ
    Press Release: New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
    A Reanalysis of Long-Term Surface Air Temperature Trends in New Zealand * by C.R. de Freitas, M.O. Dedekind and B.E. Brill.
    A research paper on the homogenisation of the temperature record in New Zealand, reducing the current official rate of 0.9°C per century to 0.3°C, has just been published in the international scientific journal Environmental Modeling & Assessment.
    The paper addresses the values of the data adjustments required during 100 years of the Seven-station Series, which is recognised as being representative of New Zealand as a whole. It also considers corrections to station data contaminated by vegetation growth, urbanisation and other factors.
    The New Zealand historical temperature trend has not been addressed in the scientific literature since the first Seven Station Series was published by MJ Salinger in 1980. At about the same time, a paper by JWD Hessell called in question the quality of the New Zealand historical weather data used in the series.
    The new paper builds on both viewpoints by applying modern techniques to correct sub-optimal raw data and to recalculate the 1980 adjustments…


  • #

    BBC just had lengthy, scary interview with Maplecroft’s Allan and Fairfax/Reuters naturally has it. Maplecroft have been at it for years, & the MSM laps it up every time:

    30 Oct: SMH: Reuters: Climate change a ‘threat multiplier for farming-dependent nations: report
    Climate change and food insecurity are “threat multipliers”, and 32 countries dependent on farming face an “extreme risk” of conflict or civil unrest in the next 30 years, a global analytics firm said on Wednesday.
    Food shortages and rising prices have the potential to worsen political, ethnic, class and religious tensions, the risk advisory firm Maplecroft reported in its annual “Climate Change and Environmental Risk Atlas (CCERA)”.
    Analysts noted that several nations’ military leaders are ahead of their governments in focusing on such risks.
    In Nigeria, for instance, the rise of the Muslim insurgency Boko Haram may be linked to population movements caused by a west African drought a decade ago, the UK-based company said…
    “I think the most surprising thing (the new data shows) is how closely linked food security and climate change are,” James Allan, Maplecroft’s associate director, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “We were not expecting this level of linkage.”…
    The Maplecroft study echoes reports from the Pentagon and other military bodies about the security implications of global warming…


  • #

    Weather Channel posted this 7 hours ago, no doubt to counter John Coleman’s recent Open Letter and appearance on Fox’s Kelly File (several comments make the connection):

    Global Warming: The Weather Channel Position Statement


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    horror – 28 and 27 for Sydney!

    30 Oct: SMH: Peter Hannam: Hot enough? Things are going to get hotter
    Australia’s unusually hot and dry weather is set to extend well into summer with the Bureau of Meteorology predicting increased risks of bushfires and heatwaves.
    The bureau’s latest three-month outlooks for temperature and rainfall covering the November-January period indicate the likelihood of drier-than-normal conditions across most of eastern Australia, particularly the north-east.
    For Sydney, the immediate forecast is for mostly dry weather, with maximums of at least 28 and 27 degrees to end October and 32 to start November off on Saturday…
    While Australia is unlikely to break the annual heat records set last year, 2014 will probably run close. Global warming is stacking the odds that Australia will post hotter temperatures…


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    handjive –

    Guardian has doubled down on the CAGW threat to food security story you posted. the headline is now categorial…and your link to ABC cherry story is still in the comments:

    29 Oct: Guardian: 8 foods you’re about to ***lose*** due to climate change
    By Twilight Greenaway
    According to David Lobell,deputy director of the Center on Food Security and the Environment at Stanford University, “The general story is that agriculture is sensitive. It’s not the end of the world; but it will be a big enough deal to be worth our concern.”
    One major issue is carbon dioxide, or CO2. Plants use the gas to fuel photosynthesis, a fact that has led some analysts to argue that an increase CO2 is a good thing for farming. Lobell disagrees, noting that CO2 is only one of many factors in agriculture. “There’s a point at which adding more and more CO2 doesn’t help,” he says…
    Here’s a list of the foods to enjoy now – while they’re comparatively plentiful…
    (Twilight Greenaway is a writer and editor who focuses on food and sustainability. She is managing editor of Civil Eats
    The Vital Signs platform is funded byAvery Dennison, Domtar and Chiquita)
    whatdidyouexpect: It’s stupid claims like this that lead people to doubt the whole climate change ethos.
    Lord Locksley: Twilight of the Clods.
    handjive included a link to:
    Picking is underway for what could be Australia’s largest ever crop of cherries.

    btw Twilight was once food editor at Grist. LOL.


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    29 Oct: The Atlantic: David A. Graham: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel: Get Used to Endless War
    From ISIS to climate change, the Pentagon chief says, the threats that face the United States are long-term challenges.
    It sure seems like there are frightening events happening everywhere today—from ISIS to Ebola, Russian imperialism to Chinese saber-rattling, climate change to congressional dysfunction. But is it really worse, or will this, too, pass?
    Bad news: It’s really worse, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told James Fallows at the Washington Ideas Festival Wednesday….
    And Hagel didn’t seem especially sanguine that it would end anytime soon. In other words: Get used to endless war…
    He noted in particular the challenge of global warming, which Hagel’s Pentagon has made a priority, declaring it a national-security threat, even as Hagel’s own Republican Party continues to block broader steps..
    Buckle your seatbelts.


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    […] JoNova on the newly discovered Global Placebo Effect: Matt Ridley was questioning Baroness Sandip Verma at the House of Lords this week. He pointed out to the peers that even the IPCC admits there is “hiatus” that modelers can’t explain. Verma responded: “‘It [global warming] may have slowed down, but that is a good thing. It could well be that some of the measures we are taking today is helping that to occur.’” [Source — Dailymail] […]
