Protests coming up

There are two protests coming up in Sydney. Friday – tomorrow with David Archibald in Martin Place, and Saturday week with myself Christopher Monckton and David Evans at Hyde Park on Saturday 9th July.
Click on this link to see the Monckton tour dates.
Click here for other protests around the country.

If you live in or near the electorates of Greenway (NSW) and La Trobe (Vic) groups are forming. Please add a comment below or email me to find out more. If you want to start a group to meet like minded people, Holler!

Sydney  Protest climate sceptics

Click on the image to see a larger one.


Saturday, 2nd July 2011 1pm Foreshore Park, Newcastle see Facebook

Click on this image for more information about tomorrows rally in Sydney:

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12 comments to Protests coming up

  • #

    Are there any coming up in Victoria soon?


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    Going to the trenches to win a propaganga battle can be seen as desperate and the one who ‘Blink’s’ first – the NAZI alignement attributed to Lord Monckton’s comments concerning Dr Garnaut was like kero on a fire …

    Scepticism is healthy when if forces the other side to prove their point – but what appears to be happening within the CARBON TAX debate is a hardening of positions and hard hats being donned … see A CO2 Presentation ..

    As we saw in Greece overnight and again in Egypt – the protestors have again turned to violence and mayhem – there are accusations that the contributors are radical elements not representative of the true protesters … it is developing to a revisit to the race riots in Detroit in the late 60’s and the University protests over Vietnam in this country in the early 70’s…

    As a modern civilisation – we are still the worst of all the inhabitants sharing this planet – we enact violence whenever confronted … and the continuing DEBT burden GFC induced abyss we are all now facing that nobody can find an answer for – is the real concern for the world –

    Yet Climate Change and all its spin-offs holds priority in this Country when the whole planet is faced with its own self destruction over things like – trade – food prices – poverty – and the ever shrinking equality and struggle of life –

    Hyping the Carbon Tax debate to the level it is in this Country is a smokescreen and the attention it is drawing away from the real issues facing an International community – make you wonder why the CARBON TAX has the attention it does … the debate is so much about what is not being said or focused on as it is about a non-issue like Climate Change …


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    People will look at that poster and assume it is to encourage bible reading.


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    Eh? Mattb — take off your green coloured glasses 😉


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    12 PM is (by convention) midday, but the candle and the image suggests a night event, which may feed some people’s misapprehension that 12PM is midnight. May have been better to say “noon”.


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    As a modern civilisation – we are still the worst of all the inhabitants sharing this planet – we enact violence whenever confronted …

    I beg to differ. It is quite evident that the most destructive organisms on this planet are trees. Ever since their evil genus spawned from the depths of hell from whence they came, trees have literally taken over the world. No corner of the globe has been untouched by their ravenous appetite for land, water and air. Compared to those vile land grabbing, shade spreading, water sucking terrestrial parasites, humans are but an insignificant speck. Try as we may to save the planet from this trunked menace they still manage to outgrow our chainsaws.

    Yet Climate Change and all its spin-offs holds priority in this Country when the whole planet is faced with its own self destruction over things like – trade – food prices – poverty – and the ever shrinking equality and struggle of life –

    Indeed. The world is on the brink. How will we ever survive? With so much disaster going on, you could wake up dead tomorrow and not even know it. I’ll let you in on a secret, I’m most worried about the Martian threat. We all know the government is secretly cavorting with those green little devils to suck the air from Earth and return it to mars. Here is proof!

    I might wander down to Martian Place tomorrow and join the rally against the invasion.


  • #

    Well, you learn something new every day.
    I always thought 12 AM was noon and 12PM was midnight.


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    Mark Borgelt: #7

    I always thought 12 AM was noon and 12PM was midnight.

    That is because you are not a pedant.

    Whereas, us fully paid-up members of pedants anonymous know that “AM” means Ante Meridiem: “before noon”; and “PM” means Post Meridiem : “after noon”. One second after 11.59.59AM is therefore Noon, and one second after noon is 12.00.01PM. Likewise, one second after 11.59.59PM is Midnight, and one second after midnight is 12.00.01AM. To a pedant, 12 o’clock does not exist at all.

    Or, if you consider the 24-hour clock, 1200 hrs is the same time as noon, and 0 hrs is the same time as midnight.

    So this is an extremely long-winded way of saying, you are right … and the poster is actually er … wrong? 🙁


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    Roy Hogue

    Mattb @3,

    You could do worse than to do a some Bible reading. I do believe a little thing called The Ten Commandments prohibit such things as lying, cheating and stealing that we see being done in the name of science, government and more than a few businesses these days.

    Give it a shot, Matt. No telling what you might learn.


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    Kevin Moore

    “…In the same document in which Greenpeace talks about the ExonnMobil money, it chillingly asserts that climate “deniers” aren’t entitled to free speech. Why? Because “Freedom of speech does not apply to misinformation and propaganda”.

    See, BP. Greenpeace & the Big Oil Jackpot. by Donna LaFramboise.


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    Indeed Roy, I think any work of fiction that has stood 2000 years must be worth a read.
